Artificer Weird Science DC

Product Discussion

I'm building an Artificer as a Cohort, and have a question about the DCs for someone else activating one of his weird science items. It says the DC is 15 for someone else to use the item. My question refers to activating an item combining multiple magical effects. It says the dc for the artificer to activate it is 25 + the number of effects activated, but it doesn't mention whether it's any different for someone else activating said device. Would I just have the save 25+DC for activating my cohorts item, or would i have to pass 2 saves? 1 of 15 and 1 at 25+? What I am hoping not to hear is that I add the 2 DCs together.

The artificer is a class from Adamant Entertainment's Tome of Secrets, so this thread should probably be in the Compatible Products section or in the actual product thread. Adamant stopped answering questions about this book a long time ago, so the best you'll get is some answers from other people who've used the class and encountered the same problems. Otherwise, I'd suggest talking with your GM and coming up with a ruling on this. If you look through some of the comments on the class you'll see that the class has a reputation for being somewhat incomplete/in need of a revision.

From what I've seen in reviews, LPJ's Machinesmith tends to be a superior artificer type character if you want to build a character like this and don't want to put up with the problems of a Tome of Secrets artificer.

thank you. I'm having trouble finding the machinesmith though, if you could post a link i would greatly appreciate it.

Machinesmith. The class isn't on at this time, but isn't that expensive and has reviewed fairly well from some of the respected (they use the entire range of review scores) reviewers.

Machinesmith's available for $1 on until the end of the day.

Also, Machinesmith and Artificer go about different ways of making a "mad scientist" type of character. It's not really a matter of which is superior.

Machinesmith is definitely more organized, but Artificer has a more "crafty" feeling to it.

What constitutes end of the day time wise have to wait until around 4pm central before I'll be able to grab it.

Talonhawke wrote:
What constitutes end of the day time wise have to wait until around 4pm central before I'll be able to grab it.

As a CST guy myself, I imagine the end of the day. ;)

LPJ runs these sales often. I know right now at 3 p.m. it's still a buck, along with most his older catalog.

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