Whirlwind / Elemental Question

Rules Questions

Did a search, but didn't see anything.

When an air elemental transforms into a whirlwind, is there any limit on how often they can do it/how long they can stay in that form?

Generic whirlwind ability description says "for up to 1 round for every 2 HD they have." It also says the the format is "Format: whirlwind (3/day, 10–30 ft. high, 1d6+6 damage, DC 15); Location: Special Attacks."

Air elementals do not have the per day listed.

So, the way I'm reading it is that a small air elemental(2 HD), can use a standard action to transform into a whirlwind for 1 round, use a move action to cause trouble, and then revert to normal form at the start of the elemental's next turn, but the elemental can do that as often as it wants.

Scarab Sages

You are correct. Other creatures with the ablity — djinn are the only ones I'm aware of — have a limit on how often they can use it. In any case, Hit Dice determines how long the creature remains in whirlwind form.

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