Witch - Dragon Disciple Question



I was planning on a witch/dragon disciple build.

Say I go Witch 1st-5th giving me 1st-3rd spells.

Then take 3 levels of Dragon Disciple, giving me 2 lots of +1 existing, taking me to 1st-4th level spells.

THEN I go back to Witch for multiple levels.

At what Character level do I get 5th level witch spells?

eg do i go through 2 levels of more 1st-4th spells after the DD levels, or get 5th spells on my first witch level after the dd levels?

The only issue is that Dragon Disciple (unless the GM uses fiat) requires an arcane class that doesn't prep (spontaneous caster). :\ Neat idea though...

Dark Archive

Blake Ryan wrote:


I was planning on a witch/dragon disciple build.

Say I go Witch 1st-5th giving me 1st-3rd spells.

Then take 3 levels of Dragon Disciple, giving me 2 lots of +1 existing, taking me to 1st-4th level spells.

THEN I go back to Witch for multiple levels.

At what Character level do I get 5th level witch spells?

eg do i go through 2 levels of more 1st-4th spells after the DD levels, or get 5th spells on my first witch level after the dd levels?

As already stated, not legal by RAW. Unfortunately, Bard and Sorcerer are your two choices.

Blake Ryan wrote:


I was planning on a witch/dragon disciple build.

Say I go Witch 1st-5th giving me 1st-3rd spells.

Then take 3 levels of Dragon Disciple, giving me 2 lots of +1 existing, taking me to 1st-4th level spells.

THEN I go back to Witch for multiple levels.

At what Character level do I get 5th level witch spells?

eg do i go through 2 levels of more 1st-4th spells after the DD levels, or get 5th spells on my first witch level after the dd levels?

witch 5 DD 3 is a lvl 7 witch for the purposes of spellcasting, if you take two more levels of witch afterwards you count as a lvl 9 witch for spellcasting purposes and get 5th lvl spells.

As said witch can not qualify by itself, you would have to take a sorceror or bard level to qualify, overall it seems to me you lose too much going this route, but it might depend on how much effectiveness is expected out of your character.

If your gaming group is ok with houseruling it can be more viable, a sorceror level for a witch would be acceptable if you can use your witch level to determine effective caster level for sorceror spells or in my case allowing all spellcasting levels to stack for caster level variables, then a sorceror level might give some diversity to your witch spell list.

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