Spellbook spreadsheet

Homebrew and House Rules

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I've done some googling with no success, can anyone point me in the direction of an spreadsheet / spellbook?

Grand Lodge

Maybe Spellforge would work for you?

I use the Pathfinder RPG adVance spreadsheet at that link. Updated for Pathfinder core spells (Spellforge is 3.5). But you will need to manually add APG spells and spells from other sources. I am currently using for a wizard. It requires a bit of maintenance on the hidden sheets if you add a lot of new spells.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Wondering if there is anything new under the sun on this topic?

I made my own spreadsheet. It has all the spells for CR,APG,UM,UC, + others. It is a work in progress. I have wizard/sorcerer done and a few other spellcasting classes.

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Galnörag wrote:
I've done some googling with no success, can anyone point me in the direction of an spreadsheet / spellbook?

I've been using the one from here. It works fairly well.

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