[Wicked K Games] Our free product launched! Download it here:

Product Discussion

The Visual Alignment Tracker is now live! We decided to make this product free to say thank you to the online community on these boards.

This system creates a balanced approach to handling PC alignments and alignment changes. As the players make decisions, their alignment score gradually changes to reflect these actions. The tracking boxes maintain the PCs score totals and the point values translate into coordinates on the gridded graph. The two printable charts and color reference page included make managing all of this quick and easy. By constantly shaping the player's alignment, it encourages them to consider their character's ethics while roleplaying.

Here's the link, I hope you all like it!

Any thoughts or comments on the product are welcome! I'll be checking back regularly to this discussion. :D

Grand Lodge

Looks like a good product. If I ever run with alignment again, I'd use it.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Looks like a good product. If I ever run with alignment again, I'd use it.

Thanks! :D I understand a lot of people have stopped using the alignments. I wanted to put something interesting together to spice it up for those bored of ye old nine-steps.

The Exchange

Wicked K Games wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Looks like a good product. If I ever run with alignment again, I'd use it.
Thanks! :D I understand a lot of people have stopped using the alignments. I wanted to put something interesting together to spice it up for those bored of ye old nine-steps.

I cast detect alignment!

The Baron appears to be a Row 7, Column 9 Netural Good but is only one step away from being completely Neutral

: P

I like this, my group always has pseudo-tracked choice effects on alignment, this will streamline the process, thanks!

PirateDevon wrote:

I cast detect alignment!

The Baron appears to be a Row 7, Column 9 Netural Good but is only one step away from being completely Neutral

: P

I like this, my group always has pseudo-tracked choice effects on alignment, this will streamline the process, thanks!

Glad to be of service! We've had some flavorful experiences come out of this. One memorable example:

One of my players found a masterwork dagger with a simple carved bone handle and a wavy blade. The inscribed along the hilt bears the name "One of Us" in celestial words. It caused their score to change one point toward evil with each use. It grants +2 damage vs evil used by a good creature and +1 damage when used by a neutral creature vs evil. When the wielder becomes/is evil it becomes a cursed item that grants +2 damage vs non-evil creatures and has a 10% chance of making them fly into a murderous rage! They carry it everywhere with them as their favorite item, but worry often that it will make them more like Smegul/Gollum one day. ;)

Nearing 200 downloads. :D Any other thoughts?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It seems to work just fine, though our group down plays alignments.

Looks good, I like it so far, will try it out in my game.

However on the colored and black and white pages, there appears to be some entries on the side, to the side of the numeric values, that don't print out correctly. Something/Evil, Law/Something, Something/Chaotic, etc. I can barely tell evil and law and chaotic, it's as if two or three words were being printed over each other (both in the PDF and on the printout).

mdt wrote:

Looks good, I like it so far, will try it out in my game.

However on the colored and black and white pages, there appears to be some entries on the side, to the side of the numeric values, that don't print out correctly. Something/Evil, Law/Something, Something/Chaotic, etc. I can barely tell evil and law and chaotic, it's as if two or three words were being printed over each other (both in the PDF and on the printout).

Hmmm... I'm not quite sure why it is doing that..? I just checked on my end, and it comes out find in Acrobat Reader 9. Hmmm... I'd like to fix it. If you don't mind me asking, what reader are you using? If it's just when you print, I might have an idea. Thanks for pointing this out.

It's supposed to say "Vertical (or Horizontal) Axis / Alignment =>"

Wicked K Games wrote:
mdt wrote:

Looks good, I like it so far, will try it out in my game.

However on the colored and black and white pages, there appears to be some entries on the side, to the side of the numeric values, that don't print out correctly. Something/Evil, Law/Something, Something/Chaotic, etc. I can barely tell evil and law and chaotic, it's as if two or three words were being printed over each other (both in the PDF and on the printout).

Hmmm... I'm not quite sure why it is doing that..? I just checked on my end, and it comes out find in Acrobat Reader 9. Hmmm... I'd like to fix it. If you don't mind me asking, what reader are you using? If it's just when you print, I might have an idea. Thanks for pointing this out.

It's supposed to say "Vertical (or Horizontal) Axis / Alignment =>"

Ah, ok, never mind. I had it open in AA6 (I have the full version of that one, so it's my default).

mdt wrote:
Ah, ok, never mind. I had it open in AA6 (I have the full version of that one, so it's my default).

No worries! Sometimes letters in Acrobat look like they're in caps depending on the view, but they print fine. :D


Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Wow, this is cool - thanks!!!

Now when characters say X and play Y, we can track their downfall...I mean, progress.

Looks great! We had been tracking alignment with the old Dragonlance Adventures alignments chart, but we're definitely going to integrate this into our campaign. Thanks for making it free!!

Scarab Sages

Looks good. I may have to get out Green Ronin's Advanced Player's book and see how compatible the two systems are.

Dark Archive

Awesomeness! I love it! This a pretty cool product you've made. I'll definitely be using it in my Pathfinder games. Plus this is great for when you have those players that say they're playing Lawful Good, but do something entirely different in-game.

I was planning on dropping allignment in favor of Taint (Hoh) but looking at this neat little tracker I'm starting to question myself...

Very impressive

Many thanks to all! I am quite pleased if it's helping. I would eventually like to do a simple expansion for it with sanity/control/taint/virtue, but I wouldn't want to over complicate it. :D

Loengrin mentioned modifying the system slightly in another thread and it gave me an idea. I've been wanting to learn to do layers for a while now, so I sat down and learned it. I just added a customizable sheet that lets you modify some features:

  • Any of the chart print sheet's important text is rewritable,
  • starting dots and lines have alternative placements, and
  • the neutral center has multiple sizes.

    Hope you all like these features, let me know if everything works alright... ;)

  • Wicked K Games wrote:
    Hope you all like these features, let me know if everything works alright... ;)

    Thank you ! Dowloaded it and printed it with the modification for the neutral zone already ;)

    Dark Archive

    Wicked K Games wrote:

    Loengrin mentioned modifying the system slightly in another thread and it gave me an idea. I've been wanting to learn to do layers for a while now, so I sat down and learned it. I just added a customizable sheet that lets you modify some features:

  • Any of the chart print sheet's important text is rewritable,
  • starting dots and lines have alternative placements, and
  • the neutral center has multiple sizes.

    Hope you all like these features, let me know if everything works alright... ;)

  • I'm really digging the new Customizable Chart! Thanks Wicked!

    You're both welcome! :D Designing it was a useful learning experience.

    Wicht wrote:
    Looks good. I may have to get out Green Ronin's Advanced Player's book and see how compatible the two systems are.

    I just bought and skimmed over the chapter with alignment. With the custom sheet, I think it should be easily compatible. :D

    Now available on Paizo! Moving the thread discussion here.

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