Perfect weekend for D&D.

Gamer Life General Discussion

Dark Archive

Man with this blizzard here on the east coast, it reminds of years ago when I was in high school and we played through the whole storm and into the next morning. Tonight would have been a great night for a game!

Back in high school we used to game all weekend. We'd get off of school and all head from our respective campuses to Jim's house, start pretty much as soon as we got there, and wouldn't stop until Monday morning when we had to go back to school. As each person nodded off we just found some way that their character didn't have to be in the action, and once the DM went to sleep, those that were still awake would play video games until he was awake again.

Then again, 3/4 of the group had horrible insomnia (myself included), and we weren't really involved in anything else.

Ahh.... the days of Dr. Pepper and Totino's pizzas. Incidentally, our DM couldn't cook a pizza for the life of him. Heck, once he tried to cook two at the same time. One came out blacker then black and the second one came out still frozen in the center. Don't ask me how he did it, it's like that time Jackie's roommate set off the smoke detector by boiling water. No explaining it, it was just fail.

Dark Archive

ChrisRevocateur wrote:

Back in high school we used to game all weekend. We'd get off of school and all head from our respective campuses to Jim's house, start pretty much as soon as we got there, and wouldn't stop until Monday morning when we had to go back to school. As each person nodded off we just found some way that their character didn't have to be in the action, and once the DM went to sleep, those that were still awake would play video games until he was awake again.

Then again, 3/4 of the group had horrible insomnia (myself included), and we weren't really involved in anything else.

Ahh.... the days of Dr. Pepper and Totino's pizzas. Incidentally, our DM couldn't cook a pizza for the life of him. Heck, once he tried to cook two at the same time. One came out blacker then black and the second one came out still frozen in the center. Don't ask me how he did it, it's like that time Jackie's roommate set off the smoke detector by boiling water. No explaining it, it was just fail.

LOL! That's some great memories! That's very similar to us actually. Dr. Pepper we would drink and stack the cans until they hit my mom's cellar ceiling! One of the most memorable times for us (this is 1st edition) was when my buddy, who is like 6'7" rolled his die, and it flew into the air, then flew off the table, bounced off the floor, and disappeared down into my basement's sump pump - a dark, dank scary spider place... From there on, "Sump Pump!" became the cry for anyone that tossed their die wildly and lost control of it.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Might be perfect for D&D, but I think it would be even better for Pathfinder!

Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:
Might be perfect for D&D, but I think it would be even better for Pathfinder!

Ahhhh, you are right Vic! I'm sorry I did that - I use the term D&D to mean "the game," hence, Pathfinder. LOL.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Might be perfect for D&D, but I think it would be even better for Pathfinder!

I'd agree with you, but unless I'm trying to sell someone on the awesomeness of Pathfinder, I still just call it D&D.

Robert Billingham wrote:
ChrisRevocateur wrote:

Back in high school we used to game all weekend. We'd get off of school and all head from our respective campuses to Jim's house, start pretty much as soon as we got there, and wouldn't stop until Monday morning when we had to go back to school. As each person nodded off we just found some way that their character didn't have to be in the action, and once the DM went to sleep, those that were still awake would play video games until he was awake again.

Then again, 3/4 of the group had horrible insomnia (myself included), and we weren't really involved in anything else.

Ahh.... the days of Dr. Pepper and Totino's pizzas. Incidentally, our DM couldn't cook a pizza for the life of him. Heck, once he tried to cook two at the same time. One came out blacker then black and the second one came out still frozen in the center. Don't ask me how he did it, it's like that time Jackie's roommate set off the smoke detector by boiling water. No explaining it, it was just fail.

LOL! That's some great memories! That's very similar to us actually. Dr. Pepper we would drink and stack the cans until they hit my mom's cellar ceiling! One of the most memorable times for us (this is 1st edition) was when my buddy, who is like 6'7" rolled his die, and it flew into the air, then flew off the table, bounced off the floor, and disappeared down into my basement's sump pump - a dark, dank scary spider place... From there on, "Sump Pump!" became the cry for anyone that tossed their die wildly and lost control of it.

Dr. Pepper is much better Game Fuel then Mt. Dew in my opinion, though this new Mt. Dew Throwback actually tastes good! You tried it yet? It's not all thick and syrupy, nor is it sickly sweet.

My old best friend, who I gamed 1-on-1 with when there wasn't a game a Jim's, was 6'7" and also generally overenthusiastic.

Dark Archive

ChrisRevocateur wrote:
Robert Billingham wrote:
ChrisRevocateur wrote:

Back in high school we used to game all weekend. We'd get off of school and all head from our respective campuses to Jim's house, start pretty much as soon as we got there, and wouldn't stop until Monday morning when we had to go back to school. As each person nodded off we just found some way that their character didn't have to be in the action, and once the DM went to sleep, those that were still awake would play video games until he was awake again.

Then again, 3/4 of the group had horrible insomnia (myself included), and we weren't really involved in anything else.

Ahh.... the days of Dr. Pepper and Totino's pizzas. Incidentally, our DM couldn't cook a pizza for the life of him. Heck, once he tried to cook two at the same time. One came out blacker then black and the second one came out still frozen in the center. Don't ask me how he did it, it's like that time Jackie's roommate set off the smoke detector by boiling water. No explaining it, it was just fail.

LOL! That's some great memories! That's very similar to us actually. Dr. Pepper we would drink and stack the cans until they hit my mom's cellar ceiling! One of the most memorable times for us (this is 1st edition) was when my buddy, who is like 6'7" rolled his die, and it flew into the air, then flew off the table, bounced off the floor, and disappeared down into my basement's sump pump - a dark, dank scary spider place... From there on, "Sump Pump!" became the cry for anyone that tossed their die wildly and lost control of it.

Dr. Pepper is much better Game Fuel then Mt. Dew in my opinion, though this new Mt. Dew Throwback actually tastes good! You tried it yet? It's not all thick and syrupy, nor is it sickly sweet.

My old best friend, who I gamed 1-on-1 with when there wasn't a game a Jim's, was 6'7" and also generally overenthusiastic.

Wow, that's awesome. Maybe every gaming group back then had a 6'7" guy and I never knew it, lol.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Might be perfect for D&D, but I think it would be even better for Pathfinder!

*Trumpets and stomps in the snow.*

Liberty's Edge

On December 24, 1983, I was stranded by a friend's house for 3 days with other members of my gaming group. The air temperature dropped to -40 Fahrenheit and the wind chill got down to -70 Fahrenheit. This was before fuel injection, so the oil in the cars became sludge.

We played Against the Giants and watched movies on VCR. It was a great three days of fun. I wonder what good memories people are making this weekend?

Dark Archive

William Ronald wrote:

On December 24, 1983, I was stranded by a friend's house for 3 days with other members of my gaming group. The air temperature dropped to -40 Fahrenheit and the wind chill got down to -70 Fahrenheit. This was before fuel injection, so the oil in the cars became sludge.

We played Against the Giants and watched movies on VCR. It was a great three days of fun. I wonder what good memories people are making this weekend?

Another good one William. That temperature is insane!

Liberty's Edge

Robert Billingham wrote:
William Ronald wrote:

On December 24, 1983, I was stranded by a friend's house for 3 days with other members of my gaming group. The air temperature dropped to -40 Fahrenheit and the wind chill got down to -70 Fahrenheit. This was before fuel injection, so the oil in the cars became sludge.

We played Against the Giants and watched movies on VCR. It was a great three days of fun. I wonder what good memories people are making this weekend?

Another good one William. That temperature is insane!

It was the worst cold I have seen in Chicago or anywhere else. I was shocked that some buses and emergency vehicles were still running in that weather. (I guess the secret was to keep them running constantly.)

William Ronald wrote:
Robert Billingham wrote:
William Ronald wrote:

On December 24, 1983, I was stranded by a friend's house for 3 days with other members of my gaming group. The air temperature dropped to -40 Fahrenheit and the wind chill got down to -70 Fahrenheit. This was before fuel injection, so the oil in the cars became sludge.

We played Against the Giants and watched movies on VCR. It was a great three days of fun. I wonder what good memories people are making this weekend?

Another good one William. That temperature is insane!
It was the worst cold I have seen in Chicago or anywhere else. I was shocked that some buses and emergency vehicles were still running in that weather. (I guess the secret was to keep them running constantly.)

I spent a winter in Chicago a few years ago. I loved playing in the snow, but shoveling the 10 inches of snow out of the driveway every morning convinced me that snowy climates are somewhere to visit, not live, at least for me.

Back when I was in the Army, we would start on Friday right after the final formation, and play through until PT monday morning. We would catch a little sleep as needed and stock pi;e the food and snacks to minimize other breaks in the action. Crazy days. We hit all the classics, Temple of Elemental Evil, Against the Giants, Tomb of Horrors. My favorite hands down was Vecna Lives.

Dark Archive

paul halcott wrote:
Back when I was in the Army, we would start on Friday right after the final formation, and play through until PT monday morning. We would catch a little sleep as needed and stock pi;e the food and snacks to minimize other breaks in the action. Crazy days. We hit all the classics, Temple of Elemental Evil, Against the Giants, Tomb of Horrors. My favorite hands down was Vecna Lives.

Awesome. Good times, man. My original character is still alive but has been unplayed in several years. He is a 32nd level paladin (3.5) but had gone through the transformations from 1st edition until then. My buddy built his own incredible world where we fought against the likes of Vecna and Mordenkainen etc. Too many interesting adventures to recount.

Liberty's Edge

As long as everything is dug out by tomorrow afternoon - there is D&D / Pathfinder to be played!

Marc Radle 81 wrote:
As long as everything is dug out by tomorrow afternoon - there is D&D / Pathfinder to be played!

Well, I'm dug out pretty good so my gaming group should be able to fit into my driveway!

Liberty's Edge

Saradoc wrote:
Marc Radle 81 wrote:
As long as everything is dug out by tomorrow afternoon - there is D&D / Pathfinder to be played!
Well, I'm dug out pretty good so my gaming group should be able to fit into my driveway!

Bet they'll have fun

Well, we only received about 3" of snow (thought it's BITTER COLD here) in NYC; I'm a little bummed about that. But! We still had our weekly Pathfinder session! Was a fun session, too -- party was assisting a lumber mill south of the Boarwood in taking out a frost giant that had been harassing (ie, eating) their barges to Isarn in exchange for free passage and guaranteed entry into the city. They took out the giant just fine. Fighter got his clock cleaned, though!! =P

Denim N Leather wrote:
Well, we only received about 3" of snow (thought it's BITTER COLD here) in NYC; I'm a little bummed about that. But! We still had our weekly Pathfinder session! Was a fun session, too -- party was assisting a lumber mill south of the Boarwood in taking out a frost giant that had been harassing (ie, eating) their barges to Isarn in exchange for free passage and guaranteed entry into the city. They took out the giant just fine. Fighter got his clock cleaned, though!! =P


Last Saturday my group pulled it's first all-nighter. Sort of. We'd finished our first adventure, and the DM decided he was done for the night. After an hour or so of video games, we decided screw it, and converted the other DM's campaign into pathfinder, and rolled up all new characters. It was awesome, because we took this campaign a completely different route than the previous one, and instead of fighting a war enveloping the world, we ended it quickly and quietly by paying one of the PCs that wasn't there to assassinate the king, then had to break her out of the dungeon and escaping. We were talking to the innkeeper and B.Sed him like we were a traveling circus, but now it seems we're stuck with it. A Dwarf Cleric, a Minotaur Fighter, and a Human Sorcerer. It's a lot of fun.

SoldierSolidus wrote:
Last Saturday my group pulled it's first all-nighter. Sort of. We'd finished our first adventure, and the DM decided he was done for the night. After an hour or so of video games, we decided screw it, and converted the other DM's campaign into pathfinder, and rolled up all new characters. It was awesome, because we took this campaign a completely different route than the previous one, and instead of fighting a war enveloping the world, we ended it quickly and quietly by paying one of the PCs that wasn't there to assassinate the king, then had to break her out of the dungeon and escaping. We were talking to the innkeeper and B.Sed him like we were a traveling circus, but now it seems we're stuck with it. A Dwarf Cleric, a Minotaur Fighter, and a Human Sorcerer. It's a lot of fun.

I love those kinds of nights, where you just keep going and roll up new guys. One of my fave things was always to roll up new guys - the whole process is so much fun.

Wow, that's awesome. Maybe every gaming group back then had a 6'7" guy and I never...

Our game giant was 6'6" you may be on somthing here.

The good all days were I slept with a set of dice and a stack of diffrent rpg sheets. And the few days we didn't RP. X-com until dawn...good times.

I miss my hard-core gameing days. Like spending days with my buddy trying to find every single grind spot in Tony Hawks pro skater 3. or playing M.U.D. and ad&d while the dm's brother practiced with his band in a few rooms over. D&D with a live

I can honestly say I have meet alot of really cool folks through gameing. Even more so when I was larping. But I have since had to slow from non-stop games. retired my 55mm d20 player killer. and settled down with a wife, kids, and a small game group.

Haha! Awesome. Yes, me 2. We used to game through the entire weekend. Not now though, although I still pump it out. I still run about 3 campaigns, one every Sunday afternoon with a Pathfinder group, one almost every Friday night with a couple old friends (3.5/Pathfinder hybrid), one with a larger group once every couple months, and then the entire old group gets together about once per year for another. I currently have 11 campaigns running concurrently, yet really only run two of them consistently. The cool thing is my wife is a good gamer and she plays too. That makes life easier.

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