Psionic skill question... Should Autohypnosis be CON based?

Rules Questions

I just wanted to open this up for opinions because after getting a good look at what can be done with autohyp, it seems like it could be CON baased. This is something I'd like to hear other sides of the argument on. These all seem like they function from enduring things. Perhaps it is mind over body?

Ignore caltrop wound (Ignoring damage and enduring pain)
Memorize (mental endurace)
Resist dying
Resist fear Fear (okay, this is Will here)
Tolerate poison (Fort all the way)
Willpower (basically ferocity)

I can see why this may have originally been a WIS based skill, but in converting it to pathfinder, would you change this? I'm on the fence myself.

I wouldn't change it, you pretty much nailed it on the head with 'mind over body'. You are basically using the power of your mind to force your physical body to do something normally beyond it's limits.

Liberty's Edge

Very interesting question - I'm very interested to see what paizo does with psionics when they eventually do them.

Since they have not done them yet though, is this the correct forum for this question?

I'm not being snarky - I just was under the impression this forum is for discussing the actual pathfinder rules.


Ought to check out what Dreamscarred Press did. They should be the litmus test for now as I don't expect Paizo to tackle the issue for at least the next two years.

Urizen wrote:
Ought to check out what Dreamscarred Press did. They should be the litmus test for now as I don't expect Paizo to tackle the issue for at least the next two years.

Thanks... I know this may not be the correct area (my apologies), but I figured paizo would be doing this eventually since it's in such demand. I didn't know if it would take them long, but I guess they have a lot on their plate.

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