Special Request (for supporting PS at my LGS)

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages 2/5

The request is simple: Can I get a stack of a dozen or so current Paizo catalogs?

The reason I'm asking is a little more complex.

I want to start an on-going PS game at my LGS. The only time I can do so is on a weekday, and my LGS is only open till 7pm on weekdays. I don't want to start any earlier than 4pm, because I don't want to automatically cut my potential player base in half by eliminating school-age players (which would happen if I started any earlier than 4pm).

In an effort to convince my LGS to stay open late enough for me to run a 4-hour game session (plus clean up), I'm going to "sell" it as a chance for him (the Owner) to sell Pathfinder products to active players. Since the store doesn't currently stock much in the way of Paizo product, I'd like to be able to plop those catalogs in front of him when I'm making my pitch, with the proposal that players will be able to see what's available and order it through the store - that way he can still sell product and won't have to put out any money (at first*), but he can still see whether or not him staying open later on my behalf is worth his while or not.

(*Until people actually start buying Pathfinder stuff, then I'm sure he'll want to.)

Grand Lodge

Not Paizo specific but a suggestion for getting a game store to let you use their space and stay open...

Set up some special House Rules:

1) all players MUST have a miniature and they need to buy that miniature from the store- now go pick your mini as I do some paperwork. :)

2) Free rerolls are available during the game. To get a free reroll the player must go buy a new die from the store- we'll wait for you.

3) Assuming your store has snacks and drinks- all food or drinks must be bought from the store.

4) Non-core rules are allowed provided you buy the book from the store. Go ahead and buy that book now if you want to use XX feat, and show me then.

5) After the game, leave the area cleaner and nicer than we found it.

Tom, email me your mailing address. josh@paizo.com

Grand Lodge 5/5

If your LGS hesitates to make room for Pathfinder it might be due to all the other money making events they have. My local store gets around this (albeit for 4e LFR) by selling $2 tickets to players for a 4 hour slot. The judge collects the tickets and turns them in for store credit.

This might be a tough sell when you're just trying to get 1 table going. The aforementioned group started out as free play, but once they were regularly running 2+ tables each week they had enough of a player base to support the switch to store credit for judges.

If you're looking for a way to support the LGS I think this works much better than waiting for players to go buy a die or mini. It's probably not worth the cost in ink and paper to print the recipt for such a small purchase and it could really (I mean really) slow down the game.

With tickets the players are visiting the register each time they play and will be tempted to buy stuff for themselves. More people are encoraged to judge and they get store credit ($8-$12) for each game they run. And most judges will buy materials to support the games they judge.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

My experience has been that LGSs can't offer credit for GMs, or trinkets to players, unless they sell food. Expecting RPG players to make a purchase every time they're in the store never works as well as it does for card gamers. I know that most stores that sell food are very supportive of people coming and playing, but those that offer no refreshments tend to be more ambivalent to games being run in their facilities.

Scarab Sages 2/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Tom, email me your mailing address. josh@paizo.com

Thank you sir.

Don Walker wrote:
stuff about store credit

My store actually has a built-in RPG rewards thing, where if X amount of people show for an event they'll give $X in store credit to the GM (to use as he sees fit). It's sort of a fool's errand though, because the store has crappy hours during the week and is almost exclusively minis/tcg on the weekends. The ticket thing might be an option, but certainly not until I can build a player-base.

yoda8myhead wrote:
stuff about food

Right!? That's what I said. Now they carry cans of pop. :| Occasionally they'll sell snack-sized bags of chips, but they don't last long.

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