Changes to AoWAP for the psi-enabled characters

Age of Worms Adventure Path

My current group consists of psi-enabled PCs, I've ran The Whispering Cairn and about to start The Ebon Triad (AP #2).

I'd like to incorporate more psionics inside the AoWAP and I am looking for suggestions on how to approach these changes.

My first idea is to change The Faceless One into a 6th level psi-enabled NPC.

Can anyone help me out? Seems like the psion in the group is having difficult times with Knowledge (Psionics), since there's not much use for it so far.

I would love to hear some ideas.

Darkbringer wrote:
I would love to hear some ideas.

First off you might want to blur the lines between psionics and magic. Most normal people don't really appreciate the difference between Sorcerers, Wizards and Psions. Members of the other Psionic classes could just as easily be using a magic effect as far as the average Joe is concerned.

One aspect of this is to all Knowledge (Psionics) skill checks equally apply to Knowledge (Arcane) skill checks.

One thing to be careful of is not to change every other bad guy your PCs encounter into a psi-wielding character, although if psionics is more predominante in your world then maybe that is more appropriate.

A final point to bear in mind is the balance factor. A previous poster made the comparison of a Wizard to a Psion. Both characters have an equivalent amount of power but the Psion can use it so much more quickly in a single encounter. An analogy of garden hose compared to fire hose was used to describe the speed with which power can be delivered, it's just that Psion uses their reserves up more quickly.

I personally would leave the Faceless One as is, but he could certainly be changed with little effect.

The main change I would make is to make the Mindflayer in "The Hall of Harsh Reflections" a psion (see a previous thread).

If you haven't already gone past the encounter I would make the Tiefling fighters Psionic Warriors. I'm sure we will encounter more Tieflings as part of the Ebon Triad further into the campaign and I see these as being part of a bigger psionic warrior order.

Finally I would introduce a Psionicially enabled war band into the Champions Belt.

I haven't read much further than this so I'm not able to offer any additional advice.


The suggestions above are all spot-on in my own attempt to "psi-up" the AOW. My group is about to begin the 3FoE portion, they will be running into a group of tiefling psychic warriors, and the Faceless One will definitely be a psion (in this case, a mind-seeded "clone" of what could be a recurring villain if my party thinks him memorable enough, which might also explain his facelessness; a flaw in the mind-seeding process).
That seems like a good plenty for that module, but future plans include phrenic "pets" of the lizardmen near Blackwall Keep, the aforementioned mind flayer (who will keep his sorcerer levels but use the psionic illithid method for the XPH as well)... and that's about as far as I've gotten. At my group's role-playing-heavy snail's pace, I'll have plenty of time for more customization.
I would suggest that if one does this, that they keep in mind the replacement of magic with psionic equivalents (especially if there are psion/wilders about). Remember that dorjes = wands, power-stones = scrolls etc. etc. This adventure path certainly will presume the average character wealth rules (based on future lethality) and spell/power storing items are presumed to be useful, not sitting around awaiting sale because there is no druid/wizard/what-have-you in the party.

Snail pace... that's the exact pace my group is taking through AoW. Started 3FoE last night and they managed to sneak into the mines using excellent RP, not a single bloodshed (Boy, was I surprised).
The Psychic-Warrior Tieflings are an excellent idea! They'll be the next thing the PCs encounter when the elevator reaches the floor first thing next session.
I haven't read AoW installments beyond Blackwall Keep, but if there's a mindflayer involved, I'll definitely use the XPH version.
I think I'll keep the Faceless one as is and not convert him. After careful consideration, I've come to the conclusion that meddling too much with 'boss-like' critters might spoil some of the "magical mystery" around the whole AoW but playing with the scenery a little, might just do the trick.
Thanks for the tips :)

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