Member of the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye

tempestblindam's page

Organized Play Member. 46 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

So I've got a Graveknight Antipaladin/Vigilante in the Way of the Wicked Campaign. He's got the Guise of Life ( Class ability. If someone uses Deathwatch ( which is a Necromancy, not Divination, spell would they know the Graveknight for the Undead horror that he is? Or should the ability cover this spell as well and enable the Graveknight to appear Living, at least in his social guise?

OK so I've got a character who's become part of the Pathfinder Faction as per the Faction Guide, and he wants to swap out the 'Rich Parents' trait for 'Defender of Society'. What, if anything, would he lose in this swap, since the original 900 gp of equipment is long gone?

Just a question for the GMs out there. Would you allow this item in game? Would you allow it with changes, or simply forbid it entirely?

Master Alchemist’s Lab

Aura: Moderate Transmutation
CL: 7
Slot: Slotless/Site (Use activated)
Price: 8, 000 gp
Weight: 100 lbs (when being transported)

This Alchemical laboratory is extensive, beyond even a typical Alchemical Lab. While anyone may use it as a simple Alchemical Lab, for the usual +2 bonus, a well-trained expert (with at least 5 ranks in Craft (alchemy)) can use to effectively gain the Master Alchemist Feat (APG). If they already have that feat they merely gain a further +2 to their total (plus another 2 for the usual Alchemical Lab bonus).
The Master Alchemist’s Lab requires at least 5 man-hours to set up properly. This time should be doubled if none of those involved have at least one rank in craft (alchemy). Until fully set-up it may not be used. It also requires the same time to pack up properly. Each hour skipped in tear down results in a 20% chance of giving the entire Lab the ‘broken’ condition when it is next set-up and those hours from the sketchy tear down will be added onto that set-up.

Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, Fabricate, Craft (Alchemy) 5 ranks; Cost: 4,000 gp

So one of my players (an Aasimar Clouded Vision Oracle of Life) has developed a real fondness for Helgarval. Long and the short of it is he pretty much constantly wears 'Helm-garval' to benefit from the Protective Aura, as well as let the helm see things further than 60' away and tell him what's out there.

My main question is: When he/they get hit with Area effect spells, should Helm-garval be treated as equipment, and thus not worried about for taking damage etc. in most cases, OR should he be a separate creature, and thus probably not with the party much longer before the Fireballs, Cones of Cold and (especially) Unholy Blights send him (back) to heaven (or elysium, or Shelyn's realm, or wherever)?

Greetings All,

So I have a player who would like to purchase a couple of bottles of Maple Syrup as a gift. It occurs to me:

a) Maple Syrup is pretty much a product of the Sugar Maple, which AFAIK is/was found only in North (eastern) America. If anyone can show me european production of it, please let me know.

b) This would translate to Arcadia in Golarion, I'd presume. Since there IS limited trade between the two continents it's possible Maple Syrup could be found in the markets of Avistan. If anyone knows of any cannon references to Maple Trees in Avistan, please let me know.

c) It would undoubtedly be a 'trade good' of durable value and also undoubtedly horribly expensive. My question is, How expensive? (It's worth about $60/gallon today.)

The PC in question is currently in Varisia, in the Riddleport area, if that helps.