Roy Greenhilt

grimdog73's page

Organized Play Member. 1,542 posts (18,586 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 26 Organized Play characters. 25 aliases.

Grand Lodge

is there an item or feat that will give a sorcerer a non-arcane spell, Produce Flame specifically?

Grand Lodge

Can you use the luck domain ability on yourself? I'm unsure and wanted to get clarification before taking it as a domain for my character.

Grand Lodge

a question about lead blades. it says that the range is Personal, and the target is Touch. Does that mean I can have say my Swashbuckler buy a wand of lead blades and have a spellcaster use it on his weapon?

Grand Lodge

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Hey guys. Is there a feat that lets a sorceror access to more spells?

Grand Lodge

Hey guys. Have a couple of questions, so I hope you can help. This is for PFS, btw...but that's beside the point.

So I have a rogue with UMD. He has the Envoy racial trait as well. If he were to take the Minor Magic and Major Magic rogue talent, would he be able to get around using the UMD roll for activation for a wand that has the same spells in it as the ones granted by his rogue talents or the envoy trait?

Grand Lodge

Male Human(I think) Gamer 20

Hey guys. Is there a recommended template for a PF2ed character for the forums? I'm finally playing 2ed(I know..i'm a slacker...) and wondered if someone has one..would save me making one. Thanks gall!

Grand Lodge

Ok, next question. My swash/slayer 5/2 just levelled and plan on taking TWF and Imp Shield bash. Character already has a +1 buckler. Now, how does it work for using as a weapon. I know it has to be enchanted separately, but would it count as masterwork already? Also, how does one get a buckler made of cold iron or any other different material for weapons?

Grand Lodge

Quick question about Slayer talent. If I choose the Two Handed style at 2nd level, can I use it with a one handed weapon? I'm playing a swashbuckler/slayer fyi. I know it might sound like a stupid question...but want to make sure. This is for PFS by the way....TIA guys!

Grand Lodge

Ok, here's my reason for the question. I have played 2 sceanrios using a pregen(lvl 7 for both if it matters), then played 2 scenarios as a lvl 1, including the character has 4xp...I want to rebuild that character, but I am wondering if I can apply the higher lvl chronicles to it. I know I will get 500 gp for each instead of the listed amount, and access to the boons and gear when I hit the appropriate lvl. I saw a thread that said you can use higher lvl chronicles with abrand new character....would this be the case for this? Just want some clarification...thanks in advance guys!!

Grand Lodge

I was just pondering...can a buckler or shield be made with special materials like cold iron and such. I want to give my rondelero swashbuckler a cold iron buckler to use the buckler bash with. i couldn't find it in the CRB....was it added later?

Grand Lodge

Hey. I was wondering if there is a list of the evergreen scenarios around? I looked and couldn't find one, but that might be due to me being tired and a little less attentive than usual. If someone could either point me in the direction of one or if there isn't one, could one be put together?

Grand Lodge

I have a question about remaking a character. He is stil lvl 1, but got a boon in my last run. Does he retain that boon if I remake the character? I wasn't able to find anything about this so I thought I would ask here for a definite answer. Thanks in advance!