Ulrich Howlwind's page

5 posts. Alias of Tiaburn.


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I'd like to join this Rise of the Runelords campaign. This is alias, I'd like to play.

Ulrich is very interesting character. He is knowledgeable and knows something about history and religion. He can contribute being skilled in personal combat, but prefers to do area attacks for enemy. He is determined to dig into old history of Thassilon and Azlanti empires. His character is more about order, so he is one, who is willing to lead a team to success and carefully plan advancement with limited resources he has at hand.

This character was created for another recruitment thread, so he might need to be fixed, that can be done later, after Ulruch get selected. if that happens

He comes from Korvosan family, but was unsuccessful in arcane studies, learned couple of basic tricks, but was dismissed from Academae, due to lack of progress. Worked as scribe and translator, found some ancient works. Discovered himself as worshiper of Lissala and was granted by some minor powers. Moved to Kaer Maga to find other worshipers of forgotten deity, but found that original idea of cult is lost, and most of worshipers view her as goddess of cruel knowledge. Willing to restore Lissala's neutral part, he is travelling to Sandpoint and later to Magnimar. His short term plans: recon an old lighthouse in Sandpoint and then move to Magnimar to find Pathfinder Society representatives.

Good luck!

@cctodd: Ulrich Howlwind is LN Human Cleric.

I'm OK with 1/day and I rarely pause for longer than 10 hours, except weekends. I am available via Skype, so if there is a delay because of my action, I can script some of them via short message.

I'd like to join this Rise of the Runelords campaign. This is alias, I'd like to play.

Ulrich is very interesting character. He is knowledgeable and knows something about history and religion.
1) He can contribute being skilled in personal combat, but prefers to do area attacks for enemy.
2) He is determined to dig into old history of Thassilon and Azlanti empires. His character is more about order, so he is one, who is willing to lead a team to success and carefully plan advancement with limited resources he has at hand.
3) He comes from Korvosan family, but was unsuccessful in arcane studies, learned couple of basic tricks, but was dismissed from Academae, due to lack of progress. Worked as scribe and translator, found some ancient works. Discovered himself as worshiper of Lissala and was granted by some minor powers. Moved to Kaer Maga to find other worshipers of forgotten deity, but found that original idea of cult is lost, and most of worshipers view her as goddess of cruel knowledge. Willing to restore Lissala's neutral part, he is travelling to Sandpoint and later to Magnimar. His short term plans: recon an old lighthouse in Sandpoint and then move to Magnimar to find Pathfinder Society representatives.
4) Players must be devoted to idea to walk through. Plot should be their solution to any background problem they have. Characters are not made in stone, they need to adjust.
I would like guys to allow character swapping, if someone leaving... Usually, my PbP went nuts because of long preparation for actual action. To shorten that, I usually allow my players to communicate over Skype/Discussion/OOC to keep their interest and good tactical advises on table. This way, I still can move it forward with them doing all mechanical stuff, but interaction and social are still up to player itself.