Rocket_Fodder's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts (35 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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kcunning wrote:
And then, like magic, it's working this morning!

Well dang no luck on my end still. I really wish Paizo could offer more shipping options. Already had 2 orders get lost by the local post office

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Does the tracking information work for anyone? Every order I've tried to track comes back with a message saying tracking information is unavailable at any point of the shipping process when I've checked.

When I try to search using the provided tracking ID (with a PZ prefix) the UPS site throws an error.

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Laughing in Exalted dice pools.

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I'd like to see more connective tissue between PF and SF settings. If I relax my brain like I'm looking at a Magic-Eye painting I can accept the Gap but there's a bunch of stuff I'd like to see developed officially - stuff like:

Is the Whispering Way still around? How would they interact with Eox and necrotech?

Did Tar-Baphon and the Gallowspire nope off Golarion before it disappeared?

How did the population of the First World or other planes adapt (or not) to the technology?

How did the gods that are still around adjust? (maybe we'll see that in a Gods and Magic book)

Vampires' and werecreature's adaptations to space travel

Now that Aucturn and gods knows what else is a lot more accessible, what are Old One cults getting up to?

For that matter, where's my Madness Mystic Connection?

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Direct link since the website's still borked: Playtest

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Pretty neat! I'd have to see a price tag first but this'd be a cool little way to canonize a character at the end of a campaign.


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Have to do a little more thinking about the mechanics but some kind of a Drift Mage class could be interesting. Kind of like the Witchwarper, they'd have a bunch of crowd-control powers but instead of tapping into alternate realities to change the battlefield, they tap into the Drift for different effects based around teleportation and a kind of "wild magic" by pulling random stuff from different planes out of the Drift.


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Partnership with Harebrained Schemes for a cRPG.

Maybe someday....

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An accessory that I'd like to see would be player-aid cards for starship combat - especially if they can be treated for dry-erase markers.

I'm visioning role cards where we can note the various DCs we need for the encounter and space for notes like weapon damage or conditional modifiers granted by other crew.

We've been using some fan-made cards but I'd shell out for laminated cards printed on good cardstock.