
Illililili's page

Goblin Squad Member. 140 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Goblin Squad Member

Do Expendables add to stats? If so, does anyone have a table that shows the level of expendable and the bonus to the stat it adds?

I looked, and did not find this information on any of the GW google drive sheets.

Goblin Squad Member

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In beta I played a Cleric/Wz/Fighter/Rogue. I got to 6/6 for the divine focus/skeleton deaths. I never pushed as I thought it would be grindy, and futile as the characters were to be wiped.

The rule I know for creating games is: Figure out the path of least resistance, and expect the players to follow it. Then make that path entertaining. Wow eventually learned to do this with their leveling/questing lines. Eve never learned how to make their game fun. In the long run fun is pretty important.

Yesterday I got to Focus 7, and Gob slayer 8 with other weapons. I had planned to continue that path today.

This morning when I got up, I decided to clean the hall. Then the bathroom. All of the bathroom. The bathroom was dirty, but not dirtier than yesterday. Analyzing my actions, I realized that I would rather clean the house than grind goblins for another day. And I'm a bachelor.

The point is, the easiest way to pass the Cleric gates is by farming goblins. This is NOT fun. Or entertaining. At all. You need to fix this.

There is no point whining without at least attempting to offer a solution.

Solution 1 - this is a pvp game. Have a split divine focus gate, with choice of either mobs or players, and players count for 50 pve mobs. Put a flag on players so each player only counts once every 10 minutes, (subtract one minute for each other player killed during a settlement war) which will stop most of the farming.

Solution 2 - put in a large damage "turning/destruction" spell that only affects undead (so it can't be used in pvp). Make it similar to the mage "wraith's cry" but do holy damage. Then Clerics can run around killing undead and get focus points at the same time.

Goblin Squad Member

So, yesterday I was trying out charge, I charged a mob and my screen locked up. I had to cntrl-alt-del and use task manager to close PFO. Then I had other things to do, so I decided not to log back in.

I am attempting to log in today, I can get to the character selection screen, press "Enter World" and a few messages come up but when the splash screen is showing "Waiting for character..." there it is stuck.

Tried to twice, then rebooted computer, still stuck at same spot.

Next will try to log in with alternate character.

Goblin Squad Member

So today I was using Charge and Feint a lot. Charge is iffy, it works sometimes, but stops when you take any damage, even if from a bleed

But I wanted to make them more effective, so I asked Guildenstern to make me +2 boots with fleet as first keyword and +2 hat with provoking as first keyword.

The boots (+2 Hide Sandals) are done now, but even at +2 they still only have one keyword (fleet), so I'm guessing my charge will not be any faster. Charge has keywords Fleet, Lithe, Athletic, Masterwork, so in theory if the boots were given keywords then charge would be better.

How are utility items and keywords supposed to work (eventually)?

Goblin Squad Member

The most common cause of desynch seems to be crossing server boundary lines, either physically, or if you die and the respawn point is in another hex.

My best guess is that the server handoff is dropping. I'm posting my thoughts on this as I would guess crash bugs are one of your highest priorities.

Goblin Squad Member

Just got booted, when I try to log in I get the message "Could not connect to alpha.goblinworks.com"

The rest of the interweb appears to work fine.

I am playing in a low level campaign where the Dm is allowing all pathfinder and Arcana Unearthed/Evolved. We are starting at level 1, but with Gestalts. I am thinking of taking a Warmain/Ninja.

In order to use sneak attack damage, I need to be flanking. Is there a standard feat equivalent to either of these specials, so I can flank easier:

1. Flanker (Ex)

An elocater of 4th level or higher can flank enemies from seemingly impossible angles. She can designate any square adjacent to her as the square from which flanking with an ally is determined (including the square where she stands, as normal). She can designate the square at the beginning of her turn or at any time during her turn. The designated square remains her effective square for flanking until she is no longer adjacent to it or until she chooses a different square (at the start of one of her turns). The character can even choose a square that is impassable or occupied.

2. Wolf Domain

Pack Tactics (Ex): At 8th level, as a free action on your turn, you can designate an adjacent square; your attacks are treated as coming from that square for the purposes of determining whether or not you are flanking (this applies even if that square is occupied by an object or creature). This ends at the start of your next turn or if you move. If you are flanking a creature without using this ability, you may add your Wisdom bonus to your attack roll rather than the normal +2 flanking bonus. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Assuming that I can do the most damage with sneak attacks, then I want to use TWF. If I start as human for the extra feat, I can grab ambidexterity and TWF off the bat and massive twf at level 7. To plan for that, am I better off taking exotic weapons to use a Bastard sword, or would I be better off Just using no exotic weapons and adding natural swordsman?