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RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. 4,998 posts (7,674 including aliases). 157 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 39 aliases.
The Ballad of Bloodmarch Hill Crimson Throne of Lore Dark Designs Desna's Chosen Navior's Savage Tide Navior's Serpent's Skull Nazard's So You Want to be a Hero Articles of Faith (inactive) Draga’s 2D:1 PbP (inactive) Magnimar Special Investigations Unit One (inactive) Navior's Age of Worms (inactive) Navior's Jade Regent (inactive) Navior's We Be Goblins (inactive) OGGM's Sins of the Saviors (inactive) Old Foofelah's We B4 Goblins! (inactive)