
MonkeyWithALaser's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I definitely second the way-afore-mentioned idea of having the exploit pool be something like charisma bonus + 3 or + 0.5 level, so that the low level arcanist isn't a dearth of points and blowing what few spells they have per day just to get any, while the higher level arcanist is swimming in more points than she cares about using in a day.

Otherwise, really liking the theme of the changes for the most part.

Would love to see any of the following appear in exploit form, in some variation at least, however they might get balanced (some have been mentioned already but deserve further nomination):
-A spell mimic of some kind
-Recharge a spell slot for or accept a recharge spell slot from a willing ally (spend a slot to act like a pearl of power for that level; this might also work for yourself if you had multiclass spell slots?)
-The ability to use exploits on spells from your own other class spells due to multiclassing (kind of like the magus arcana that lets you use spell combat with your other class spells)
-The ability to learn arcane spells from other class lists than sorc/wiz, on a limited basis of course (and no, I haven't looked at the many ways this might not be viable due to unintended combos, but it's possible in various ways now with prestige classes and the like, so it doesn't seem absurd)
-The ability to reconfigure the variable aspects of a spell that's been cast, for example, changing the energy type on a protection from energy spell, or changing the spells you are immune to with spell immunity (I think there's a feat that can do something like this...)
-The ability to enhance your (or others?) spellcasting ability in the way that many classes and many of these new advanced classes enhance things like weapons, armor, etc. (thinking of things like how the magus, paladin, or warpriest buff their weapons/armor, etc.)

Just some thoughts that occurred in the vein of the "magic hacker." I know some of them are half-baked, but there's some brainstorming for the pot. :)

The new flavor sounds really fantastic, and like it still occupies that interesting middle ground between wizard and sorcerer, but while having a unique concept and not just doing a mediocre job of being the other two.

That said, it is my hope that the new class has something interesting they can do at first level. The biggest thing I felt was lacking as I started putting together an Arcanist was something *interesting* to do with a new character. Most of the other classes had a flavorful and cool trick, but since things like dispelling and consuming magic sound more in the flavor of higher-level content, hopefully they'll have some kind of neat trick they can pull out of their hat or use these pool-points on even as a new character. :)

Thanks for the good work!