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![]() Good day; i hope you had a merry Christmas. It seems that my order Order #4076772 was lost in transit.
The subsequent order, #4150575, declared as shipping on December 1, has arrived on Christmas Eve... so I am starting to worry about #4076772. ![]()
![]() Hello all, If a character with multiple spontaneous casting classes obtains a Page of Spell Knowledge with a spell that is on more than one list from the classes he has... can he freely cast this spell from slots of any of these classes, or does he have to decide which of his eligible classes will benefit from effectively having one more spell known? Bonus question: What happens if the spell in question is rated at different levels in his class spell lists? ![]()
![]() So, let's get this straight, please: What exactly does the phrase "Special: This feat replaces the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms." mean? a) If four-armed, I cannot take TWF. I must take MWF instead. Since all the higher-up feats (ITWF, GTWF, Two-Weapon Rend, etc.) require TWF, I am abolutely unable to learn those, ever. b) If four-armed, I must take MWF in place of IWF. MWF replaces TWF in all aspects, thus being a valid prerequisite for two-weapon rend (which would apply once per round if I hit with... what exactly? Main Hand plus one off hand? Any two different weapons?), ITWF (which would likely give me a single additional iterative from one off hand), drawing more than one weapon in a single move action (if so, how many?), and so on. c) Actually, the design team never gave too much thought to this case, as multi-armed creatures who'd actually take these feats are pretty rare? d) Something else altogether? Mind, I am not asking for things like IMWF and the like, I'd just like a clarification how far the 'replacement' paragraph is intended to go... and so far, there have been about zero official responses... unless I missed something. ![]()
![]() Let's assume Conina the Barbarienne is the proud owner of a +5 anarchic furious courageous evil outsider bane greataxe (which, unless my math fails me, is a +10 equivalent) Now, Conina comes to face a devil and flies into a battle rage. Prize question: What is the weapon going to do? Applying the increase to effective enhancement granted by bane and furious would take the total effective enhancement quite a bit above +10... ![]()
![]() Hallo, Currently my subscription page claims that both a shipping containing: Pathfinder AP #79
should ship by April 25. Given that AP #79 is announced to be available by March 26, why is my copy (and thus, my access to the pdf) detained until late April? Could someone look into this issue, please? ![]()
![]() Let's assume Ixiolander the Great (Level 11 wizard) gets his hands on a Staff of Swarming Insects. What can he do with this staff, and how can he recharge it? The summon swarm ability is pretty much straightforward. Drain one charge, and *bam* one summon swarm spell coming up. However, the insect plague ability is a tad unclear, as said spell is not on Ixi's class spell list.
While we're at it, what is the effective Spell Level for the insect plague effect? 4, or 5? After all, this also determines the spell level necessary to recharge the whole thing. (IIRC, insect plague is Cle/Ora 5, Drd 5, Sum 4) ![]()
![]() So, let's assume the group found a wand of Restoration in a pre-writen adventure, with some measly remaining charges on it. What amount of diamond dust is assumed to have been used in its creation?
Situation 2: Same question, this time with a scroll or Restoration (which is spell completion, rather than spell trigger, unless my rules-fu fails me...) ![]()
![]() Okay, so a spell usually taking a standard action becomes a full-round action to cast when cast spontaneously and augmented by a non-quicken metamagic feat. A spell usually taking more than 1 standard action has its castim time extended by anouther full round action (so a spontaneous extended SNA would need 1 full turn, plus 1 full-round-action). Prize question: What happens to spells that have s shorter casting time? What about a silent Feather Fall, or an empowered Cold Ice Strike? Do these casting times remain what they were? ![]()
![]() Hello, and cheers, according to my mail, said order shipped on 2013-08-15.
One question: During my vacation (from which I returned just now), a package for me was deteined in customs - and promptly sent back for me not picking it up on time (which I couldn't, due being to vacation, duh).
In any case, do you have any suggestions how to proceed. I'd really like to have my APs complete... ![]()
![]() In our group, several players have taken offense at the fact that TN spellcasters get all the ups of summoning, with none of the downs (getting to choose what template to place on their summons plus the ineffectiveness of Protection from $aligment, so I thought to throw a bit of a wrench into the gears of TN summoning. Delete the following text in the Summon Monster spell: Creatures on Table 10–1 marked with an “*” are summoned with the celestial template, if you are good, and the fiendish template, if you are evil. If you are neutral, you may choose which template to apply to the creature. and replace it with: Creatures on Table 10–1 marked with an “*” can be summoned with the celestial, entropic, fiendish, or resolute template if you have a good, chaotic, evil or lawful alignment, respectively. Only one of these templates may be applied in the same summoning, and it will affect all of the summoned creatures. which, for example, gives a LG character the option of summoning a vanilla, celestial, or resolute creature; a CN character has the option of calling a vanilla or entropic creature... while a TN caster is stuck with standard critters (which, on the bright side, still cannot be hedged out by simple protection spells) Comments? Ideas? Flames? ![]()
![]() Well, I am aware that the familiar never 'levels up', and thus receives zero feats, or skill points for a new hit die. However, as the master's level increases, so does the familiar's Int score, reaching 10 at Level 9, 12 at level 13, and 14 at level 17.
Question is, should one grant these skill points, or not? ![]()
![]() Well, let's have a look at our villige Elder, Old Irina, a 7th level Commoner. As her title implies, Old Irina is very old. Venerable, to be precise, reducing her constitution score from the 11 she had when she was spry to a measly 5. The fact she did not use her favored class bonus to improve her toughness does not make things better. Prize question: How many hp does Old Irina have when uninjured? a) 7d6-21 means an average of 3.5 per d6, for a 0.5 per d6-3, thus she has 0.5 x 7 = 3.5 hp, rounding down to 3.
Now, to complicate things, Irina has fallen ill, and is suffering a -2 constitution penalty. How to adjust her maximum hp? a) Just deduct 7 from her max hp?
Bonus question: If Old Irina spent her 'favored class' bonus on hp instead of skills, would this 1hp per hd taken into consideration before the 'no less than 1' rule, or after? ![]()
![]() So, let's assume I have a pouncy Cat-of-Death Eidolon (Pounce for Claw, Claw, Bite, Rake, Rake), and I assign the Reach evolution to its bite attack. Now, since a Pounce requires a Charge, given the special rules for Charging, what will happen if Kitty leaps on a foe? A) Due to the charge rules, I have to stop 10" away from the opponent, as this is the nearest square I can reach and attack from. After delivering my bite attack, I am out of range for my claw and rake attacks. So much for pouncing. B) In analogy of the spear wielding guy who charges to deliver a blow with his armor spikes, I can charge next to my opponent, delivering my full set of attacks with a 5" reach via Pounce (e.g. Claw, Claw, Rake, Rake) C) As per B), but after charging up to Claw distance, I can deliver a full set of attacks that are able to connect from my current position. Which is, all of them. ![]()
![]() The 1 point evolution Improved Damage makes a natural attack of the Eidolon inflict damage as if one category larger. Now, the Eidolon can easily take the Feat Improved Natural Attack... which will cause one of its attacks to inflict additional damage, as posted in a list which is slightly different to the usual size increase table. Prize question: An Eidolon possessing both Improved Damage and Improved Natural Attack on the same natural weapon will get... what exactly? ![]()
![]() Let's say I have a bite attack, with the Grab quality attached, plus constrict. If I only make a single attack action (e.g. a bite) on my turn, I can multiply my damage dice via Vital Strike.
![]() Hello! I just wanted to ask, since this order number has been pending for the last week-and-a-half... has there been any problem with anything? Fun with international CC processing? Some obscure law that interferes with exporting edible stuff? Or am I just yet another victim of the 'massive Kickstarter rewards meet short week' effect? Cheers, and keep up the great work! ![]()
![]() According to ToH (or PFSRD, which has a faithful copy of the creature), a vanilla Alu-Demon sports: CR 5 (800 XP), Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 16. Umm... unless my memory fails me, CR 5 equals 1600 XP, so lil' demoness will either need to be worth 1600 XP, or be dialed back to CR 3. (I assume CR 5 is correct, but it cannot hurt to ask) Second, I remember Neil Spicer stating in one of his wall-of-text comments about Superstar monsters entries that a baseline monster should have 'three odd, and three even stats'. Umm... what I see are five odd stats, so huh? So, let's attempt to do the math taking Alu-demons from canonical (i.e. Paizo) Adventures... Spoiler: is using a carbon copy of the ToH entry, albeit at CR 5.
The horde of vanilla Alu-demons in the Moonscar Adventure Spoiler: can be derived from the ToH entry, as well.
The quartet in Rise of the Runelords Spoiler: on the other hand, seems to have been derived from a 17 14 15 14 15 16 array. Which would comply with Spicer's rules.
Ashamintallu, from the Shattered Star AP, Could anyone please shed some light on the matter? ![]()
![]() I just checked in for voting, and feel the urgent need for adding a possibility to declare 'None of these items should advance'. Out of the first 10 items I saw, precisely zero adhered to the template. I am not talking a wrongly placed semicolon, but all caps instead of bold text, the ubiquious 'wonderous item' and the like.
Is it just me? Am I too harsh, or elitist? Did I get off with a bad start?
![]() Let's compare the effects of Endless Power between say, a Sorcerer and a Wizard.
Which means that, as a spontaneous caster, I can spam all of my 5 known level 1 spells all day. If I took the human alternate ability, I can even spam all (probably) 7 of my known level 1 spells. As a wizard, however, I can spam a selection of 7 (or 8, as a specialist) level 1 spells, determined anew every day from the complete list of first level spells in my book.
Umm... is it just me, or is the whole affair another blow to the groins of spontaneous casters? (Yes, I am aware that if I take this ability several times, I might get the advantage of adding meta'ed versions of all my low-level spells to my repertoire of spammable spells...) Now, I admit that not every choice has to be of equal benefit for everyone... but I have yet to find mythic abilities that are of greater benefit to spontaneous casters than they are to prepared casters, instead of preferring prepared casters yet again. ![]()
![]() At the time, I am crafting a dragon encounter for my group; APL is going to be 11, so the target CR for a Dragon Fight I aim for is 14. Based on the environment, a Red would be most fitting. However, I am not a fan of solo encounters (action economy can be a royal PITA), so I am shying away fom a single Adult Red (which would be CR14). An idea that crossed my mind was to toss a trio of (CR 11) Juvenile Red siblings at them, instead (IIRC this is the maximum age before any clutches break up). Of course, all three sisters are going to have a different set of spells, are equipped differently, have the advantage of terrain and employ group tactics... Is such a multi-dragon fight viable? Too brutal? Or do you think an APL 11 group is going to pretty much LOLstomp a trio of level-appropriate dragons? ![]()
![]() Spiritual Weapon wrote: The weapon takes the shape of a weapon favored by your deity or a weapon with some spiritual significance or symbolism to you (see below) and has the same threat range and critical multipliers as a real weapon of its form. So far, so good. Spiritual Weapon wrote: A spiritual weapon's AC against touch attacks is 12 (10 + size bonus for Tiny object). Which, of course, is true for yout typical one-handed weapon for medium sized users. However, (let's assume the weapon appears in the correct size for medium clerics) things like a two-handed sword (say hello to Gorum) or a dagger (Naderi) aren't exactly tiny objects. What'd you do? Give the thingies different size AC bonuses (Spiritual weapons of different clerics are already different, after all, just look at the crit numbers), or disregard the effect? Bonus question: Does anything change if the favored weapon of your deity happens to be a ranged weapon? Since 'it always strikes from your direction', suddenly applying rules for cover or shooting into melee would pretty much nix the value of this spell... ![]()
![]() Please correct me if I am doing something wrong, and help me where I am not sure. So, what auras could be detected on... 1) a level 3 LE human warrior (none) 2) a level 6 CE human adept (faint chaos, faint evil) 3) a level 6 LN human cleric of Asmodeus (strong law, strong evil) 4) a level 7 CG human cleric of Groetus (strong chaos, faint good) 5) a level 11 LG human paladin of Shelyn (moderate law, overwhelming good [11 HD]) 6) a level 8 CE ogre (4HD) cleric of Gorum (moderate evil, strong chaos) 7) a level 6 NG tiefling rogue (faint good? strong good? Does 'aligned outsider' mean 'outsider with [aligned] subtype? Outsider with [alignment]? Both?) 8) a level 9 CE elven vampire wizard (moderate evil... faint or moderate chaos? Is the 'undead' line only for 'evilness'?) 9) a CE (fallen) Monadic Deva (14HD)? (Overwhelming good [14 HD], plus moderate chaos and moderate evil? Or Overwhelming good, chaos and evil (all at 14 HD)?) 10) a LG level 12 (ascended) Succubus (8HD) Paladin of Sarenrae (see the 3.5 succubus paladin)? 11) a level 13 CG human ghost sorceress? ![]()
![]() What exactly does Augment Summoning work on? a) all spells with 'Summon' in their name?
i.e. are Vomit Swarm, Insect Plague, Creeping Doom, Mount, Rain of Frogs and the like affected by this feat, or do I have to stick to Summon Monster, Summon Nature's Ally, Summon Eidolon, Summon Swarm and their brethren? ![]()
![]() The stat block of lantern archons sports a +2 deflection bonus to AC vs. evil, along with a +2 resistance bonus to saves vs. evil. Which pretty much looks like a Protection from Evil effect. However, unlike other archons, their Aura lacks the Magic Circle agains Evil entry... and their spellikes are lacking an always-on Protection from Evil, as well... Umm... has there been some omission somewhere during the transition to PF? Am I suposed to take the 'vs evil' bonuses as intrinsic effects? Is the critter supposed to be under the effects of a Protection from evil (thus gaining its additional protection)?
Umm... is this intentional? ![]()
![]() So, when I charge an opponent I must move to the closest square from which I can attack it.
Can I choose to employ Lunge on my charge, thus being able to stop one square farther away from my target?
![]() Is the Eidolon just an extension of the Summoner's will, doing whatever he commands (barring failed saves)?
I do not ask this because I want to screw the Summoner's player, I'd just like to know whether the Eidolon should meriily follow through
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Bestiary wrote:
Bestiary wrote:
Looks like a +4 attack to me (1 BAB, 3 by Str); for 1d6+3 (1d4 upgraded to 1d6, +3 from Str). However, Bestiary wrote:
Umm... where does this additional point of dmage come from? Did I miss something? ![]()
![]() According to the table that comes with the Reincarnate spell, the character can come back as a Goblin.
So, which Dex modifier am I supposed to use? Next question: With the advent of the ARG, the table is pretty much outdated, anyway. Unfortunately, none was included in the ARG (where it would have fit quite nicely, IMHO).
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Last but not least (this one is not a rules question)... why are so very few Adepts in the existing adventures? Most low level adventures sport experts galore, warriors up the wazoo... but I cannot recall a single adept in all the APs I know. ![]()
![]() Smite Evil wrote:
Let's assume our Paladin encounters a ghost, who tries to ask him for help. Before she can say a thing, however, he brandishes his sword, exclaiming 'Begone, foul creature!' and declaring a Smite Evil. Problem is, the poor ghost girl is actually chaotic good.What will the effects of this smite be? Nothing, as per If the paladin targets a creature that is not evil, the smite is wasted with no effect.?
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Assume I take a Quasit Familiar (available via Improved Familiar, at Level 7). Now, with an Int of 11, a standard quasit isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the socket... but what Int will my Quasit familiar have? Will it be dumbed down to 9 (as the Familiar by Level Table states)?
![]() Officially, I need a statistic high enough to cast the spell scribed on a scroll. Int or Charisma for Sor/Wiz spells, Wis for divine spells. Has this been modified or rescinded any time? If not, an Oracle would have a very hard time being able to employ a scroll she has written herself, being a Charisma based spellcaster. Second, if I stumble across an arcane scroll of, say, CLW... do I get to choose whether I need Int or Cha for using it? (Last time I checked, there was only an arcane/divine distinction; nobody cares whether said scroll has been written by a witch or bard)... ![]()
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PRD (Feats section) wrote:
appears to be in contradiction to PRD (Conditions section) wrote: Bleed: A creature that is taking bleed damage takes the listed amount of damage at the beginning of its turn. Bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or through the application of any spell that cures hit point damage (even if the bleed is ability damage). Some bleed effects cause ability damage or even ability drain. Bleed effects do not stack with each other unless they deal different kinds of damage. When two or more bleed effects deal the same kind of damage, take the worse effect. In this case, ability drain is worse than ability damage. So, do multiple Bleeding Critical hits ramp up the bleed damage, to multiples of 2d6? Do I roll 2d6 several times, taking the highest result?Is the 'effects of this feat stack' meaning something different altogether? ![]()
![]() During each round, I have a move and a standard action (barring special circumstances). Do I have to take these at the same Initiative count, or can I do one of them, and delay for the second (e.g. move to a chokepoint and declare I will strike at the first enemy to move within range? I am perfectly aware tht this would move my Initiative down to whenever I take the second of my actions. ![]()
![]() In the 'protean' subtype section, the Bestiary II claims
Bestiary II wrote: Change Shape (Su) A protean's form is not fixed. Once per day as a standard action, a protean may change shape into any Small, Medium, or Large animal, elemental, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, or vermin. A protean can resume its true form as a free action, and when it does so, it gains the effects of a heal spell (CL equal to the protean's HD). Still, each and every protean has a 'change shape' entry under SQ, for example: Voidworm wrote: SQ change shape (2 forms, both of which must be Tiny animals; beast shape II) Consider me confused (even if I am not experiancing the effect of voidworm poison right now). Are these abilities in addition to one another (allowing the example voidworm to toggle between its own shape and two tiny animals at will, plus a once-per-day shapeshift into a 'Small, Medium, or Large animal, elemental, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, or vermin')? Does the voidworm's change shape entry effectively overwrite the racial entry? (well, it does looks more power adequate for a CR3 creature)? Is it still 1/day, then? If the latter is the case, why even bother with the racial entry? After all, each and every protean in the Bestiary gets a specific change shape line in its data block. ![]()
![]() Just stumbled across something in the PRD... PRD wrote:
vs. PRD wrote:
Hmm... either Charm Monster is lacking a statement like "except for the increased duration, and that the effect is not restricted by creature type or size.", or one of the two duration entries is in error. Now, what is the case? ![]()
![]() Let me get things 100% straight... Let's assume Larry the Luckless is attacked by a crocodile. Round 1
Round 2
![]() Ultimate Combat wrote: Versatile Dance (Ex): At 2nd level, a dervish dancer gains a bonus equal to half his level on Perform (dance) checks. He can use his bonus for his Perform (dance) skill in place of his bonus for Acrobatics. This ability replaces versatile performance. Umm... does this replace all instances of versatile performance, or just the one given at second level? In other words: Does a Level 10 Dervish Dancer have access to two types of Versatile performance (rather than the three of a vanilla bard), or to none? ![]()
![]() Blood of Fiends wrote: Fiendish Sorcery: Tiefling sorcerers with the Abyssal or Infernal bloodlines treat their Charisma scores as 2 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities. There is no indication in the book that this effect only applies to 'mongrel' tieflings, or those who stem from the 'appropriate' fiend type. By rules, neither a Rakshasa-spawn nor a Daemon-spawn have any problems in getting this bonus when claiming an Infernal Bloodline... while, for retaining the effect for their own bloodline, the Rakshasa-spawn has to take the Improved Fiendish Sorcery Feat, while the Daemon-spawn is out of luck altogether. Umm... huh? Can anyone help me with this type of logic? Am I the only one who thinks that for those 'pure-blooded' Tieflings, their heritage Bloodline would be the one they are most closely tied to? ![]()
![]() What would a child of a Night Hag and an (unfortunate) human(oid) father be? Changeling, as per the definition 'Child of Hag and Human'? (Problem is, Traits are only given for Annis, Green, and Sea Hag changelings)? Or Tiefling, as the Night Hag is an evil Outsider native to the Plane of Shadow (making the child being the offspring of an evil Outsider)? ![]()
![]() According to the 'Improved Familiar' rules, you can take an Improved Familiar if you have sufficient levels in familiar-granting classes, and are not more than one step away from the Familiar's alignment. Which allows, for example, Imp familiars for a LN wizard. For convenience, the Familiar Table has even been updated in UM, stating all applicable alignments of Improved Familiars. So far, so good. Now, starting with Bestiary 2, some of the familiar choices (say hello to Azata and Qlippoth, among others) state sentences like 'a chaotic good spellcaster can take a Lyrakien as a familiar...'; well, so much for 'one step away'. Which way do the rules decide: can a NG spellcaster get himself a Lyrakien familiar, like a NE one can get an imp, or quasit, following the wording of the Improved Familiar Feat and the Improved Familiar Table, or should this conflict of rules should be resolved by 'special
Is this contradiction even intentional, or do we have a simple case of 'didn't synchronize the rules' at our hands? ![]()
![]() Quite some time ago, it was ruled that the lame curse of an oracle should not be easily circumvented by a mere revelation like Cinder Dance.
With UM, new shiny mysteries came out, including Metal.
Umm... is it just me, or is the logic behind this design a tad... obscure?