
K. Patrick Barley's page

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32. Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Neil Spicer wrote:

The PDF should be along later. I dare you to read all of it. Heh, heh, heh. ;->

With something like a 4 minute DL time, and the Paizo advertised 300 pages, that is looking like an impossibility.

GL all!

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Hi! I'm Patrick, 29, and I grew up all over. I'm a Marine Corps brat from mostly East coast bases, and started RPing in middle school with the old Robotech game. After that I picked up some Vampire and Rifts stuff before attending my first Con in and getting wrapped up in Living City. Rolled into LG and was pretty into the Geoff region before moving to FL to go to school (Go Gators!) Now I've got a degree in Linguistics and am living in the middle of nowhere freelancing and engaged to a beautiful Online content producer for the NY Times. Getting married this year, and hopefully getting more gaming writing credits too. Did alot of work in the tail end of The Principality of Ulek modules, and have been working on perfecting my style between paying (non-gaming) gigs, and tutoring local kids.

GL everyone!

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

WHEW, just finished, and for sure, I'm not going back to look at it till it's all over :) NOW I have time to post on these threads. Took me a full 2 days to revise my one idea, and it wasn't until the last evening that I changed one skill to another and it really pulled the whole class together. Like night and day. But it's in, good luck everyone!

PS if our villains have to use our archetypes, that might just be awesome.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Every faith decries the sins of the wicked, sending missionaries to other lands to preach the faith. Missionaries are often protectors and agents sent to facilitate conversion and root out heresy . A Denouncer preaches of the wickedness of the enemy and reveals their weaknesses. With the aid of allies and divine magic, the Denouncer calls down judgment upon them.

Class Skills: The Denouncer’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (All) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (oratory) (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Survival(Wis). These replace the standard inquisitor class skills.

Proselytizer (Ex): The first lessons a Denouncer learns are how to speak clearly and and with conviction so that the faithful can hear and understand the sins of the wicked. As such, the Denouncer gains a bonus to Diplomacy and Perform (oratory) of half her class level. This replaces the Stern Gaze ability.

Quantify the Sins (Su): At 3rd level, as a standard action, a Denouncer may make a monster knowledge check regarding the enemy combatants against a DC (10+the highest enemy's CR). On a success one ally (plus one additional ally for every 5 the check result exceeds the DC) also gains the benefit of all of the Denouncer's active Judgments for that combat. The allies must be able to see and hear the Denouncer and she can only make one such check per combat. This replaces the Solo Tactics class feature.

Bonus Feats: At 3rd level, the Denouncer takes a bonus Skill Focus (Knowledge) feat at third level and every 3 levels thereafter. This replaces the Teamwork Feats.

Repentant Strike (Su):At 5th level, the Denouncer can force the wicked to beg forgiveness for their sins, using a swift action to declare her next melee attack a repentant strike. A successful attack deals damage normally and the target must make a will save (DC 14+Wis) or be subjected to the effects of a forced repentance spell with a caster level equal to her class level. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to half her class level. This replaces the Bane ability.

Compel the Sinful (Su): At 12th level, the Denouncer can expend two uses of Repentant Strike to modify one of her spells, forcing all targets of the spell to be subjected to the effects of her Repentant Strike ability, as if she had made a successful melee attack against them. This replaces the Greater Bane ability.

Special: Denouncers strictly adhere to their faith and any Denouncer who knowingly slays a faithful loses their judgment and divine casting abilities until they receive an atonement.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Thanks for all the advice folks. I agree the idea was complicated and I was just having a heck of a time getting the idea out on paper. I'm glad someone was able to muddle through it and see the concept I was working toward. I think with another pass at this after hearing everyone's take I could clean it up nice, but archetype deadlines loom. :)

Thanks again, especially to Ryan, who saw the diamond in the rough.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Seeds of the Spirit Totem
Aura strong conjuration(calling); CL 9th
Slot --; Price 6,750 gp; Weight -- lbs.
These three aged and preserved oak acorns imbued by stone giant worshipers of Fandarra with the essences of animal spirits are held in a small pouch made of the hide of a dire boar. When placed in the mouth of a recently slain being, the spirit of the animal within a seed is released into the corpse of the being, and the corporeal form of that beast is called to play host to the soul of the deceased. The animal spirit enters the body, maintaining it from decay, preserving it for 30 days, while the animal form provides the soul, previously severed from its body, a means of interacting with the physical world.

As a full-round ritual, an acorn is placed into the mouth of a willing, deceased, intelligent creature, destroying the seed in the process. This calls an animal form adjacent to the corpse and the essence of the animal preserves the corpse, providing the benefits of a gentle repose for one month. The deceased's soul transfers into the animal form, allowing the intelligent creature the ability to use that form as a temporary home for 24 hours. The form is, in all ways, an animal with the statistics of a creature from the summon nature's ally V list, with the exception of an intelligence, and wisdom score equal to that of the deceased creature. This effect conveys no special abilities to communicate, nor does it affect the ability of the soul to be raised, stolen, destroyed or otherwise manipulated. After the duration expires, the body dissolves and creature's soul is freed to continue on to its natural course.

Requirements summon natures ally V, reincarnate; Cost 3,375 gp