
Gotrek22's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 114 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 17 Organized Play characters.


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Hello, what is the best course of action if the shopping cart is defaulting to 1st edition products instead of the 2nd edition products I am choosing? Is a fix coming that I should wait for before the July 3rd cutoff to select Gencon pickup. Or should I go ahead and order the 1st edition subscription product and contact customer service to fix the order?

Does anyone else have a character idea. I would prefer if people brought their own level 20 characters, but as as fall back I will have some pregens to use.


joshua gaines wrote:
Thanks for getting this posted. I'm preping a half orc alchemist w/ the vivisectionist archtype.

Joshua, that sounds great, cant wait to see him in action.


Trouble in Numeria
Game Room

Friday 08:00 AM – 01:00 PM
RPG (Pathfinder RPG). Maximum 6 attendees. Current total: 6.
Game Master: Kelly Gragg

Please use the following guidelines for making your characters:
Level: 20th level
Class: Single Base class from the Core rulebook or Advanced Players guide, - no multiclassing and no prestige classes. Archetypes from any Pathfinder source are allowed
Race: Base races from the Core rulebook
Attributes: 20 build points
Equipment: 15,000 gp - mundane equipment (from any pathfinder resource) and spell components only (no magic items)
Companions: No companions, ie animal or cohorts/followers with the leadership feat (Familiars are OK)
Feats: Any except leadership

Please post any questions/clarifications you may have.

Please post any character ideas as well, so the group can build a balanced party.


The 2nd year of Slave Pens of the Flamestone Fortress and the Level 20 Trouble in Numeria adventures have been submitted.

thelesuit wrote:
Gotrek22 wrote:

Chris I might be interested in helping out for the Convocation. Could you please send me some information?


** spoiler omitted **

No...not really.

I can't really send information without giving too much away.

What I can tell you is that it will be fun.

It will be unusual -- unless you have done a lot of "interactive" events.

You *might* earn some sort of boon.

It will require imagination, organizational skills, perhaps a bit of method acting, good knowledge of the PFS subset of the PFRPG rules, and a willingness to adapt to evolving circumstances.

That is about all I'm willing and able to say about this. To a large extent you will just have to trust me.


Chris that sounds great, you can count me in.


gotrek2222 at yahoo dot com

Chris I might be interested in helping out for the Convocation. Could you please send me some information?


gotrek2222 at yahoo dot com


Paul Rees wrote:

Well at the SheVaCon we are running

Games are as follows:
Friday 8PM - 12PM
#2-21: The Dalsine Affair (Lv 1-7)
2-EX: The Midnight Mauler (Lv 1-7)
3-01: The Frostfur Captives (Lv1-5)

Saturday Morning (8AM-1PM)
#29: The Devil We Know—Part 1 (Lv1-7)
2-01: Before the Dawn—Part I (Lv 1-7)
3-09: The Quest for Perfection—Part I (Lv 1-5)

Saturday Afternoon (1PM-6PM)
#30: The Devil We Know—Part 2 (Lv1-7)
2-02: Before the Dawn—Part 2 (Lv 1-7)
3-11: The Quest for Perfection—Part 2 (Lv 1-5)

Saturday Evening (7PM-12AM)
#41: The Devil We Know—Part III (Lv 1-7)
#3-13: The Quest for Perfection—Part III (Lv 1-5)

Sunday Morning (The Zombie Shift) 10AM-3PM
2-EX: The Midnight Mauler (Lv 1-7) **

There is also a #1 Silent Tide and a We Be Goblins game also being added but I don't have a time slot.

** Sunday tables are open gaming so we will have to find a spot to play. As this game isn't officially slotted I will run the game if I find four people semi-awake.

I don't have a schedule of events yet for MystiCon as I am not able to commit to that CON due to work related stuff but Enevhar Aldarion might have more info.

Paul where can you sign up for games for Shevacon? Are signups going up on warhorn or though the shevacon site?



Is there a local weekly PFS group in Houston. I might be in town in late April for a week and would be up for a game.



Another great Owlcon experience. It was good to see familiar faces from last year and meet a bunch of new people. I really enjoyed playing as part of Team Monk with the same table for all three of the Quest for Perfection modules, Issac, Randy, and Ben it was good meeting you all.

It was great meeting and gaming with Rene, and having the chance to GM Dragnmoon in a mod after he has run many games for me at cons.

The gaming room was a decent location, I had thought the sounds would be worse then it was, but I never really had trouble hearing the GM. I would have liked to start games a bit earlier then 10am (11EST) in order to get two games in on sunday before my flight, but it made for a less hectic morning.

Thanks for organizing Kelly!

See you all at Paizocon



Dragnmoon wrote:
Chot wrote:
Dragnmoon what is your 10th&8th level guys??

8 Alchemist

10 Rogue

Dragnmoon, sounds good, I am planning on running #40 Hall of Drunken Heroes (Tier 7-11). If there are some other players that join us with only lower level characters then I can switch to #2-11 Penumbral Accords Tier (1-5) or another low level that everyone hasn't played.



Dragnmoon wrote:
Gotrek22 wrote:
do you have a preference for PFS Tier/mod.

Does not matter to me. I have a Level 1,2,3,4,6,8 & 10.

We just need to find one none of us have played.

Dragnmoon have you played any of the following:

2-18 Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor [7-8, 10-11]
40 Hall of Drunken Heroes [7-8,10-11]
2-10 Fury of the Fiend [7-8, 10-11]

If so then maybe you could recommend a tier 10-11 that you would like to play. We have done wrath of the accursed, mantis prey, flesh collector and possibly one more.

IS there anyone else out there up for a game, we are currently looking tier 10-11 but could drop it down to accommodate anyone else.



Dragnmoon wrote:

I ran the Special at Gen Con last year and was not impressed with it, so I was not planning on playing in it.

I am up for playing in a PFS game during that time.

Dragonmoon, sounds good, do you have a preference for PFS Tier/mod.

Sean and Marcus will have 3rd level characters at that point, though they have 11th as well, so I am up for running anything.



There is a new slot open on Saturday night for anyone who has already done the Gencon special. I am up for running either a pfs mod or a homebrew one shot, whatever people want.

Adam and Silverhair if you all want happen to be free and want to play, please sign up.

Kelly G


Kelly Youngblood wrote:
Gotrek22 wrote:

Kelly, I would be happy to run a PFS mod or a homebrew oneshot during the Blood under Absalom slot for those who have already played it. If it is too late to get on the schedule I can just recruit people separately if there is interest. I know Chot And Goatlordzod will be free as they have done the special as well.


By any chance will you also be available to run Ghennett Manor Gauntlet on Friday night? Our GM there had a last-minute scheduling conflict.

I will open up a GM's choice slot alongside the special.

Kelly, I am currently signed up to play in the TIde of Twilight during that slot, which would then create 3 tables with less than 4 people during that slot.

Thanks for adding the extra slot during the special.


I am thinking about running something on sunday afternoon as well if there is interest. I ran a 20th level one shot adventure last year and may run that again or something else this year as well. I will post more after I get my plane ticket and know how late I will be around.



Kelly, I would be happy to run a PFS mod or a homebrew oneshot during the Blood under Absalom slot for those who have already played it. If it is too late to get on the schedule I can just recruit people separately if there is interest. I know Chot And Goatlordzod will be free as they have done the special as well.



Goatlord wrote:


Looks like all of your characters are viable options. I'll be looking for you.

Glad you remember us.
We do strive to be memorable ;)
I never did manage to get you to sign my copy of Book of Drakes at Gencon this year. I'll bring it to Owlcon, just in case.

Since Team C has already played the interactive, we've got an open space in our schedules... if ya wanna hang out (or possibly run another session of In Service to Lore) at the late Saturday slot, Kelly, Sean and I will be available.


Daigle and Silverhair it would great to game with you both again. If you are not playing in the interactive Saturday evening and are free, I would be happy to run a mod if you would like to join Team Monk for a game.


Stanis wrote:
My Half-Orc Barbarian has a bite attack from Toothy. If he uses it as a secondary attack during a full-attack action which he strikes first with his greatsword, I believe it is a -5 penalty to the bite attack. What is the negative modifier (if any) to the greatwword attack? Thanks.

There is no penalty to his primary weapon attack when using his secondary bite attack. If the barbarian is + 6 to hit with his greatsword (for BAB and strength), then he can attack with it at +6 and his bite at +1 to hit.

wraithstrike wrote:

It seems that the intent might have been for melee only, but it does not say it. RAW you can use it with ranged weapons. I don't know if I would allow it though.

link to guided weapon

The intention does seem for it to be used with melee weapons. It would not allow you to replace bonuses for dex with your wisdom bonus as it specifically say:

"A character who attacks with a guided weapon modifies his attack rolls and weapon damage rolls with his Wisdom modifier, not his Strength modifier."

Only attack and damage rolls based on str would be affected. A club used in melee would use replace attack and damage with str bonus, where as if you threw the club as a ranged weapon your attack roll would be based off Dex as normal but the damage would still be modified by Wis if you apply RAW.

It is further reinforced that it is for melee type weapons as there is no caveat in the last sentence if you choose to use the weapon as normal and use dex to hit instead of Wis ie for a ranged weapon.

" A guided weapon may be wielded as a normal weapon, using Strength to modify attack and damage rolls, but this goes against the weapon’s nature and imparts a –2 penalty on all attack rolls made in this manner."

It is unclear whether bows would add the wis bonus for damage if it could be used on a ranged weapon. Would it add the full wis bonus or only the wis bonus up to the max strength allowed by a might bow? Would it add to bows that dont add Str to damage?

Jason Nelson wrote:

My table was playing at a fairly slow pace (for a variety of reasons) and made it into the 3rd round before tapping out in the face of charging samurai and warhorses. With only 3 PCs, most 1st level, they just didn't have the staying power.

Time-wise, we were done after 2 hours (probably 90 minutes of actual play time, mustered up a bit late and had a short break or two).

I played at a table of 4 players, at tier 10-11. We got to round 5 and ended up everyone tapping out after I died and had Breath of life cast on me. We went about 20-24 total combat rounds in a total of 6 to 6.5 hours of game time. We went longer than the other tables by on hour or two. The higher level games just take longer with so many enemies and effects in play.

The scoring scheme hurts smaller tables with less actions per round and fewer bonus points for living characters at the end of each round. Overall it was a great game though, thanks for running it Dragonmoon.


Painlord wrote:

Yeah...what happened with this?

What was the story/fight/outcome? What monsters? What cool things happened? I'm never going to see epic-ish play so I need to read vicariously.

I want details! (or just a rough overview...gimme something!)


Painlord, I hope your aftercon game went well. I dont want to give the whole thing away online as I hope to run it again at Paizocon next year. The plot was a combination of Expedition to the Barrier Peaks and HP Lovecraft, with alien tech and the return of the old gods. The PCs head to Numeria to investigate the cause of the magic drain.

High level play is challenging because of the huge amount of accounting. The players did a great job of staying on top of modifiers and working together. Most of the spells were buffs and utility and few blasting spells. The damage output of a smiting paladin and multibomb throwing alchemist is unfriendly.

we had Sir Sederick the Bard
Bilik the Monk
Raiden the Ranger
Rothram the Paladin,
Feanor the Witch
Urza the Oracle of Lore and
Gogric the Alchemist



Kyle Baird wrote:

Kelly and everyone else at the table,

Sorry I bailed on you guys; I heard reports from the game and it sounded like an amazing time. I wish I could have been there!

At least I was there in spirit (or in character sheet). How'd the paladin and his Planetar friend work out?

Kyle, the game went really well even with all the complexity of high level games. You paladin Rostram did great, dealing 250+ damage in one round against the BBEG. The planetar did well though he had to hang back as he couldnt teleport (too many players).


Hey all, thanks for the great game, I hope everyone enjoyed it even though the BBEG was only able to ingest and "slay" Feanor.

Kyle, I am sorry you weren't able to join us, I am glad I as able to meet you at the Ambush in Absalom game on friday.

I hope to see you all at paizocon next year.


lonewolf-rob wrote:
Gotrek22 wrote:
Rob, will content purchased under a PC license of Herolab transition to a Mac license?
Yes, but with one caveat. Our goal is to have there be no meaningful difference to users between Windows and Mac licenses, which would allow a license to be migrated across platforms if the user wants. However, we ran into a snag making this happen, and we're still trying to sort that out. If we don't manage to achieve that goal, then the licenses may end up having to be distinct between Mac and Windows. If that happens, we'll setup some sort of conversion process so users can migrate their licenses across when we officially release the Mac version. In either case, you definitely won't have to re-purchase any of the content again.

Rob, thanks for the clarification, I can go ahead off pick up some additional content packages without having to wait for the mac version.


Rob, will content purchased under a PC license of Herolab transition to a Mac license?


Lets plan on meeting in the entry lounge overlooking the hotel restaurant a little before 2 on sunday. We can find a place to play once we have everyone.


Has everyone completed their characters for Sunday? I just want to verify that nobody needs a pregen character.

See you all at Paizocon

tocath wrote:

Hey folks!

My Legacy of Fire campaign is heading back to Katapesh next month, and as a part of one character's story, I find myself looking for a prison break type adventure to modify.

Briefly: The character has an important contact who has been imprisoned. The group will need to plan and execute a prison break to get this contact out.

Can anyone point me towards a good adventure or module that would have the bones of this that I could flesh out?


Tocath are you going to be at Paizocon. I am actually running a 4th level prison break one shot set in Katapesh - the Slave Pens of Flamestone Fortress on saturday from 1-6. Mine is sent on the island of Stonespine but you could really place it any where. If not I could send you an outline.


LtlBtyRam wrote:

Hi Kelly,

Both myself and my boyfriend are in your game. My name is Angela and his name is Keven. We look forward to playing!

Angela and Keven, it will be great to have you both in the game.

The pregens will be:
Dwarven Alchemist
Elven Wizard
Gnome Barbarian (two weapon fighter)
Human Ranger (two handed weapon)
Halfling Rogue (improved feint)
Human Oracle of Flame
Human Cleric of Sarenae
Half Orc Inquisitor of Pharasma

I will be posting full characters later this week or you are welcome to make your own.

I was curious who had signed up for my slave pens of flamestone fortress game. I will be posting pregens later this week so that people can be familiar with them. Alternatively you can make your character to bring and play.


It looks like the only overlaps are Grand melee and my level 20 game with Kyle

Friday, June 10
09:00 AM – 12:00 PM Ambush in Absalom (GM)
12:00 PM – 05:00 PM The Dalsine Affair - Druid 5
06:00 PM – 11:00 PM Pathfinder Society Grand Melee - Fighter7/Inquisitor3

Saturday, June 11
08:00 AM – 01:00 PM The Slave Pens of Flamestone Fortress (GM)
01:00 PM – 06:00 PM Shades of Ice, Part 3: Keep of the Huskarl King (GM)
07:00 PM – 11:00 PM PaizoCon 2011 Paizo Preview Banquet

Sunday, June 12
08:00 AM – 01:00 PM You Only Die Twice - Druid 5
02:00 PM - 07:00 PM Level 20 PFRPG Game(GM)

The characters are looking good.

I would recommend that people bring dice rollers with their attacks and major spells already setup to speed up combats. (there are several Iphone/Ipad/Pc apps. I have the Feudz dice roller on mine) After GMing through Witchwar legacy, the act of dice rolling and adding with high level characters can really slow down combats. If you are using dice please have some sort of colored coded dice system to roll hits and damage at the same time.

Does anyone have any other suggestions for speeding up dice rolling?


Majuba wrote:
mln84 wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:
Any plans on how the monk is going to bypass DR/good?

I was just talking to Scott and he is thinking Ranger- so GMF, baby!

Not sure if you meant this, but GMF (greater magic fang?) won't bypass DR/good.

I would suggest the paladin cast bless weapon on the monk's fists.

mln84 wrote:
PRD wrote:
Additionally, the monk gains damage reduction 10/chaotic, which allows him to ignore the first 10 points of damage from any attack made by a nonchaotic weapon or by any natural attack made by a creature that doesn't have similar damage reduction.
What does similar mean here? Just an alignment-based DR or the same alignment?

Honestly, I think that's just a mistake. Two creatures with DR/Chaotic are very unlikely to bypass each other's DR (alignment DR doesn't work like DR/magic as far as "counting as"). It's a creature who is chaotic subtype whose natural weapons count as chaotic that you need to be worried about. Inevitables have DR/chaotic as well, but are lawful and count as lawful for pummeling through that DR (for the few creatures who have it).

Aelryinth wrote:
Question: With no magic items, can they just blow the Wealth by Level on Wishes for Inherent bonuses to all stats?

This really is a good question, by level 20 some inherent would almost be a given. Gotrek, what do you think? Not worth dealing with? +2 or +4 spread as preferred?

Everyone can have +4 worth of stat bonuses from wishes to apply to their character.

mln84 wrote:


Also, would it be too cheesy to ask to make myself one age category older to get some benefit from the "Timeless Body" ability? You did say we could consider ourselves either renowned or retired Pathfinder Society members. :)

I understand if you think it is a "give up nothing to get something" but it is a class ability that otherwise has no chance of being useful in-game.


Malcom, yes go ahead and slide your guy one age category.


Kyle Baird wrote:

How are hit points being handled? In PFS we use max at first level and then the following:

d6 = 4/level
d8 = 5/level
d10 = 6/level
d12 = 7/level

Kyle - yes go ahead and use PFS hp generation - max at first and average rounded up for all others.

Starting spells known- wizards and witches can choose 20- spell level in additional spells for each spell level, ie 19 -1st level spells, 18 - 2nd, 17-3rd...etc, to put in their spell books representing their accumulated knowledge. Additional spells can be bought at the normal scroll price to add to spell books from your starting gold. (Assume these scrolls were all purchased/acquired and added to spell books before magic items lost their power.)

Alchemists can choose an additional 15- spell level in extracts to begin with.

The starting 10K in resources doesn't represent you entire wealth only what you happen to have on you when the adventure begins.


For the purposes of character creation assume that you are all part of a renown adventuring and retired Pathfinder society members. Maybe you have gone into retirement and established a fortress/wizard tower or have continued to adventure either on your own or with another group.


Epic Meepo wrote:
Majuba wrote:
I think a Monk would be killer in this group.
Especially if your monk player knows about vow of poverty from Ultimate Magic.

Kjob, the Enlightened philosopher Oracle looks fine. Ultimate magic should be fine to use. I haven't had a chance to read the entire thing yet and it looks pretty balanced. I ask people to stay away from abilities that give advantages for not having magic items - such as vow of silence, as there is no real disadvantage in this game. The monk will be plenty good regardless.

About traits: no traits

I usually allow characters with to be created with traits as is helps to provide a starting point for developing character background. But at 20th level characters have some many feats and abilities that traits are just one more thing to keep track of.


Hey all,lots of great party planning discussion. In order to try and maintain game balance and flow I would prefer if people didn't take the leadership feat or take companions (animal/animated undead/demons...), though familiars should be fine as they dont play much of a combat role. With 7 players there will be enough going on.

If you must play with a companion we can work with it. Nobody had proposed a companion class yet so I hope the restriction wouldn't affect anyone.

Summoned creatures are fine, just have them spec'ed out before hand.

As people get characters done please either post them here or you can email them to me at gotrek2222@yahoo.com

I am looking forward to the game.

Chot wrote:

Is table full???

Other wise I will play

level 20 powers who needs magic items...

GM: Kelly (Gotrek22)

PC1: Kyle - Paladin
PC2: Majuba - Eldritch Knight, melee, half-orc [I'm flexible in the end btw]
PC3: Kjob
PC4: mln84
PC5: Scott
PC6: Derek
PC7: Chot

Chot I should be able to squeeze in one more.

It looks like we have a full party. Feel free and discuss party composition.

Kyle, magic items will be drained of their magic soon after being brought to Golarion.


Epic Meepo wrote:
Gotrek22 wrote:
Lazar, that is correct, it will be a low magic game.
What restrictions are there on spellcasters?

There are no limitations,on spellcasters. The game will be low magic only in the sense of no magic items. Not wanting to give away the plot, there may be idiosyncrasies with casting depending on how play progress but nothing that will make casters unplayable or suboptimal. I dont want to deter anyone from playing a caster. They will actually be very important as spells will be the only way to heal and acquire magic weapons ie the spells Magic Weapon and Greater Magic Weapon and the their like.

Would you like to join us for the game. A chance to try out the 20th level class capstone abilities. The game will have a combination of roleplaying and combat depending on how the PCs want to play it.


Eric Brittain wrote:
Eric Brittain wrote:
Also interested!
If this conflicts with the lower level game that Painlord is offering then I will play in Pain's game.

Eric, I believe that Painlord is running his game at the same time.


LazarX wrote:
so If I am reading this right, you're having 20th level characters with no magic items and 10k of mundane goods?

Lazar, that is correct, it will be a low magic game. The premise of the adventure is that magic is being drained from the world and it has stripped magic items of their power.

The reason for the limited funds will be explained in game. The players have "magic items" but they have been drained of the their power and are therefore useless.


LazarX wrote:
Just out of curiosity I'd love to see your pregens given that my chances of actually going are nonexistent short of a winning lottery ticket. :0

Lazar, my hope is to have the players come with characters already created so they understand how to play them, but I will have some pregens as well. The should be alot easier to make without having to mull over which magic items to get.

I can post them as we get closer.

As people join you all can start deciding which classes to be so that there is a moderately balanced party since the only healing will be from casters.


Eric Brittain wrote:
I will gladly sign up for that table Painlord.

Pain I will be running mine from 2 until 7:00 on sunday. People can sign up on a separate thread.

http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/paizocon/level20AfterC onGame


I would like to run a 20th level Pathfinder game after Paizocon from 2-7pm on Sunday.

Description: Magic is being drained from the lands of Golarion. Items of power once infused with great magic have reverted to pale mundane shadows of their former power. Clerics continue to draw the power from their gods though the divine connections have become strained. Arcane casters have begun to feel a lessening in their control over words of power.
They can still wield mighty magics but no one knows for how long. Otherworldly storms raging with multicolored lightning are sweeping across Avistan and Garund, stirring the already growing fear. Can the cause of this calamity be discovered and reversed before all magic is drained from the world?

# of players - up to 6

Materials Use a 20 point build, single class – 20th level, with 10,000 gp in non-magical equipment and spell components.

I will have pregens but it would be best for players to come with a character already made up so they are familiar with the abundant feats and abilities of a 20th level character.

If you would like to join in or have any questions please post them here.


kikai13 wrote:
That sounds like fun, Kelly! What level are you thinking?

I was actually thinking of doing a low magic level 20 game and let people bring their own characters. I will start a separate thread that people can sign up.


I will be around until about 7:00 on sunday and would be interested in getting together for a game. I have a home brew Pathfinder adventure that I am working on that I might be able to run if there is interest. Let me see what I can put together.


Title: The Slave Pens of Flamestone Fortress
System: Pathfinder RPG
Short Description: Stonespine Island, just off the northeast coast of Katapesh, is notorious for its profitable slave trade and the jagged mountains that give it its name. You have heard the rumors of hidden fortresses within its mountainous interior where slaves are bred and trained for sale in the flesh fairs of Okeno. Your party has been hired to travel into the heart of Stonespine Island and rescue a group of captives from the Flamestone Fortress.

Number of Players (Min/Max):4/7
Character Level:4th
Pregens Provided (yes/no):Yes pregens created for the adventure are provided, though players can bring their own 4th level character – 20 point build, 2 traits, 6000 gp equipment with no item over 3000gp.
Maturity Rating (Everyone (6+)/Teen (13+)/Mature (18+)): Teen 13+


Chris Ballard wrote:
Seems like this bloodline was finally published, although I can't remember what book. Anyone know which book?

There is a serpent bloodline in the APG and a Scalykind cleric domain in the new inner sea world guide.

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