![]() The final drakes fall under your onslaught as his hide is pierced deeply by your attacks. The wood workers come out off their hiding place realizing you have slain the drakes. Garent strides out from the brush with a stunned look on his face, "You've done it, you actually killed them, what kind of people are you. I could hardly believe my eyes, arrows, blades, and fists. By the gods, we are finally free of the beasts," he gazes over to his fallen men with a hard look on his face, We are going to carry our dead back to town but you are free to do as you wish with the beasts. We are all in your debt." What do you do? ![]()
![]() The final drake falls under your onslaught as his hide is pierced and battered by all means of attacks. The wood workers come out off their hiding place realizing you have slain the final drake. Garent strides out from the brush with a stunned look on his face, "You've done it, you actually killed them, what kind of people are you. I could hardly believe my eyes, lightning, arrows, blades, and fists. By the gods, we are finally free of the beasts," he gazes over to his fallen men with a hard look on his face, We are going to carry our dead back to town but you are free to do as you wish with the beasts. We are all in your debt." What do you do? ![]()
![]() Barnabus you still get your normal actions after the AOO The two uninjured drakes hardly notice your attempts to harm them and turn to attack Barnabus who they perceive as the bigger threat. Welsh's blade slices deep into the Drakes scales scoring a long wound across it's back. The drake roars in pain and turns on Welsh attempting to punish the man who inflicted such pain. Party is up, Barnabus you take 15 points and Welsh you take 6. Drake 1 Bite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Drake 1 Bite Damage: 2d4 + 3 ⇒ (1, 2) + 3 = 6
![]() Drake Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
The party is now up. Bite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
![]() Caels lightning streaks across lighting up the world as it punches a hole through the drakes tough armor, it falls to the ground smoke rising from it's charred innards. Only one drake remains left, he quickly glances around trying to identify his threats, he moves swiftly towards K'wai and Zeex as he spits a ball of mucus at K'wai. Dc 14 for half and no entangle, He is currently 10 feet away from both of you and the party is up Damage: 2d8 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9 ![]()
![]() Drake Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
![]() GM Roll: 1d3 ⇒ 2
![]() As time slowly passes the humidity in the air and the blazing sun cause sweat to roll down your skin. You swat at bugs and other pests as they buzz by, while you patiently wait for something, anything to happen. Your wishes are soon met as three small dragons zip from the sky towards the loggers in the center of your group. These are clearly the river drakes that have been causing so many problems for the loggers. They quickly beset a few of the loggers not realizing that they have brought some extra defense with them. One of the loggers falls under the onslaught of claws and teeth, another is badly wounded. If you have a ranged weapon you get a surprise attack, before the initiative. Drakes will go first as they are going straight to attack and Barnabus you get one attack of opportunity as you were in the midst of the loggers as they strike. The party is up. Drake Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 ![]()
![]() As time slowly passes the humidity in the air and the blazing sun cause sweat to roll down your skin. You swat at bugs and other pests as they buzz by, while you patiently wait for something, anything to happen. Your wishes are soon met as three small dragons zip from the sky towards the loggers in the center of your group. These are clearly the river drakes that have been causing so many problems for the loggers. They quickly beset a few of the loggers not realizing that they have brought some extra defense with them. One of the loggers falls under the onslaught of claws and teeth, another is badly wounded. If you have a ranged weapon you get a surprise attack, before the initiative. Drakes will go first and Morgana you get one attack of opportunity as you were in the midst of the loggers as they strike. The party is up. Zeex 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
![]() As you stick your hand out it is crushed by a calloused grip of a man who has swung an axe for much of his life, he walks off to confer with a group of people as you turn and move to the group heading out. As you introduce yourself to Garent he seems relieved to have you along. The group sets out at a decent pace following Garent who consults a map to ensure you are on course. They stop to get water three times before reaching a small logging site deep within the woods. Garent begins shouting out orders as packs are dropped to the ground and men get to work. He lumbers over to you after his instructions have been delivered. "Well, the men are working, those little devils always find us though no matter how we change up our routes. You guys have any plan on how to take them out." Do you want to set up in any particular way, what is your plan.
![]() I completely understand and wish you luck, I understand how crazy RL can get. It was a pleasure having you and I hope to see you again in a future game. To the rest of the party, I leave it up to you if you want too add another player. I can re recruit or message people from the OG thread or we can rock with what we have now. ![]()
![]() "Well, they never do come within sight of the town walls, they attack every damn crew we send out there so you could accompany one of them. We are not sure where they are holed up, they appear like magic and attack, no one has been bold enough to chase one of em down, everyone is to busy running for their skin." He looks around briefly, and points over at a group of men hoisting packs onto their backs. All ten men look loaded down with logging equipment. "Garent and them are about to go out if you want to join them I am sure he won't turn down the protection." ![]()
![]() As you introduce yourself to Garent he seems relieved to have you along. The group sets out at a decent pace following Garent who consults a map to ensure you are on course. They stop to get water three times before reaching a small logging site deep within the woods. Garent begins shouting out orders as packs are dropped to the ground and men get to work. He lumbers over to you after his instructions have been delivered. "Well, the men are working, those little devils always find us though no matter how we change up our routes. You guys have any plan on how to take them out." Do you want to set up in any particular way, what is your plan.
![]() "Well, they never do come within sight of the town walls, they attack every damn crew we send out there so you could accompany one of them. We are not sure where they are holed up, they appear like magic and attack, no one has been bold enough to chase one of em down, everyone is to busy running for their skin." He looks around briefly, and points over at a group of men hoisting packs onto their backs. All ten men look loaded down with logging equipment. "Garent and them are about to go out if you want to join them I am sure he won't turn down the protection." ![]()
![]() Taryn calls another man over and confers in a whisper, he turns back to you and the man jogs off to another group of guys splitting wood. "Charlie says they are man sized and fly high in the sky, covered in these blue green scales, and there "snot balls", he says in a sarcastic tone, "they burn like a terrible acid melting clothing and skin alike. I would be careful if I were you." ![]()
![]() Taryn calls another man over and confers in a whisper, he turns back to you and the man jogs off to another group of guys splitting wood. "Charlie says they are man sized, covered in these blue green scales, and there "snot balls", he says in a sarcastic tone, "they burn like a terrible acid melting clothing and skin alike. I would be careful if I were you" Ok, I have included a spoiler for Rikkivar due to his high arcana check, for this monster I will decided what information you get due to a high roll for the purpose of speed, but for future knowledge monster roles please include questions, because I would like to give you the information you want to ask about not what I choose. So just as a future thing include a few questions. Rikkivar: You know from this description that you have a case of river drakes on your hands. You know they are apt flyers as well as swimmers. They can smell creatures and have dark vision. You know their snot is acid based and also entangles. You know it is immune to paralysis and sleep. ![]()
![]() Taryn scratches his head, "There are three of the little buggers, they attack every crew that ventures into the forest. No clue bout direction they come from, they just appear. A damn nuisance, my men are scared to go out. One thing I can tell you, they stay pretty deep in the forest, they don't never come in sight of the walls," Taryn's voice takes a hardened tone. ![]()
![]() You begin to realize how insular Lilywhite really is as you head south. Just outside of town, the logging operations begin: a brutal dirty job of hacking away the great jungle. You meet Taryn of Taryn's Planks who is happy to hear you are willing to help with the situation. "That's great. Truly. But I hope you know what you're up against, they have the phlegm of the damned, I tell you, the phlegm of the damned. Great balls of snot...man sized...burst forth from their portholes. They killed Jimmy's whole crew a few days past...and they were no sissies." he explains. So, its rather open how you approach this. Want to search around on your own? Set a trap? Something else? ![]()
![]() You begin to realize how insular Lilywhite really is as you head south. Just outside of town, the logging operations begin: a brutal dirty job of hacking away the great jungle. You meet Taryn of Taryn's Planks who is happy to hear you are willing to help with the situation. "That's great. Truly. But I hope you know what you're up against, they have the phlegm of the damned, I tell you, the phlegm of the damned. Great balls of snot...man sized...burst forth from their portholes. They killed Jimmy's whole crew a few days past...and they were no sissies." he explains. So, its rather open how you approach this. Want to search around on your own? Set a trap? Something else? ![]()
![]() "I will tell you what, there is a problem I've been having, as it happens. Loggers to the south have been beset by dragons, wee ones mind ye. They can't get the best woods anymore! No Kauri, no Strangler Fig...look." she holds up some not very obviously inferior woods. "Want me to screw over these ones? Want it fast and for 250? If you can get the supply flowing again, I'll make you yer burglar tart for free." In addition to her offer, you note some half completed mastheads about. If one of you had some artistic talent you could probably make it yourself (25 gp equivalent, craft(sculpture) check DC 25). ![]()
![]() Fair enough, still a hard check so you guess within a range of 300-500 GP, she is an expert craftsmen. Hartha looks at K'wai watching as he admires her work, "I do indeed" Her eyes look off in the distance "Yes...right, sounds like a fun project. I can see it now...I'll need 500 gold and 2 weeks, with 250 gold up front." She might just be haggling, but on the other hand her shop looks busy, with a number of partially completed projects about. Regardless, you certainly don't have 2 weeks. ![]()
![]() GM: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16 No reaction Hartha looks at Welsh and laughs, Watch you tone now sonny, I will tell you what, there is a problem I've been having, as it happens. Loggers to the south have been beset by dragons, wee ones mind ye. They can't get the best woods anymore! No Kauri, no Strangler Fig...look." she holds up some not very obviously inferior woods. "Want me to screw over these ones? Want it fast and for 250? If you can get the supply flowing again, I'll make you yer burglar tart for free." In addition to her offer, you note some half completed mastheads about. If one of you had some artistic talent you could probably make it yourself (25 gp equivalent, craft(sculpture) check DC 15). ![]()
![]() The dwarven woman looks around her workshop as you begin speaking, the old woman's eyebrow twitches in bewilderment, she leans back against a coffin waiting for you to finish speaking. "Masthead? Been a while but certainly manageable. I have a talent with sculpture. Crows and crowns? You mean like a crow wearing a crown.? Her eyes look off in the distance as you describe what you want. "Yes...right, sounds like a fun project. I can see it now...I'll need 500 gold and 2 weeks, with 250 gold up front." She might just be haggling, but on the other hand her shop looks busy, with a number of partially completed projects about. Regardless, you certainly don't have 2 weeks. ![]()
![]() The dwarven woman looks around her workshop as you begin speaking, the old woman's eyebrow twitches in bewilderment, she leans back against a coffin waiting for you to finish speaking. "Masthead? Been a while but certainly manageable. I have a talent with sculpture. Crows and crowns? You mean like a crow wearing a crown, or a crow snatching a crown in its beak?" Your instructions weren't clear, leaving the artistic liberty in your hands. Unless you have a profession related to woodworking it would be hard to appraise. Too exotic, as you look around you see very intricate and well carved sculptures and coffins.