Imron Gauthfallow

GM Holden's page

135 posts. Alias of holden1138.


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So my players stealthily avoided all the patrols as they worked their way north around the valley. They infiltrated Longtooth's lair and engaged the dragon. Using haste, fly and smite the party simply charged the dragon and slaughtered it inside two rounds (I even buffed him up to a young adult).

They next decended to the river below and cleared out the Wyvern and Deathweb caves. After that they stumbled around in the caves for a bit while battling Red Caps. Eventually they emerged in the first level under Jorgenfist and proceeded to get involved in a large battle involving nearly everyone on the level. At this point they are in locked in a dire battle with multiple giants and the stone giant general. Most of their daily resources are expended.

If they survive this fight they will be forced to retire to the Red Cap caves to rest (and prob level up to lvl 12). My only concern is what will be Mokmurian's actions in light of this incursion?

The other thing to remember is that the players will often be travelling long and far between encounters on the map. This means that, generally they are fresh going into each combat encounter. My players soon learnt to go all in early on during each encounter and dropped all of their best resources as soon as possible.

It's much different than a standard adventure (eg: dungeon crawl) where the group carefully rations their daily powers and abilities.

My players decided to sally forth out of Sandpoint and actively hunt down any approaching raiding parties (not sure why the AP expects everyone to stay in Sandpoint and await the attack). They located Teraktinus and his band and ambushed them in the night. Fully prepped for combat and with surprise on their side they slaughtered the giants. Longtooth was absent during this fight and the giants all fell before the warhorn could be sounded to summon him.

Afterwards they recieved much information from a stone giant captive. Instead of a reluctant goon I made him into a more significant npc. He is the young son of Conna and a rebellious leader of sorts. Mokmurian sends him away on the raiding party in order to remove him from the valley so he can't stir up trouble (and if he accidently/on purpose gets killed during the attack - all the better).

So the group debates about what to do with the dragon for a long time. Finally they decide to stage a mock combat between their new stone giant ally, the rogue enlarged and disguised as a stone giant and the rest of the party. With much slain bodies lying around and a little theatrics they try and bluff the dragon into landing close by so they can rush him They calculate that they may be able to take out the dragon if they mass attack him (I upped him to a young adult dragon on account of the 6 PC's I have).

They sound the warhorn (which I turned into a horn of blasting cause the party is poor) and the dragon eventually arrives. He takes one look down at the group and promptly calls their bluff "Take me for a fool do you!" He then breathes fire on them and flies off into the distance (he's not dumb enough to engage the party while all their buffs are on).

Next they head out overland for Jorgenfist (looking skyward for the dragon at all times). They almost bypass the storval stair which is much more heavily fortified now. They surmise that Mokmurian must be aware of Teraktinus' failure and everything is on alert. They decide to do an end run on the stair and attack it from behind. Here they clear out all the hill giants and the Wyverns (which Mokmurian sent to reinforce the garrison). Got some great moments with the hill giant wyvern keeper (think Rancor keeper from Return of the Jedi).

Now they are deciding on how to apporach the valley. I think their plan will be to sneak through the highlands north of the fortress and penetrate the dragon lair (to force him to fight for his treasure). As the PC's accend the peaks in order to reach the dragons lair I'm going to have them spot far off in the distance an army of fire giants marching south tawards the valley. This will be the final component of Mokmurians army before he launches his invasion. This should encourage the party to deal with Mokmurian soon. After the dragon they might decend to the river below and go in through the spider caves.

I think I'll have roc's, harpies and the dragon all taking turns patrolling the skies above the valley and the surounding heights. I think I'll insert Lucrecia as the the mother of the Lamia in the foretress and have her appear once the PC's get inside. Are there any other precautions Mokmurian would take?

We ran the Kingmaker campaign for a long while and at first it was great. After a time though it began to drag on. There are two main issues with the campaign that we ran into:

1) Heroes as leaders of the kingdom
2) Kingdom building taking up too much time and generating too much wealth

Firstly, to have the PC's as the actual rulers of the kingdom seems cool but after a while it becomes increasingly awkward. For example, to have the King and all the high positioned officials vanish off into the wilderness all the time to go adventuring is encumbersome. Also, to be given quests and to be rewarded by regular townsfolk seems to be a disconnect...

"Hail King, in thoust wanderings outside of our domain please keep thine eyes open for this particular brand of berry I need for my soup. I shall reward you heartily for each bunch of berry that you return to me!"

As to the second point, the Kingdom building portion has the potential to turn into a real monster. If you have someone in your group (as we did) who really likes to min/max this can take up alot of time and in time can yield some pretty crazy levels of wealth and majic items (being automatically generated by the kingdom).

What we ended up doing (and I wish we had done this from the start), was that each player created two characters. One was their main character and adventurer. The other was a ruler or administrator, often with some sort of connection to the other character or party (my older brother is the king!). When the adventuring crew was off in the wilderness doing their thing, the other group of characters were busy running the Kingdom. Essentially the ruler PC's would assign missions or tasks to the adventuring PC's as required. We could also break the action and jump from the field back to the kingdom to resolve some important event for example. Sort of a "Meanwhile, back in the capital...". The alternate PC's could also be built from the ground up as the rulers of the kingdom, and didn't need to focus on combat effectiveness for example.

If I was to run this AP again I'd be tempted to skip the kingdom building stuff altogther and simply have the kingdom grow and evolve as time goes by. The rulers would be NPC's and the fates and fortunes of the kingdom would still be shaped by the PC's efforts.

Good advice and insight all, thanks.

The biggest problem I foresee is that this is such an elaborate complex that its only a matter of time before the instrusion is detected and Mokmurian is alerted. You can only do so much to hide the signs of a battle (especially with fireballs wall of stone spells flying every which way). Also, they are going to start to notice comrades just straight up missing. At that point Mokmurian can take charge and really make it tough on the heroes and/or easily escape. What kind of realistic timeframe are we talking about for the heroes to infiltrate the fortress and make their way down to Mokmurian (assuming they are reasonably stealthy and manage to surgically take out threats as they go)? How have other groups treated resting in the midst of this?

On another topic: Lucrecia the Lamia from the last book has already escaped twice from the party and is still at large. The PC's absolutely hate this villain and are dreading her return (she killed the PC Paladin). I'm serious, about half the players conversations and strategy talks revolves around dealing her (either looking for and/or how to kill her). I'm not sure when or where I'll insert her again. I'm considering actually leveling her up in order to make her more of a threat when she re-appears. Thoughts?

NobodysHome wrote:

..if memory serves, my group made it all the way down to Conna before having a single fight, then promised her they'd kill as few giants as possible if she would help them. There weren't any deaths 'til that wacky kobold decided to go toe-to-toe with a "real" barbarian and learned that an earthbreaker and some obscene hit point rolling makes all the difference in the world...

Okay, no problem. Then what happened? Why did this fight not spill over into other areas at all and alert the whole compound? Afterwards did the party proceed from area to area fighting everything in isolation as they went?

Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be dismissive or insulting. I'm just searching for ideas to run these enemies in an intelligent and logical manner. My group has already questioned why none of the enemies they encounter ever raise any kind of alarm or respond to epic fights happening in adjacent rooms (examples include: Thistletop, the Graul homestead and Fort Rannick).

The meta game answer is because if the entire location becomes alert and the bad guys send everything in at the party (as they really should do), they would be dead. The group needs to face these challenges in isolation from one another. How to accomplish this without straining my groups already stretched suspension of belief is puzzling me.

My group searched the the approaches to Sandpoint and located Teraktinus' raiding party before they attacked. The stone giants were all slaughtered easily in the night. I elected to have Longtooth off on his own and not present during the fight. During the fight a stone giant attempted to sound the warhorn and summon the dragon, but he was cut down before he could retrieve it. After questioning a helpful stone giant prisoner (a son of Conna's I named Vaducus) the party learned of the dragon. They decided to lay an ambush in the morning and sound the horn...

For the future: how do groups of PC's attack, infiltrate or penetrate the fortress without aggroing everyone in the valley? It seems to me after the first few combat encounters, the fortress would be roused and the PC's will be dealing with over 100 bad guys. Is it just assumed that once inside, all of the tribes and monsters camped outside will not respond or enter the fortress? Even an alerted Mokmurian and all the badies he brings with him inside the fortress will be tough for most parties.

I'm trying to make this a little more dramatic than a list of bad guys that wait around in rooms or areas for the PC's to show up.

The group conceals itself as best they can and when all is in preparation, Krissina flings open the doors. A blast of warm heat washes over you as you reveal a large room. This is evidently the main work area of the Glassworks. Along the Eastern wall are several openings that lead to the burning furnace. There are numerous marble and wooden tables here which are adorned with numerous tools of the glass making trade. As you look into the room you are presented with a gruesome display of goblin butchery. Scattered around the room are the dismembered bodies of several people. Blood and gore are splattered throughout. Charred limbs lie splattered with molten glass. In the centre alcove there is a grisly display. The body of a man is propped up in a chair and covered in runny sheets of hardened glass.

You only have a moment to take in the ominous surroundings before the creatures within confront you. Several goblins (11) were busy carrying out their gleeful destruction when they stop and look towards you. A lone Half-elf stands near the central alcove. He is not wearing armour but is armed with a composite short bow. It is apparent that he is the leader as he quickly sizes you up and issues a rapid series of orders to the Goblins. In response the Goblins grab hold of whatever lethal implement that is within reach and charge towards you.

Krissina deduces that this is likely Tsuto Kaijitsu. She also determines that he has ordered most of the Goblins headlong towards the party while sending a smaller contingent of Goblins to sneak around behind the party to outflank (critical success on sense motive).

Combat round 1: Krissina>Cerin>Tsuto>Halvor>Goblins>Kyrian>Lynnda

The map has 2.5 ft squares. And do you mean put a link to he combat map in the Campaign Info tab above? Done.

Okay, so the party is going to hide around the flanks of the shipping and loading room while Krissina opens the doors and lures the enemies into the room to be ambushed? Do I have this correct? Can you indicate to me which walls/area's you are all going to hide at (North, South, East or West) and provide we any additional details of measures you're taking.

You push the double doors open and reveal the room beyond. This appears to be a loading and unloading area. The large double doors to the North lead outside. There are boxes of mundane supplies and stacks of boards here. A wheelbarrow sits against the wall. The shelves contain materials you assume are used in the process of glassmaking. There is assortment of glass reagents containing many different colours of chemicals and compounds. A small safe on the floor hangs open and empty.

The most interesting feature here is a covered wagon which you recognize as the exact same make and colour of the charred one you investigated earlier at the wheelwright’s shop. On the sides of this one Krissina can clearly make out in Minkia lettering “Sandpoint Glassworks”. She determines that this would match the script on the other wagon.

As you proceed to investigate the room you all suddenly hear the sound of more breaking glass and devious laughter. As you pinpoint the direction of the noise you can begin to make out the sounds of creatures conversing and laughing in the next room (beyond the double doors to the South). Although you can’t make out the words, the language is unmistakably Goblin. These doors are extremely warm to the touch. There is also a door out of this room that leads to the West.
Glassworks Map

As the group moves into the next area the rythmic sound of the furnace grows louder. You enter into a passageway that links several doors. There is a large door to the north West, another in the East wall. Another door leads South East and there are double doors which open to the South. The western stone wall of this area is very warm to the touch. You listen at each door and fail to detect anything abnormal.

Glassworks Map

Cerin strains while listening at the door. Beyond the deep base of the Furnace, he hears nothing.

Halvor lines up with his hammer and strikes the window forcefully. The bottom half of the window shatters on impact and bits of broken glass rain down from above. Halvor takes a few more swings to smash all the ragged and loose pieces of glass away and the window is clear. He quickly pockets his hammer, draws his weapon and clambers through the window. He climbs over a shelf perched just below the window and lands on the tiled floor of the room within. His heavy boots crunching the glass strewn about the floor below. He quickly takes in his surroundings. This in a small storage room which seems to contain mostly files and books. Probably the business records for the Glassworks. Prepared for danger Halvor presses onward into the next room with the group following close behind.

You next enter what appears to be a reception room. There is a desk, some comfortable chairs and a bench in this room and not much else. There are three exits from this room one door leads due West the other opens to the South. There is also a door which leads back outside (this door is locked). You still don’t hear or see any activity or response to your intrusion.

Glassworks Map

What would your marching order be for 5 ft wide passages? Halvor > Kyrian > Cerin > Krissina > Lynnda?

Probably. But I didn't want to start ret-conning his character literally the second he gave his blessing for us to run him an NPC! He can always drop a skill point into disable device upon levelling (which should be approaching soon).

After checking the door you discover that its firmly locked. Cerin pipes up:

"Don't bother my dear. I've already checked. All the doors and every window I looked at is locked up tight."

The party briefly turns to Kyrian to see if he has anything to contibute. He gases musingly at his companions for a moment.

"What do I look like - a locksmith?"

Unfortunately, no one in the party has any ranks in disable device. As it's a trained only skill, it can't be used.

Momentarily stymied - you must think of another way in. The lock appears to be of simple construction and could probably be broken or the door bashed in, but you guess that would make considerable noise. Yet still, with furnace rumbling away in the background muffling the noise...

Lynnda: Your assumptions are all reasonable and correct.

As you circle the building you locate numerous means on entry. There is the main customer door to the shop (Q22). There is another side door which presumably leads to offices (Q6). There is a set of double doors at the side of the building (J2). Severals sets of wagon wheel ruts lead in and out of these doors. There is also another set of double doors which open up to the back of the building and provide access to the beach below (H23). All the doors and windows seem to be are securly locked.

As you conduct your search of the perimter the noise of the constantly rumbling furnace within accompanies you. Through the roar - for a brief moment you think you may have heard the sound of shattering glass combined with a maniacal laughter and scampering feet.

You gather your equipment and proceed to investigate the Sandpoint Glassworks. A short walk brings you to the western edge of town. Here, close to the sea sits the Glassworks. The large stone structure combines the actual factory with a shop where potential customers can view completed works. It is known that there are several storerooms and offices located within. The building is curiously quiet although the deep rumble of the furnace can be heard from within and thick plumes of smoke rise lazily out of the massive chimney. A quick inspection of the premises reveals that all of the windows are blacked out from within by means of heavy curtains drawn. From the roof there is a soft orange glow reaching up into the night sky.

Glassworks Map

Sorry to hear these turn of events. Hope everyone is okay and that things will work out.

Kyrian - do you want us to carry you though and you can just chime in when you can? Or would you prefer to sit out for a while? I don't mind NPCing your character.

It is early afternoon and the Rusty Dragon is as bustling as ever. The kitchen staff laboriously prepare for the evening feast. News of your successful hunt has created a hum of interest. As the afternoon wears on many townsfolk gather in the common room. Drink and cheer are bandied about and most of the patrons are eager to listen to your tales of adventure. The feast is a great success and you are thanked repeatedly by everyone. Strangely absent is Ameiko. Later, after supper you seek out the head cook Bethana. You find her with a worried look upon her brow clutching a rolled bit of parchment.

”This can’t be good. Can’t be good at all. You see, I didn’t mean to pry. It’s just so unlike Ameiko to disappear for whole day without letting us know. She usually never misses a meal service. No one has seen her since early this morning. I’ve sent young Garron over to her father’s home. I thought maybe she went to have words with him after what happened. But no one is home over there. So I took it upon myself to enter her room. I know it was wrong but I did find this note near her bed. It’s scribed in Minkian you see. But Ameiko’s been teaching me her words these last few years. I scribed out a translation in common on the back. What do you make of this?”

Bethana hands you the parchment. It reads:

Hello, Sis! I hope this letter finds you well, and with some free time on your hands, because we’ve got something of a problem. It’s to do with Father. Seems that he might have had something to do with Sandpoint’s recent troubles with the goblins, and I didn’t want to bring the matter to the authorities because we both know he’d just weasel his way out of it. You’ve got some pull here in town, though. If you can meet me at the glassworks as soon as possible maybe we can figure out how to make sure he faces the punishment he deserves. Knock twice and then, three times and then once more at the delivery entrance and I’ll let you in. In any case, I don’t have to impress upon you the delicate nature of this request. If news got out, you know that these local rubes would assume that you and I are in on the whole thing too, don’t you? They’ve got no honor at all around these parts. I still don’t understand how you can stand to stay here. Anyway, don’t tell anyone about this. There are other complications as well, ones I’d rather talk to you in person about. Don’t keep me waiting too long. Tsuto

Bethana waits patiently until you finish reading the note.

”You see, Tsuto is Ameiko’s estranged brother. When Tsuto was born it was something of a scandal. The boy clearly had elvish blood in him. With wide eyes and sharp ears. Of course, neither of Ameiko’s parents are elvish so it was clear that old Lonjiku wasn’t the boys father. Tsuto was disowned by his father and raised outside the Kaijitsu family in the academy. Ameiko didn’t find out about her brother until much later. Things went on that way for a while until one day Ameiko and Tsuto had a terrible argument and Ameiko left town shortly after. She was gone for over a year. It was her Mother’s funeral that eventually brought her back to Sandpoint. She tried to reunite her family but the hatred between Tsuto and Lonjiku was strong and Tsuto accused Lonjiku of pushing Atsuii (Ameiko and Tsuto’s Mother) off of the cliff to her death. Lonjiku always claimed it was an accident. During the funeral there was a tremendous argument and Longjiku very nearly broke Tsuto’s jaw with his cane. Tsuto cursed Longjiku that day and fled Sandpoint. Ameiko has searched for her brother from time to time but has never been able to find any clue as to his whereabouts. Now, it looks like Tsuto has returned and I have a mind to think that he’s plotting something no good. Will you please try to help Ameiko?”

Hmmm...Don't recall Foxglove supplying you with weapons? You used your own arms during the

I’m assuming that you intend to drop off the boar at the Rusty Dragon and then head to the White Deer Inn to find Foxglove. At this point Krissina can rejoin the group

The party makes its way down the lost coast road back to Sandpoint. As you proceed through north gate the guard on watch cheerfully waves at you. You arrive at the Rusty Dragon and present your trophy to the cook Bethana (Ameiko is not around presently). She seems overjoyed and comments that there will be a fine feast put on tonight.

After quickly freshening up you proceed to the White Deer Inn in order to locate Aldern Foxglove. You arrive and speak with the inn-keeper Garridan.

“I’m afraid you’ve missed him. He returned here the better part of hour ago. He settled his account while his servants packed up his belongings. He did mention that he had business at the stables before he left town though. While I don’t mind catering to wealthy folk such as him if I’m to be honest I am relieved that he’s gone. If you ask me there was always something a bit odd about him. He had a nasty temper which I unfortunately saw on occasion. Also, when he returned he was covered in animal blood. Gruesome sight! I take it his hunt was successful?”

”Anyway, how are you enjoying your accommodations over at the Rusty Dragon? I hear Ameiko is a generous host. Having said that you really should consider making the White Deer Inn your home while in town. We have more spacious rooms and a finer stock of wine than Ameiko. I would of course not require payment for food or lodging. Please consider my offer…”

As you politely excuse yourselves Garridan continues to make appeals - even following you onto the street!

A short walk later and you find yourselves at the Goblin Squash Stables. The operator Daviren Hosk reveals what he knows of Foxglove.

”He came by here not too long ago. Was in a mighty hurry. He told me what happened. Must have been one heck of a wild boar to maim three good horses. While the loss is unfortunate I must say that Mr. Foxglove certainly compensated me handsomely. I wager that he paid more than double the value of my lost stock. Huh? Where’d he go? He and his two servants took off quick on their own mounts. He was travelling light and in a good rush. I understand that he was headed south back to Magnimar. Did you still have business with the man? I can’t believe he skipped out owing you any coin. The man’s generosity was legendary – even if he was a little off.”

Halvor quickly catches his breath as Cerin cheerfully goes about his work. The sounds of the living forest can be heard all around. It has turned out to be a fine day and the warm rays of the sun breach the canopy of trees overhead and shine onto the forest trail. A short time later Cerin completes his task and the boar is skinned and quartered ready for transport. Halvor’s impressive strength allows his to carry the bulk of the Burdon while the others assist.

Under Cerin's guidance, it takes less than 30 minutes to return to the Lost Coast Road. As you approach the spot where your horses were tethered you arrive upon a ghastly scene. Lying off to the side of the road in a ditch near the tree line lie the remains of your three horses. The beasts have been butchered in a grisly fashion. They have been stabbed repeatedly with what appears to be a triangular shaped spear blade. Each carcass is mutilated and wears a multitude of stab and slash wounds - far beyond that which would have been required to kill.

After examining the tracks around the scene, it is evident that the deed was done by a single man. Riding boot prints have left an impression in the dirt. Off to the side two other men waited with tended horses. After the foul deed was committed the three rode off together heading south towards Sandpoint.

Kyrian continues to send arrows towards the dangerous creature. His shot misses the target however. Cerin steps onto the trail and aims another missile at the boar. The stone slams into the boar but it thick hide protects it from harm. The ranged attacks prove to be difficult because Kyrian and Cerin are careful not to hit Halvor. The boar continues to strike at Halvor but its attacks are warded off by the warriors’ sturdy shield. Intending to end the fight, Halvor swings his sword downward and lands a telling blow onto the skull of the wounded beast. With a bone crunching slice the creature makes one final bellow and collapses to the ground - dead.

Shortly after the boar is felled, Aldern Foxglove bursts onto the scene and stops in his tracks when he sees the fallen beast with Halvor stood over the body. Lynnda quickly comes up behind him. As he stares at Halvor and the boar he seems transfixed for a moment and in a state of shock. Slowly under his breath he mutters:

”You stole my kill…?

He appears visibly shaken and begins to tremble. His eyes open wide with murderous hate. Veins bulge from his neck and his knuckles turn white as he forcefully grips his spear.


For a moment it looks as if he is about to charge with his spear in rage. Then he slowly calms down and backs away. With an aloof and perturbed air he says:

”Clean the beast and prepare it for transport back to town if you wish. I care not…

He suddenly turns and departs into the bush headed back towards the Lost Coast Road and the horses.

Kyrian and Cerin continue to pelt the wild boar with their ranged weapons. Both warriors strike telling blows and the creature howls in rage and pain and looks as though it may collapse. Halvor backs away from the beast and hesitates for a moment unsure if the creature intends to pursue him. The crazed animal lets out a bellow and charges after Halvor again. As Halvor struggles to lead the beast down the game trail it quickly catches up to him. The Boar thrusts its tusks out and tries to ram the young warrior. Halvor deftly avoids the rampaging animal.

Lynnda chases after Aldern Foxglove and clearly hears the sounds of battle from just beyond the next twist in the trail.

Combat Round 3
Kyrian>Cerin>Halvor>Boar (Foxglove and Lynnda most likely arrive next round)

As the snorting beast charges the downed Halvor, Kyrian lets fly an arrow. The missile strikes the boar in the shoulder and it lets out a roar of pain. Cerin then summons a sudden and violent thunderstorm which bombards the creature. Undeterred by the barrage of effective attacks, the Boar presses onward and rams Halvor hard in the chest. Reeling in pain and winded Halvor attempts to regain his feet. The boar slashes at him with his tusks as he rises but does no further harm. Once properly footed Halvor sweeps his blade viciously at the side of the boar’s head but it clangs off of the beasts’ thick tusk.

Combat Round 2
Kyrian>Cerin>Boar>Halvor (Aldern Foxglove and Lynnda rushing down the trail towards the combat)

As the crossbow bolt swishes past Aldern and sinks into the tree beyond with a heavy thunk, the man just blinks and stares for moment. Once he registers what has happened a sickening and gleeful smile crosses his face. He seems to be in awe and overcome with euphoric joy at the sight of your assertive behaviour.

”I knew my mistress had claws…”

He comes in close and tries to embrace you. He leans forward and presses his face close to yours. You are about to extricate yourself by means of extreme violence when suddenly a rumbling crash of thunder breaks the silence. Either there is sudden and intense thunderstorm brewing or your friend Cerin is up to his old tricks nearby. The noise emanates from the game trail you have staked out. Aldern releases you and a perturbed look comes across his face.

”Those fools. They’ll ruin everything. Come quick!

Without bothering to look and see if you’re following he bolts off down the trail in pursuit of the noise brandishing his spear.

Lynnda: You can't see what is going on. You will be brought in pretty quick here though.

The trampling and snorting of the approaching boar grows louder as Cerin, Kyrian and Halvor hurry to conceal themselves in the undergrowth just off of the trail. Cerin and Kyrian have little difficulty in melting into the bushes and trees. Halvor on the other hand clumsily knocks loose some rocks and loses his footing. He suddenly finds himself flat on his arse in the middle of the trail as the large, nasty looking wild boar rounds the corner and eye’s him suspiciously. The boar lets out a menacing growl and rushes forward, charging Halvor.

Combat Round 1
Initiative: Kyrian, Cerin, Boar, Halvor. Halvor is surprised this round. Everyone else aware. No combat map.

Krissina: There are no other Minkian families in town. There are Minkian sailors that show up from time to time down by the harbour but no other permanent residents that you can think of.

Aldern Foxglove and Lynnda enter the woods a short distance away from the rest of the group. Foxglove leads the way all the time chattering on about his prowess and regaling you with previous successes. Soon you arrive at a small clearing in the woods.

”This is the perfect spot. If the rest of your men do their job we should be seeing something coming down this trail soon.”

Lynnda sets herself up by taking shelter behind a rock and aiming her crossbow towards the trail. Aldern glances over and looks disappointed.

”No no my dear. You’ll never hit if you hold it like that. Here…”

Aldern slides in behind you and wraps his arm around you. He grips your wrist and your forearm and attempts to adjust your hold and aim on your crossbow. You can feel his warm breath brushing your hair and ear.

Cerin, Kyrian and Halvor set forth into the woods with Cerin in the lead. Following the game trail, Cerin pauses from time to time to carefully consider the ground ahead. As he knees to more closely examine the trail he notes the passage of many small creatures – rabbits, mice, racoons and other mundane woodland creatures. After about 15 minutes they come across a wider trail deeper into the woods, cutting across their current trail. After Cerin notes the gnashed condition of several tree trunks in the vicinity. He turns to his companions.

“Boars! Large beasts by the look of it.”

The trio carefully winds their way down the trail until they can hear the passage of one or more large boars coming up from behind them!

Okay team thanks for your patience. Lets continue.

Apologies team. Work has been overbearing lately. I'm in the military up here in Canada and with the recent rash of security threats and attacks I've been heavily engaged at work.

Should be able to resume the campaign soon. Please have patience.


After the group leaves for the hunt Krissina takes a short walk over to the home of Brodert Quink – Sandpoint’s resident sage and historian. Situated very close to the Old Light (The giant ruined tower located in the north-western part of town along the coast), Brodert’s home is an ancient looking stone dwelling covered in moss and vines. The grounds around the yard remain choked with seeds and tall sprouts of grass. There is a crumbling stone low wall surrounding the grounds. If one didn’t know better it almost looks as though the home was abandoned.

A long-time resident of Sandpoint, Brodert is a balding Varisian scholar. He is reclusive and eccentric but acknowledged to be an expert in the fields of history and engineering. It is known that his passion for many years now has been the study of the ruins of the Old Light. He does not frequent the inns or taverns of Sandpoint but he can often be found lurking at the local bookshop.

As you knock on the old but sturdy looking wooden door, Brodert soon arrives and though at first he seems rather bothered by the intrusion he soon welcomes you inside. You immediately notice that the interior of the home is considerably cleaner and organized than the exterior. There are numerous shelves ringing the main room with countless scrolls and books neatly stacks and organized. He seems delighted to have a guest - especially one seeking knowledge of the history of Sandpoint. He politely serves you some tea and you sit to have a chat.

Eventually, after revealing several theories he has regarding the Thassilonian runes that the town is built on, you discuss the fire that claimed the old church.

“As yes. Most assumed that a tragic accident was to blame for the fire and deaths that resulted. The accepted theory is that the fire was caused by the store of lamp oil igniting, either through negligence or calamity. Desna knows, the cellar was certainly overstocked with oil. It was used to keep the prayer fires lit and also to illuminate the entire place of worship. Ha, even now at the new cathedral they keep the oil stored in an outbuilding separate from the main structure. A prudent measure to be sure, but there are those who remain unconvinced that an accident was to blame for fire.”

Brodert rises feebly from his chair and retrieves some papers from a nearby shelf. He unfolds the parchment on the table and bids you to come and look.

”After the fire was put out the Mayor asked me personally to look into the its cause. Imagine, me Brodert Quink , former catologer for the Founder’s archive in Magnimar, digging around in the ashes trying to discover the fate of a few locals. As if I didn’t have more important matters to tend to. Humf. No matter. You see here, this is a sketch I completed after the fire. It shows the ruins of the old church. Now, if you look here you can see where the body of our former high priest was found. He was in his chambers propped against the door. This likely means that he awoke during the fire and attempted to flee but was trapped in his room. It possible that the doorway had become blocked by debris and escape was impossible. However, it is also a possibility that he was deliberately locked in his room.”

Brodert lets his last statement sink in for a moment before continuing.

”Also, it should be noted that Father Tobyn’s adopted daughter Nualia’s body was never located. Do you know how hot flames have to burn to completely consume a body, bones and all. I can tell you that the fire was not intense enough to completely destroy her body. It was also confirmed by others that magic of significant power was not used in or on the church that night. To this day I still hold to my original assertion that Nualia was not killed in the fire. As to her whereabouts, I cannot say. Perhaps she was stolen away by thugs, slavers or worse before the fire was set. She may yet live somewhere out there. Now, do you have any other specific questions my dear?”

Krissina - The offical town records (of what there is) are stored at the Town Hall. If you are interested in the history of Sandpoint or the local families then you could visit the sage Brodert Quink. He is regarded as the most knowledgable historian in Sandpoint. Also, you could check out the Curious Goblin bookshop. It is known that the owner Chask Haladan has an extensive collection books and tomes covering all manner of topics including the history of Sandpoint. Finally the Way North is a library know for its impressive collection of maps and sea charts.

Foxglove was referring to the local stable in the town not his personal stables

The group departs for the humorously named “Goblin Squash Stables” to select a mount for the hunt. It is situated directly adjacent to the Rusty Dragon Inn so you are all familiar with the location. One there you are greeted by a somewhat grisly display. Over the entrance to the stables covered barn there is a collection of Goblin ears: preserved and nailed to three different rafters, each bearing a Goblin’s name burned into the leathery flesh. Some of the ears appear to be quite fresh. It’s apparent the owner and operator has an intense hatred of Goblins. He introduces himself as Daviren Hosk. He is aware of the preparations for the hunt and Foxglove has taken care of the financial arrangements. All that is needed now is for you to select your mount from those available.

There is but one pony in available so Cerin has little choice. Fortunately Cerin estimates the pony to be of fine stock and temperament. Kyrian selects a bold charger which suits him. Lynnda seems to be drawn to a sturdy thoroughbred. Halvor on the other hand has selected a worn old mare with a mean temperament and a nasty kick.near critical failure on appraise check! Everyone is busy with their own preparations so they do not take note of Halvor’s selection until you have departed the stables.

You trot towards the north gate of town to meet your host. Halvor fights with his mount the entire way there, nearly becoming unhorsed more than once.

Once you Arrive you find Foxglove and two attendants waiting.

”Excellent. Now that we are here we can finally depart. The place I have in mind is but a few miles down the Lost Coast Road. Have you ever explored the Tickwood Lynnda? Though named after the Giant Ticks that can be seen from time to time in the woods, the area is crawling with wild boar. This makes it the preferred spot for my annual hunt. If we bag a big enough beast we can have a feast prepared for us tonight!”

You lazily make your way out of town and follow the Lost Coast Road as it turns Eastwards. To your left beyond the Cliffside is a splendid view of the Varisian Gulf. Out to sea some miles distant, you can see an island (the Dragon’s Punchbowl). Up ahead on the right lies a ragged rage of broken hills interspersed with trees (Ravenroost). It’s sunny and warm today and the cool sea breeze is welcoming.

As you trot, Foxglove sides up to Lynnda the whole time and engages in conversation with her. His manner is friendly and charming and he seems innocent enough but after a half an hour of chattering he seems to be probing deeper and deeper. He doesn’t quite cross the line into inappropriate but you are starting to feel a little disturbed by the attention. You almost feel as though you are being interrogated or interviewed.

After about 45 minutes you reach the edge of the Tickwood forest. Foxglove rides a bit further on until you are flanked by another woods to the north (the Shankwood). It is here that he dismounts. He extracts his weapons from one of his servants mounts; A heavy crossbow, a spear and a mean looking knife (more of a short sword really). He wears no armor.

”Here is the place. My men shall watch our mounts while we hunt. We shall split up into two parties. Lynnda and I will cut down this game trail to the right and lie in ambush. The rest of you cut to left and then drive the beast towards us. We shall make the kill. Understood?”

As Lynnda and Aldern converse it becomes apparent that she is attempting to surreptitiously signal the rest of the group. As she sends a mixed jumble of facial and hand gestures her intentions are difficult to discern. It’s possible that she is signaling her desire to have some intimate time alone with Aldern.

Shortly, Aldern’s servants return and inform him that all preparations are in order. As the last of the drinks are finished Aldern rises from the table.

”Now it’s time for the hunt. For those of you who are joining Lynnda and I please make your way to the local stables where I’ve arranged for you to select steeds for the hunt. Please prepare yourselves and meet me at the northern gate of town. The hunting grounds are but a few short miles out of town and we should be back in time for supper.”

It looks like the party is splitting up at this point (which is perfectly fine). For those of you who choose to remain in town, please indicate to me what you intend to accomplish in the afternoon while the others are on the hunt.

Intent on seeking out Aldern Foxglove you venture to the upper part of town, to the White Deer Inn. A pair of wooden life-sized deer, carved with painstaking care from white birch, stand astride the entrance to this sizable tavern and inn, which commands an impressive view of the Varisian Gulf to the north. The building is new, recently rebuilt after the previous inn at this location burnt to the ground several years ago in the same fire that destroyed the Sandpoint Chapel. The new White Deer is a grand affair, three stories tall with a stone first floor and wooden upper floors. Once inside you are impressed by the craftsmanship and cleanliness of the establishment. The common room is nearly vacant (it is early afternoon) but you are greeted by a pleasant if somber Shoanti man by the name of Garridan. After you enquire about Aldern Foxglove he sends his young son off to find him for you. Foxglove appears a short time later and you all sit down for a drink and a chat.

”You’ve made it! I’m glad you decided to take me up on my offer. I’ll get my servants to start preparing for the hunt. We can depart within the hour.”

As usual, he addresses Lynnda directly paying little or no attention to the rest of the group.

”And of course, there was the matter of your well-earned reward.”

He produces a small bag from his tunic and plunks it down in front of you. It makes an all too familiar clinking sound as it hits the table. As Lynnda reaches for the bag Foxglove’s hand lingers for just a moment and it brushes softly against hers. the bag contains 50 gold

”Now why don’t we have some wine while we wait and you can tell me more about yourself, my lovely Lynnda. Where were you brought up? Do you have family still? Tell me of your travels”

He looks slyly into your eyes as he talks.

You can retcon it back to 1 silver each if you like or you can chalk it up to a miscommunication among yourselves (which the woman was not keen to correct)

As the woman receives the handful of gold from you her eyes widen and a she grins enthusiastically. As you leave the workshop she thanks you profusely and re-assures you that if there is anything else she or her husband can do for you to let them know.

7 gold is a huge sum for a common villager to acquire for such a simple favor.

You search the wagon thoroughly above and below, but you don’t find any further clues.

Except for the Kaijitsu’s, Krissina doesn’t recall seeing any other businesses or families in town that would use wagons adorned with Minkian script.

The main business of the Kaijitsu family is the Sandpoint Glassworks. This important and prosperous business produces fine glassware and ships it far and wide for considerable profit. On account of the various chemicals and unique materials that is accumulated by the glassworks Krissina recalls that in the past the Kaijitsu’s have supplied fireworks for the swallowtail festival.

Off to the side the Wheelwrights wife looks on expectantly.

”er..uh..uhm. I thought you said something of some coin changing hands…?”

At the suggestion of coin her eyes light up.

”Hold on and I’ll open the workshop. He’s got a few wagons he’s working on in there.”

The woman closes the door and soon the one of the doors of the workshop can be herd creaking open. The woman pushes the door open wide so that the sun shines into the area lighting up the wagons within. Except for a missing rear wheel one of the wagons appears to be in fine shape. It sits slightly skewed with its rear corner being support by a sturdy barrel. The other wagon on the other hand has seen better days. The entire wagon is charred and gutted. The covering and support frames are completely burnt away. The main floor boards and sides are badly blackened also. Ash and debris fills the main cargo area of the wagon. It’s apparent that the wagon was once painted in yellow, but most of the paint has burned away. On the side boards you can just make out the remnants of lettering that must have been painted there. You study the lettering intently straining to make them out. Cerin is able to recognize the script as Minkian. Krissina struggles to discern the letters. She can just about make out the first word as “Sandpoint” but the second word is illegible.

The woman stands nearby, watching you curiously.

”He’s been working on fixing up this one with broken wheel for a time now, but this one he just had hauled here yesterday. He said something about wheels and base as being good. I guess it was abandoned in the square? It’s not your wagon is it?”

Yeah been busy at work. I'm going away for the weekend so I'll just have my phone. I'll still try to get some posts in though.

Once lunch is concluded, you gather yourselves together and head out to the wheelwright’s shop. The shop is located around the corner on River Street just behind the Rusty Dragon and you arrive quickly. The large wooden structure is dominated by the workshop/barn area. Living quarters are located upstairs. As you walk up to the front door the shop appears closed. As you peer through the loose slats of wood that comprise the barn doors, you can see that there are two wagons secured inside the workshop. A firm knock soon brings a plain looking woman to the front door.

”Yes what is it? My husband’s not here. But if you’ve got a wagon that needs mending you can leave it with me and I’ll be sure and get him working on it”

She seems somehow hopeful at the sight of you.

The barkeep hesitates for but a moment before acceding to your request and extending you a line of credit. As the drinks are poured and passed around the inn becomes more lively and amicable. Drifting from table to table you chat with many members of the inn. Most patrons recall much the same story – Goblins running amok in the square, the town guard putting a sporadic resistance and the a group of heroic adventurers shouldering the burden of the fighting. It soon seems apparent that no useful clues regarding the wagon(s) used by the Goblins during the raid is forthcoming. Then you meet a curious fellow by the name of Garon. He is a worker from an outlying farm and he was in the square during the aftermath of the attack.

”Yes I remember the wagon you speak of. Goblins poured out of it and attacked the square. It was loaded with lamp oil and fireworks for the evening festivities. It caught fire and burnt during the attack. Afterwards, it wasn’t much more than a burnt shell but we hauled it off to Wheen’s workshop. You see the wheelwright, Bilivar Wheen, paid me and a friend good coin to haul it off to his workshop. Bilivar said that since its owner had abandoned the wagon he had claimed it as his own. He said that he’d be able to fix it up and sell it. We carted by hand over to his shop and stashed it around back. I hope this helps you. Thanks for drink!”

Kyrian feel free to wander back to the Rusty Dragon Inn at this point if you like. You all have the opportunity to finish your meal and discuss your next course of action. Prior to lunch you had talked of tracking down the wagons used to smuggle the Goblins into town during the attack. Also, the nobleman Aldern Foxglove is expecting you anytime to drop by the White Deer Inn and collect your reward for saving him. In addition he has invited you on a boar hunt (although these invitations seemed mostly directed at Lynnda). You can of course, always choose to split up into two or more parties if desired.

Back at the Rusty Dragon...

The old man’s face burns bright red with embarrassment and anger.

Cerin critical failure on diplomacy check!

”Who asked you for your opinion, you silver tongued demon? Stay out of my family affairs and mind your own business. As for you daughter, you’re coming with me whether you like it or not.”

Lonjiku reaches over and grabs a full head of Ameiko’s hair and begins to drag her screaming towards the door. Ameiko seems helpless for but a moment but then she overcomes her initial shock and retaliates with the sturdy soup ladle she brandishes. She bashes him firmly on the head - fish stock and potatoes are splattered about his hair and clothes. The assembled patrons of the inn let out a murmured laugh. Stunned and embarrassed, Lonjiku stares coldly at Ameiko. He sputters for a moment then coldly remarks,

”You’re as dead to me as your Mother is.”

As her father departs the inn, Ameiko appears to be on the verge of tears. She glances at her soup ladle. She pulls a hair out of the mess and says,

”I’ll need a well-cleaned ladle now, since jackass stew’s not on the menu.”

The resulting cheers and laughter from the inn’s patrons seems to cheer her up immediately. She apologises on behalf of her father and retires to the kitchen.

Shayliss reacts warmly to your embrace and responds…

”I’ll try to sneak away and come see you tonight.”

With a giggle she begins to dress. After dressing, she gathers the some wine and heads to the steps.

”Let yourself out and I’ll lock up later.”

She blows you a kiss and is gone upstairs.

Shayliss regains her composure and responds

”Yes daddy what is it?”

”What are you doing down there?”

”Just sweeping up."

”Well finish up girl, and bring up that wine like I asked for before.”

”Yes daddy.”

The door closes and Shayliss giggles with a sigh of relief. Not content on cutting the encounter short, she pushes you back down onto the cot and continues to embrace you lovingly...

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