Vedavrex Misraria

Dragonpriest's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

I haven't been able to find how to migrate my data from Paizo to Goblinworks, am I just blind or is there no obvious link to do so?

Goblin Squad Member

Aarontendo wrote:
I guess a big part of what irritates me about macs are when my uni students whine that they're broke but they bring a fancy new MacBook and iPhone 5 to class. They just look at me like I'm slow if I tell them they'd have less student debt if they got a Dell :)

You get what you pay for, if you buy a Dell, you'll be looking for a new laptop in 3-6 months. You buy a Mac, you got a laptop for the next 4-5 years.

Goblin Squad Member

Ranger or fighter for me, not really sure yet

Goblin Squad Member

emotes are pretty common place now in all MMO's, so I don't see how this game will be any different.

Goblin Squad Member

All I have to say about this, do it right and we will play. But in all seriousness, as long as the game stays away from the f2p model, it has a honest chance at success if game play, story, and immersion are there.

Goblin Squad Member

Only one thing can save this game if it goes with sub/f2p/MTX hybrid model, and that is if the serious gamers who pay a monthly subscription will have completely separate servers from f2p player base. What has ruined the other almost notable f2p mmo's is the fact that both types of player bases are all playing on the same servers.