
Divinkitty's page

Organized Play Member. 13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Philo Pharynx wrote:
From RollForCombat's video: there is now a site taking signatures against this. I would definitely add your name to this. If there's enough backlash, hopefully this can be changed before this gets into a big legal battle.

Spreading that around like peanut butter on bread.

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I've heard a lot of contradictory things over the past week on how this will affect Paizo, Pathfinder, and Starfinder, but one common thing I see is the possibility of Paizo making its own OGL, with that being a pricey endeavor to undertake. I don't work at Paizo and none of the people who I've talked to about this work at Paizo, so obviously take this with the smallest grain of salt, but if they do decide to try and create their own OGL I'm curious what we, as fans of their product and wanting to help them succeed, can do to help. Would buying more of their product help? Or would there be somewhere to donate? Both? I'm not rich, but I'd still want to help in any way I could.

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Kinda mixed on it myself.

As a lore book I think it's amazing and getting some updated art is really nice (I'd actually love to play a Quorlu now).

Mechanics wise I was a bit disappointeted.

The Evolutionist's base I actually like a lot, but the niches and the adaptations, imo, leave a lot to be desired which kinda sucks when that's the big thing of the evolutionist--being weird and morphing in alien ways. The Eldritch niche specifically strikes me as one that was an interesting idea but executed poorly as it is entirely dependent on having a caster in the party.

A lot of the new class options felt kinda meh to me. A lot of them felt less like they fit the book and more like "well these ideas are finished so we'll put them in here" with some exceptions like the new Mechanic options.

The race builder is quick and easy to use and I think works well, but giving a lot of stuff tables felt like an odd take.

The race options I'm mixed on because on one hand, most of them are really cool and interesting, but on the other hand I was hoping for more alternate racial traits since that's always a nice way to make a species feel like your own.

I haven't taken much of a look at the added npcs. I like the art, but the npcs weren't what I grabbed the book for.

Hope this helps.

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As the title says. The druid has an 18th level feat called "Primal Wellspring" that requires something called "Wild Focus". The thing is, after looking through the book and scanning all of druid (I also have the PDF version, so did a ctrl+f on Wild Focus) and the only time it's ever mentioned is in this ability. Am I missing something?

There is Wild Order and Wild Shape, but even then that doesn't make too much sense because the Wild Order only ever gets 1 Focus Point and the entire feat is based around spending 3 focus points.

For reference,

"Primal Wellspring Feat 18
Prerequisites: Wild Focus

Your reserve of Focus Points is a deep wellspring. If you have spent at least 3 Focus Points since the last time you Refocused, you recover 3 Focus Points when you Refocus instead of 1."

Edit: after looking through the abilities again, I realized that the most likely solution is that they were actually referring to 'Primal Focus', but had a misprint and said 'Wild Focus' instead.

For reference,

"Primal Focus Feat 12

Your connection to nature is particularly strong, and the spirits of nature flock around you, helping you replenish your focus. If you have spent at least 2 Focus Points since the last time you Refocused, you recover 2 Focus Points when you Refocus instead of 1."