
DicesMuse's page

Venture-Agent, Indiana–Marion 128 posts (372 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.

Full Name

Chris Lorando












Lawful Good


"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness." - The Dalai Lama


Varisia (North-East Indiana)


Common "English", Butchered "Gerspanglish" (English, German, and Spanish mix horribly gone wrong), "Techspeak" (Language native to all call-center-based Tech Support Reps)


Fate Weaver, Lore Seeker, Father

Strength 12
Dexterity 14
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 16
Charisma 19

About DicesMuse

Male Galt Half-Elf (Barrister) Enigma Bard 8
Symbols > Single Action (◆), Double Action (◆◆), Triple Action (◆◆◆), Free Action (◇), Reaction (↺)

Hero Points 1/3
Str 12 (+1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 10 (+0) Int 14 (+2) Wis 16 (+3) Cha 19 (+4)
Alignment LG; Deity: Shelyn; Age: 37; Languages: Common, Draconic, Hallit


Heritage Feat: Half-Elf
Ancestry Feat: Elven Lore
Class Bonus Feat: Bardic Lore
Background Bonus Feat: Group Impression
Class Feat: Loremaster’s Etude
Skill Feat: Oddity Identification
General Feat: Ancestral Paragon (Cooperative Nature)
Class Bonus Feat: Lightning Reflexes
Class Bonus Feat: Signature Spells
Skill Feat: Encouraging Words
Class Feat: Melodious Spell
Ancestry Feat: Clever Improvisor
Ancestry Bonus Feat: Untrained Improvisation
Skill Feat: Glad-Hand
Class Feat: Assured Knowledge
General Feat: Incredible Initiative
Class Bonus Feat: Expert Spellcaster
Skill Feat: Bizarre Magic
Class Feat: Know-it-All


+12 = Arcana = Int +2, Prof +10
+12 = Crafting = Int +2, Prof +10
+14 = Deception = Cha +4, Prof +10
+16 = Diplomacy = Cha +4, Prof +12
+14 = Intimidation = Cha +4, Prof +10
+12 = Lore: Elven Lore = Int +2, Prof +10
+12 = Lore: Legal = Int +2, Prof +10
+13 = Nature = Wis +3, Prof +10
+16 = Occultism = Int +2, Prof +14
+14 = Performance = Cha +4, Prof +10
+13 = Religion = Wis +3, Prof +10
+12 = Society = Int +2, Prof +10
+13 = Survival = Wis +3, Prof +10

+15 = Perception = Wis +3, Prof +12

AC 25 (Studded Leather: Dex +2, Prof +10, Item +3)
hp 72/72
+10 = Fortitude = Con +0, Prof +10
+14 = Reflex = Dex +2, Prof +12
+15 = Will = Wis +3, Prof +12


(Bulk 4.4; Encumbered 6.0; Maximum 11.0)
Magical Items (Permanent)
7th: 1
6th: 2
5th: 1
4th: 2
Mundane Items:
Aeon stone, clear spindle (lvl 7), Staff of Enchantment (lvl 6), ring of electric resistance (lvl 6), +1 Studded Leather Armor (lvl 5), +1 Striking Rapier (lvl 4), Bag of Holding type I (lvl 4), Sling, Bullets Bullets (x20), Dagger, Backpack, Bandolier, Bedroll, Belt Pouch (x2), Chalk (x10), Flint and Steel, Music Instrument (handheld), Rations (2 weeks), Rope, Sheath, Soap, Torch, Waterskin
Currency: 173 gp, 2 sp

Occult DC 26 = Base 10, Cha +4, Prof +12
+16 = Spell Attack = Cha +4, Prof +12
Spell Level 0 (Unlimited): ◆◆Dancing Lights, ◆◆Daze, ◆◆Detect Magic, ◆◆Ghost Sound, ◆◆Mage Hand
Spell Level 1 (3/Rest): ◆◆Charm, ◆◆Soothe (Signature), ◆◆Unseen Servant, ◆True Strike
Spell Level 2 (3/Rest): ◆◆Remove Fear, ◆◆See Invisibility, ◆◆Comprehend Language (Signature)
Spell Level 3 (3/Rest): Clairaudience, ◆◆Enthrall, ◆◆Mind Reading (Signature)
Spell Level 4 (3/Rest): ◆◆Clairvoyance, Remove Curse, ◆◆Suggestion (Signature)


My personal GM pledge:
"At my table, this game is a place of collaborative fantasy story telling for all. You may have as much freedom as your imagination allows, so long as it doesn't impose on anothers enjoyment. I welcome all players to my table. I promise that if something makes you uncomfortable, I will attempt to address the problem discretely, professionally, and thoroughly. If I do something wrong, I wish you to let me know. I pledge that my games are a safe haven of fun role-playing, story-weaving, and villain slaying for all."

- Inspirational credit to CanisDirus and ChrisMarsh