
<Kabal> Dan Repperger's page

Goblin Squad Member. 99 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Goblin Squad Member

Is there a guide out there for what the non-combat, non-crafting skills do? Skills like geography, history, perception, etc? I know what some of them do (for example, perception counters stealth). But a lot of them are mysteries to me.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm looking at a trainer right now, and according to the tooltips, there's absolutely no difference between the level 2 and level 3 versions of my attack spells (cleric). What am I missing? I assume there has to be some reason to train them up.

Goblin Squad Member

I know anyone with Early Enrollment can play right now, and anyone with Open Enrollment will be let in around January 1, 2016. But when can people with Head Start play? I've got a friend with that, and I'm not sure what it means.

Goblin Squad Member

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While we're waiting on helmets, can we have grocery bags added to the game? I just need something to put over my character's head until we get helmets and/or a chance to reset our appearance. That lack of rotation killed me.

In all seriousness, is there a chat channel for companies or settlements? I'm not setting one, so I'm guessing either it's not there or it's turned off. Since MMOs live and die on the social investment of its players, I hope this is a feature pretty high on the to-do list.

Goblin Squad Member

They say you remember 10% of what you hear but forget 10% of what you do. So in that spirit, I spent the weekend trying to figure out the game through a combination of trial-and-error and skimming guides, as opposed to asking anyone. I think I got it all figured out but what thing.

It's my understanding that the six hex slots about my on- and off-hand slots are for things I can do with a holy symbol. But where do I get a holy symbol and the powers I would slot with it? My class pack gave me a focus, but I don't think it gave me a holy symbol.

In other news, Ryan, if I send you some Icelandic chocolate or something, can we get mounts? Moving a main account, secondary account, and DT across the lands was quite an undertaking.

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hard is fun!

That's what she said.

✓ Childish
✓ Necessary

Goblin Squad Member

Does anyone have an alpha invite they can send to frenziedjustice at gmail dot com. I've used up all of mine.

Goblin Squad Member

Am I the only one that can't login? The game says it's out of date, and the patcher keeps erroring out. I uninstalled the game, downloaded a fresh copy, and made sure everything was running under admin rights. Still no luck.

Stopped working

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: patcher.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 5423b0fe
Problem Signature 04: mscorlib
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 53a12268
Problem Signature 07: 3457
Problem Signature 08: 26d
Problem Signature 09: System.IO.IOException
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

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Goblin Squad Member

This may be a "duh" sort of question as it's been staring me in the face throughout alpha and I just haven't noticed it. But is there a way to see your coordinates on the map? I figure it would be helpful for reporting bugs in the map or places you can get stuck in the geometry, particularly since the map is being procedurally generated.

Goblin Squad Member

First off, I just trademarked that name, so Bonny will have to start calling her events something else.

Jokes aside, for anyone that's not been following the alpha posts, there will be a crossover event tonight between my own community (Fear the Boot) and Goblinworks. It will be on the official Twitch channel starting at 3:00pm Pacific tonight.

For anyone that already knows this but is shrugging it off, you might want to at least check out item #6 on this FAQ I just posted over yonder before deciding for sure.

Goblin Squad Member

Is there an ETA on getting our Goblinworks account information expanded to show the items we've purchased? I could see all of that when the info was on, but obviously not over there. I can't recall all of the add-ons I picked up and was curious to see them.

I ask since, you know, you guys have nothing else going on and no other major items to knock out before EE. ;)