Race |
HP: 38/38 | AC: 18 | F: +7, R: +6, W: +7 | Perc: +5 | Stealth: +2 | |
Classes/Levels |
Speed: 25 ft. | Resistances: All Physical 3, Fire 2| Focus Points: 2/3 | 1st: 1/3, 2nd: 1/2 | Exploration: | Active Conditions: | Hero Points: |
Gender |
Female Human Cosmos Oracle 3 |
About Corona Meridian
Character Name: Corona Meridian
PFS Number: 192133 - 2003
Experience: 34
Money: 94 gp, 6 sp, 9 cp
Ancestry: Versatile Heritage Human
Background: Cook
Class: Oracle
Level: 3
Size: Medium
Traits: Human, Humanoid
Deity: Ashava
Languages: Common, Goblin, Kelish, Sylvan, Varisian
Pathfinder Training: Generalist
Envoy’s Alliance:
Grand Archive:
Horizon Hunters:
Vigilant Seal: 30
Radiant Oath:
Verdant Wheel:
Perception: +5
Special Senses:
Hit Points: 38
AC: 18
Fortitude: 7
Reflex: 6
Will: 7
Resistances: All Physical 3, Fire 2
Class DC: 18
Speed: 25 ft.
Melee Strikes
Dagger +6/+2/-2
(1d4 + 1; critical 2d4 + 2) [P/S; Agile, Finesse, Versatile S]
Fist +6/+2/-2
(1d4 + 1; critical 2d4 + 2) [B; Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed]
Light Mace +6/+2/-2
(1d4 + 1; critical 2d4 + 2) [B; Agile, Finesse, Shove]
Longspear +6/+1/-4
(1d8 + 1; critical 2d8 + 2) [P; Reach]
Ranged Strikes
Dagger +6/+2/-2
(1d4 + 1; critical 2d4 + 2) [P/S; Agile, Finesse, Versatile S]
Crossbow +6/+1/-4
(1d8; critical 2d8) [P]
Magic Traditions: Divine
Spell Attack Roll: +8
Spell DC: 18
Focus Points: 2
Spell Slots per Day
Cantrips: Unlimited
1st: 3
2nd: 2
Spells Known
Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Divine Lance, Forbidding Ward, Message, Stabilize
1st: Bless, Command, Heal (S)
2nd: Faerie Fire, Sound Burst (S)
Focus Spells Known
Moonbeam, Spray of Stars
Innate Spells
Cantrips: Light (Wayfinder)
Staff Spells
1st: Produce Flame (Flame Star Spellheart)
Acrobatics +2
Arcana +7 - (2 Int, 3 Level, 2 Trained)
Athletics +2
Cooking Lore +7 - (2 Int, 3 Level, 2 Trained)
Crafting +7 - (2 Int, 3 Level, 2 Trained)
Deception +4
Diplomacy +8 - (3 Cha, 3 Level, 2 Trained)
Intimidation +8 - (3 Cha, 3 Level, 2 Trained)
Medicine +1
Nature +5 - (0 Wis, 3 Level, 2 Trained)
Occultism +7 - (2 Int, 3 Level, 2 Trained)
Pathfinder Society Lore +7 - (2 Int, 3 Level, 2 Trained)
Performance +10 - (3 Cha, 3 Level, 4 Expert)
Religion +5 - (0 Wis, 3 Level, 2 Trained)
Society +7 - (2 Int, 3 Level, 2 Trained)
Stealth +2
Survival +5 - (0 Wis, 3 Level, 2 Trained)
Thievery +2
Ability Scores
STR 12 (+1) DEX 12 (+1) CON 14 (+2) INT 14 (+2) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 16 (+3)
Ancestry & Class Abilities
Curse of the Sky's Call - You have your head in the clouds—and not just figuratively. Your body is drawn toward the heavens, making you lighter and less substantial than you should be. Your eyes glow with starry light, and your hair and clothing float and drift around you.
Minor Curse - Your unnatural lightness makes it hard to keep your footing and interact with other physical objects. You are enfeebled 1 and take a –2 penalty to saves and DCs against Grapple, Shove, and other forms of forced movement.
Moderate Curse - Your body is drawn further skyward. You are enfeebled 2, and the penalty from your minor curse increases to –3. You are treated as one size smaller for wind effects. You gain a +2 status bonus against Trip attempts, you only take half as much damage from falls, and you gain the effects of the Powerful Leap and Quick Jump skill feats. You weigh only half as much, and your Bulk, should someone need to carry you, is also half as much.
Major Curse - As your body rises, you float just above the ground beneath you. You become enfeebled 4, and the penalty from your minor curse increases to –4. You can walk on liquids as if they were solid; you gain the effects of the Cloud Jump skill feat; and you don't leave tracks, trigger weight-sensitive pressure plates, or otherwise connect with the ground below you.
Mystery (Cosmos) - An oracle wields divine power, but not from a single divine being. This power could come from a potent concept or ideal, the attention of multiple divine entities whose areas of concern all touch on that subject, or a direct and dangerous conduit to raw divine power. This is the oracle's mystery, a source of divine magic not beholden to any deity.
Choose the mystery that empowers your magic. Your mystery grants you special spells called revelation spells and might later grant you divine domain spells. It dictates the effects of your oracular curse, adds an additional cantrip to your repertoire, and gives you one or more trained skills. Drawing insight and power from the collective divine influences that fuel your magic also provides you with a special benefit.
Mystery Domain: Moon
Signature Spells - Experience enables you to cast some spells more flexibly. For each spell level you have access to, choose one spell of that level to be a signature spell. You don't need to learn heightened versions of signature spells separately; instead, you can heighten these spells freely. If you've learned a signature spell at a higher level than its minimum, you can also cast all its lower-level versions without learning those separately. If you swap out a signature spell, you can replace it with any spell you could have chosen when you first selected it (i.e., of the same spell level or lower). You can also retrain specifically to change a signature spell to a different spell of that level without swapping any spells; this takes as much time as retraining a spell normally does.
Ancestry Feats
Natural Skill
Class Feats
Familiar Master Dedication
General Feats
Untrained Improvisation
Skill Feats
Intimidating Glare
Combat Gear: Studded Leather Armor, Bolts (20)
Other Gear: Backpack, Bedroll, Cookware, Flint & Steel, Repair Kit, Rope (50 ft.), Waterskin, Wooden Holy Symbol (Ashava)
Magic Items:
Flame Star Spellheart
Pearly White Spindle Aeon Stone
Bulk: 5
(Encumbered at: 6 ; Maximum at: 11)