Rysky wrote: It’s been brought up that the pullback on certain Pathfinder release schedules was due to the people involved being overworked, not necessarily due to Starfinder’s emergence. So it was scaled down to give the creators more room to breath and focus on the projects they are working on. I believe Rysky is on to something there, I had noticed an improvment in both Campaign and Companion lines right after the slower release schedule began. An over worked team producing good work, will produce great work when given reasonable resources.
Every group I have gamed with it is the player's responsibility. The player does not always know exactly they are saving against. And some inference from the player is expected to cut down on spouting off a list of different results. Much like a high level ranger could read out 8 different perception checks results if they were completely unaware of what type of creature and terrain they were dealing with.
Serpent's Skull had several boss monsters that were regarded as Gods by the tribes there. The frohemoth that quibblemuch mentioned, a raksasha, a demon, even an advanced lillend. If you have a chance give the adventure path books 4 and 5 a read though it talks about the situations the led to the rise of each "deity".
Hello James,
Are u in PFS? How is the DM? As a DM i would allow very generos reading of flavor text and let you trick out the club simply because bending the rules still wouldn't create an OP situation. Remember bat rings in little league metal rings that add weight to a bat. Cold iron rings, silver rings, whatever. That takes care of material DR, versatile weapon gives help with damage type DR. Imp Crit and you have aviable weapon if not a top tier one.
James Jacobs wrote:
Mr Jacobs, I have not played any of the Fallout series but I played Skyrim alot, how would you compare Fallout 4 to Skyrim for being emotionally compelling? Thank you for your opinion.