Wing Clipper

Andrew Phillips's page

RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter, 8 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 614 posts. 3 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters.


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Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Please cancel all of my subscriptions and all pending orders.
Thank You.

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

Please try the payment methond again, thanks.

Sovereign Court

Please try the payment method again.

Sovereign Court

Please cancel order #8139090.

Sovereign Court

Please cancel my Pathfinder Roleplaying Game subscription.

Sovereign Court

Please run the payment method again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sovereign Court

Please try the payment method again.
Sorry for the delay.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I will be playing both for a few years at least.

Sovereign Court

Please try the payment method again.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I would like to see a system for errata, FAQ and staff advice put in one place to make finding answers easier. And have the answers broken down by those categories but still in the same place.

Sovereign Court

I agree as well.

Sovereign Court

Please try to run the card on file again.
Once again I apologize for the failed payment method.

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

Could you please run the payment method again, it should be fine.
Also could you change the shipping method to USPS Priority Mail?

Thank You!

Sovereign Court

I use an iPad and get similar results. I assume work is still being done to correct these problems. Or at least I hope, I still can't get most of my Digital Content.

Sovereign Court

Me too, I posted in another thread but no staff responses there.

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

Would it be possible to change this order to Ship as soon as possible instead of Side carting it?
Thank You!

Sovereign Court

Much of my Digital Content is missing, enough that I won't consider typing it all out(unless I really need too of course). One example of missing content is the Advanced Race Guide it is simply not there :(

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Do you think it would be possible to change the name of this thread to
I love reading this thread and it seems like some of the clutter could be reduced, maybe.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you both!

Sovereign Court

Where do I add the discount to an order?

Sovereign Court

Douglas Muir 406 wrote:
Andrew Phillips wrote:
Yes, Archives of Nethys is that much better.

What's the difference that you see in terms of quality, and why is it different (i.e., who's behind it and what are they doing that's different)?

Doug M.

AoN actually has the correct information.

Sovereign Court

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Yes, Archives of Nethys is that much better.

Sovereign Court

I would label this a shenanigan for certain.

Sovereign Court

Yes, thank you. I also remembered the Stealth blogs.

Sovereign Court

Looking for advice about detailed rules from the Paizo blog. I am aware of the Light and Darkness blog as well as the Poison FAQ blog. Anyone aware of any others?

Sovereign Court

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
It’s been brought up that the pullback on certain Pathfinder release schedules was due to the people involved being overworked, not necessarily due to Starfinder’s emergence. So it was scaled down to give the creators more room to breath and focus on the projects they are working on.

I believe Rysky is on to something there, I had noticed an improvment in both Campaign and Companion lines right after the slower release schedule began. An over worked team producing good work, will produce great work when given reasonable resources.

Sovereign Court

Since I have mine set to the side cart to ship with my subscription should I be worried about the reprint selling out before mine ships?

Sovereign Court

Everything looks correct now, thank you.

Sovereign Court

Every group I have gamed with it is the player's responsibility. The player does not always know exactly they are saving against. And some inference from the player is expected to cut down on spouting off a list of different results. Much like a high level ranger could read out 8 different perception checks results if they were completely unaware of what type of creature and terrain they were dealing with.

Sovereign Court

Under the My Payment Methods tab. A message in red just below my CC address.

Sovereign Court

I did get the e-mail that my order has been generated.

Sovereign Court

Hello, thanks for the help with the expiration date, I see the correction has been made. Now I have an invalid payment type error. This is the same CC I have been using here for years. More advice please?

Sovereign Court

But I don't seem to be able to edit the card information. Advice?

Sovereign Court

Dot. I finally get to GM this!

Sovereign Court

Serpent's Skull had several boss monsters that were regarded as Gods by the tribes there. The frohemoth that quibblemuch mentioned, a raksasha, a demon, even an advanced lillend. If you have a chance give the adventure path books 4 and 5 a read though it talks about the situations the led to the rise of each "deity".

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I always have my imerrsion broken when every encounter is exactly the same difficulty. But I haved gamed with plenty of people who complain loudly if encounters are not "balanced".

Sovereign Court

Hello James,
I am loving Ultimate Wilderness, especially the archtypes. I am finding many I will use in already published adventures (for instance the Brutish Swamper Barbarian archtype given the number of swamps and marshs in the APs). When developing a big hard cover are options designed specifically for PCs with other options aimed at NPCs or is it all intended to be used by the players?

Sovereign Court

How do we tell if a book in this line is in it's second printing, without looking in a physical copy of a book?

Sovereign Court

Are u in PFS? How is the DM? As a DM i would allow very generos reading of flavor text and let you trick out the club simply because bending the rules still wouldn't create an OP situation. Remember bat rings in little league metal rings that add weight to a bat. Cold iron rings, silver rings, whatever. That takes care of material DR, versatile weapon gives help with damage type DR. Imp Crit and you have aviable weapon if not a top tier one.

Sovereign Court

James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Which Fallout game did you find the most emotionally compelling?
Fallout 4.

Mr Jacobs, I have not played any of the Fallout series but I played Skyrim alot, how would you compare Fallout 4 to Skyrim for being emotionally compelling?

Thank you for your opinion.

Sovereign Court

Combine orders #3788782 and #3793221 please.
Going for First $10 shipping.

Thank YOU!!

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for all the insight on the Ghorans, little bits of informtion help form more unique PCs.
How would you feel about a Taldane PC that insisted on praying to Aroden because of centuries of family tradition?

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

Thanks for getting the total straightened out.
I guess once the tech crew catches up on the backlog, the customer serivce crew won't get to show off their awesomeness as often!

Sovereign Court

This order will qualify for First 10 shipping correct?
Any idea when the My Subscription page will once again total the cost of products and shipping?
This would keep me from posting here.


Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Checking for any progress report?
This past month's subscription I waited until receiving my e-notification and then changed the order. Customer service was great as usual but if we could get the totals $ as before it would save myself and customer service that extra step.

Sovereign Court

Sharaya wrote:

I have combined these and should get an updated order confirmation email.


Thank you!

Great service as usual.

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