Can't access my downloads

Website Feedback

Liberty's Edge

For the last two days I have been unable to access my assets page (either through the old bookmarks or the new dropdown menu). I haven't been attempting constantly so I don't know if I'm just picking poor times but it's getting a bit frustrating.

I can get into my downloads page.. but many of my downloads are coming up broken when I click on them. Also.. it is showing doubles of many things.. looks very weird.

Hopefully just renovation pains.... lol

Web Production Manager

Heya, we are aware of the issues folks are having accessing this page. We're currently vetting a potential fix that we hope to get into one of our planned hotfix rolls as soon as we can.

Dark Archive

Add me to the list of those unable to access downloads.

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Heya, we are aware of the issues folks are having accessing this page. We're currently vetting a potential fix that we hope to get into one of our planned hotfix rolls as soon as we can.

Hopefully that fix is also for those of us.. or.. who knows.. maybe just me.. that can actually get in there.. but have many items missing.. but good to know.

Web Production Manager

Heya, we just pushed the fix to My Downloads. You may need to sign out and back in, but they should all be there again. Cthulhusquatch, if you still have display issues, would you mind providing a screenshot (via link or emailing to

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Heya, we just pushed the fix to My Downloads. You may need to sign out and back in, but they should all be there again. Cthulhusquatch, if you still have display issues, would you mind providing a screenshot (via link or emailing to

Looks like that fix worked for me. Hopefully it did for them too. As far as I can tell, everything looks correct now.. and the two I knew were broken links are no longer broken. So thanks! Technology can be a pain during transition. lol Keep up the good work.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My downloads are still broken. I can see most stuff, but some is missing. In particular, I have 2 Strange Aeons sections with books 3 through 6, but neither has books 1 and 2, nor the player's guide. I haven't checked everything else yet.

Paizo Employee Software Test Engineer

taks wrote:
My downloads are still broken. I can see most stuff, but some is missing. In particular, I have 2 Strange Aeons sections with books 3 through 6, but neither has books 1 and 2, nor the player's guide. I haven't checked everything else yet.

They should be visible again, however they're organized into a different area from the rest of the adventure path. I'll make sure the issue gets documented so we can address it going forward.

I super appreciate your bringing this to our attention.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Erik Keith wrote:
taks wrote:
My downloads are still broken. I can see most stuff, but some is missing. In particular, I have 2 Strange Aeons sections with books 3 through 6, but neither has books 1 and 2, nor the player's guide. I haven't checked everything else yet.

They should be visible again, however they're organized into a different area from the rest of the adventure path. I'll make sure the issue gets documented so we can address it going forward.

I super appreciate your bringing this to our attention.

The final Ruins of Azlant has that same issue.

Paizo Employee Software Test Engineer

Cthulhusquatch wrote:
Erik Keith wrote:
taks wrote:
My downloads are still broken. I can see most stuff, but some is missing. In particular, I have 2 Strange Aeons sections with books 3 through 6, but neither has books 1 and 2, nor the player's guide. I haven't checked everything else yet.

They should be visible again, however they're organized into a different area from the rest of the adventure path. I'll make sure the issue gets documented so we can address it going forward.

I super appreciate your bringing this to our attention.

The final Ruins of Azlant has that same issue.

Just gave it a bit of a kick and it and it should now be visible. Thanks!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I can only see the final issue of Ruins of Azlant, and the First two issues of Strange Aeons under those headers.

Paizo Employee Software Test Engineer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I can only see the final issue of Ruins of Azlant, and the First two issues of Strange Aeons under those headers.

Those should now be visible for you. I think I've figured out what's going on and I'll get it added to our list of updates so we can get it resolved in the near future for everyone.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Erik Keith wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I can only see the final issue of Ruins of Azlant, and the First two issues of Strange Aeons under those headers.
Those should now be visible for you. I think I've figured out what's going on and I'll get it added to our list of updates so we can get it resolved in the near future for everyone.

The same issues appear twice in the page now.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Nope. Still isn't working.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Digital content / download just leads me to a broken link.

Erik Keith wrote:
Cthulhusquatch wrote:
Erik Keith wrote:
taks wrote:
My downloads are still broken. I can see most stuff, but some is missing. In particular, I have 2 Strange Aeons sections with books 3 through 6, but neither has books 1 and 2, nor the player's guide. I haven't checked everything else yet.

They should be visible again, however they're organized into a different area from the rest of the adventure path. I'll make sure the issue gets documented so we can address it going forward.

I super appreciate your bringing this to our attention.

The final Ruins of Azlant has that same issue.
Just gave it a bit of a kick and it and it should now be visible. Thanks!

Doh! I probably shouldn't have said anything until everything was fixed. Where before I had the first 5 and the players guide in one spot and 6 in another spot... now the first 5 and players guide are in two spots.. and 6 is missing.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Bumping this. My digital content is still broken. I have 2 entries for Strange Aeons, both of them have books 3-6 only. No PG, no books 1 or 2. The filter option for Strange Aeons in Adventure Paths is not there, either. I'm concerned coming into a new cycle that I won't be able to download my new stuff.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Mine seems to have the missing content restored, though SA is still split into 2 sections. Odd, but not problematic that I know of. Thanks all.

Sovereign Court

Much of my Digital Content is missing, enough that I won't consider typing it all out(unless I really need too of course). One example of missing content is the Advanced Race Guide it is simply not there :(

Lantern Lodge

I can't even find the My Downloads page. Can someone please put in a link? Thanks...

Click on "My Account", then "Digital Assets", then login and you are there.

Grand Lodge

I'm still missing Strange Aeons 3-6 and Ruins of Azlant 1-5. Maybe more.

Sovereign Court


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