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As you each arrived in Kintargo (see map on Slide 2), you were met at the docks by a messenger boy who bade you wait until all the agents had assembled. Now you find yourselves being led into a somewhat damaged shop. Discarded papers and debris have mostly been cleaned up, but the location has clearly been burglarized. Further in the backrooms, you find several chairs positioned around a table. Your guide asks if you would prefer coffee, tea, or other similar, refreshing beverages, and then departs to prepare them to your order. Silence settles over the room as you wait….

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Mirandiel stood near the edge of the room, his presence almost merging with the shadows cast by the flickering lanterns. When the guide inquired about his drink preference, he turned slowly, his violet-gray eyes meeting theirs with a calm intensity.
He raised a slender hand, the motion deliberate and fluid, as though even the smallest gesture held meaning. "Tea," he said in a voice as smooth and cold as polished stone, his tone leaving no room for question. His fingers hovered briefly, as though he were mentally assessing the quality of the guide's anatomy before lowering his hand to his side.

Gamble Eigirsson |

"Coffee if you don't have ale or mead," the blond-haired, bearded Ulfen man in a fur-lined breastplate says as he joins the table. He carries a sword on his belt and sets a reinforced steel shield beside himself. An arcane rune glitters on the shield.
"I'm Gamble," he says to those in attendance at the table.

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"Ale for me too," declares a green kobold pirate as he strides in, pride evident on his face. His stance exudes confidence, perhaps even overconfidence. "The name’s Schek Nek, but ye can just call me Schek." He introduces himself, subtly brandishing the grapnel at his side.

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A short mousy woman with brown hair enters the room. "Ummm... am I in the right place? I was brought here by the messenger outside. I came by a different way." Seeing that the guide is waiting for her drink preference, she blushes, "Oh, sorry. Tea please." Realizing then that she still had not identified herself, she blushes even deeper. "Oh, umm, I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sam."

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My apologies. I had hoped to get this up and running early enough, but it seems to not be in the cards.
We're still waiting for one more to check in, and then we can start.
I'm leaving tomorrow (Australia time) on a short little cruise with the Aussie Pathfinder community. I can't guarantee that I'll have time or internet access to post again until the 13th. If I get a chance, I will update, but no promises.
Once I'm back, we'll hit this hard to get some playtest data before it closes out.

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GAH! Not sure how I managed to post that in Gameplay. My apologies.
After a few minutes, a Mwangi man and an ysoki woman enter the room. The well-dressed man begins speaking immediately. "Hello Pathfinders! I’m Immaculate-Weaving-Under-Moonlight Nairaba, head of Procurement for the Society, and this is my counterpart, Kitsch, head of Supplies. We’re extremely sorry you’ve gotten pulled into this situation on short notice, but we have a bit of a problem, and we could use your help to resolve it. You see, while we were trying to set up trade with Ravounel, some extremely rude individuals calling themselves The Silver Devils decided to barge their way in here and wreck everything. They took some gold and a few valuables, but they’ve also stolen something whose true value they probably don’t know."
Her expression serious, Kitsch speaks up. "We suspect they stole it on accident, but what they got is a cipher that contains a lot of very important information. Society business partners, trade arrangements, shipping routes, and even all known entrances to the Maze of the Open Road. This could be extremely dangerous; if that cipher is decoded, especially by Chelaxian intelligence, the Pathfinder Society in the region could begin to suffer ‘setbacks’ and ‘accidents’ across the board. Obviously, we’d strongly prefer that this not happen. These Silver Devils clearly have ties to Cheliax."
"So, to get to the heart of the matter," Nairaba says, "we really need that cipher back. We’d like you to sneak into the enemy hideout, which we’ve discovered is in a cluster of buildings near the Salt Gate of Old Kintargo, and get it back."
Kitsch straightens up, lightly waving a hand to draw the attention back to herself. "I’d like to point something out. Based on our inquiries, the Silver Council is the best thing to happen to Kintargo since its founding, and these Silver Devils are a violent reactionary force looking to drag Ravounel back into the darkness of Chelaxian rule. While we wish for the cipher to be recovered successfully, please destroy it if you have no other choice. Our priority is that it not fall into the hands of Chelaxian spies, as Cheliax is likely to use it to cause problems not just for us, but for Kintargo and all Ravounel. We really don’t want to tip the Devils off and let them know that they’ve managed to get their hands on something valuable. Caution is our best bet—after all, if they learn we’re desperate to get it back, they might just go to ground with it."

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"Is it fine to wreck the cipher if we have to? Got a spare, or is it lost for good?" Schek asks, scratching his head. "And what’s it even look like?"

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A halfling-sized scarecrow, dressed in worn, mismatched leathers, entered the room with the others. He has a Jack o’ lantern for a head. A crow looks around from his shoulder; at second glance, it appears to be made of blackened wicker.
He removed the top of his head, and tipped it like a hat. ”Blackfeather Jack, at your service!” To the boy’s question, he replied, ”Tea, please. I like how mulchy it is!”

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Mirandiel listens intently as the venture captain gives the briefing. "Other than Schek Nek's questions, no more from me." he says coldly while fiddling with his sickle.

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"Ummm... doesn't sound too hard. If Bitisururu Blue can handle it, so can I!"

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"Is it fine to wreck the cipher if we have to? Got a spare, or is it lost for good?" Schek asks, scratching his head. "And what’s it even look like?"
Kitsch answers, "Should be a sealed tube, like a scroll case made of metal. A locked latch holds it closed, and it has a tiny emerald embedded at the top to help us keep track of it in the event it gets mixed in with other scrolls.”
Nairaba cuts in as Kitsch pauses, ”Obviously we would prefer it not be destroyed. We do have backup copies of the information, but in other and separate documents. But do as you must to keep it from falling into the Chelaxian government’s hands.”
"Sounds simple," Gamble says wryly. "Do we have an more intelligence on the area?"
Nairaba answers Gamble’s query. "Excellent question! We don’t really have any intel on the location, but we do have a few contacts who might enable you to infiltrate it, and we’d prefer if you kept force to a minimum. The more force we bring to bear, after all, the more important the information may be deemed. Besides, the thieves are likely to bolt while a battle is being fought. If this information goes to ground, we might be unable to find it again.”
As the leaders wrap up their briefing, your guide arrives with your drinks which Nairaba and Kitsch give you time to finish before they politely remind you that time is of the essence.
DC 16 Society check OR a DC 14 Ravounel or Kintargo Lore check to Recall Knowledge.

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Soc: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 sheesh! :)
"Learned at the academy that Cheliax never really left Ravounel, and even now secretly controls it from the shadows."

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DC 16 Society to RK: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
"Cheliax be powerful, then? Should we be worried about the mission?" Schek is somewhat concerned that if they are caught, they might be thrown to Hell with devils.

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As the agents discuss what they know of Ravounel politics, Kitsch looks askance at Nairaba. The Mwangi man pats the ysoki reassuringly and whispers to her something about them being “seasoned” agents and thus perhaps having access to other sources of intel. The two then discuss with you some of the resources and options you have locally and then usher you from the briefing room.
The urgency of getting the cipher back severely restricts the time available to prepare. You have until sunset, thereby limiting you to only a couple of preparation tasks apiece.
You may each attempt 2 activities. There is no penalty for more than one PC attempting the same activity; however, any individual PC cannot attempt the same activity twice. You may, of course, come up with your own creative way of gathering intel or preparing for this mission.
You can ask around about the Silver Devils in taverns and bars near the Salt Gate.
Diplomacy check to Gather Information OR a Society check to Recall Knowledge.
Involve a Rival
A local gang in the area known as the Burning Daggers has a bone to pick with the Silver Devils and can be convinced to create a distraction.
Deception check to Lie to the Burning Daggers, OR an Intimidation check to Coerce them into helping, OR a Diplomacy check to Make an Impression on the rival gang.
Scout the Warehouses
By Scouting the warehouse district, you can not only find the location of the Silver Devils’ base but also be made aware of its potential defenses and the gangs’ numbers when infiltrating the hideout.
Stealth check to Sneak OR a Perception check to Seek. I would also accept Scouting Lore.
New Recruits
You could pretend to want to join up with the Silver Devils, ingratiating yourself with the gang.
A Deception check to Lie, OR a Performance check to Perform, OR an Athletics check to Grapple (by impressing them in arm wrestling), OR a Fortitude save to drink with them.

Gamble Eigirsson |

There would have been no question about how Gamble would choose to gather information: gossip and drink!
Gossip: Society (T): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
New Recruits: Fortitude (E): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

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Jack snoops around the warehouse district, the crow on his shoulder perched backwards to watch his six.
Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Then he joins Gamble in his attempt to impress the gang. A drum-heavy tune rings out as he sings. Cast musical accompaniment
”Kintargo knows we’re mean and tough!
Our boys are made of stronger stuff!
So hoist a brew and join the revels!
No gang can beat the Silver Devils!”
Performance: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

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Schek looks for even one member of Silver Devils and pretends to join. "Me wanted to join yer group. Silver Devils, right? Name be famous, so I know. Heard great things about ye, why not join you? What ye think?"
New Recruits: Deception to Lie: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
After talking to them, he then finds another member, but this time, from Burning Daggers, goading them to fight the Silver Devils. "Ey! I heard you lot been badmouthing by Silver Devils, saying nasty thing about ye? How about that? Ye wanna let that slide. They say yer leader be weak."
Involve a Rival: Deception to Lie: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

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Mirandiel goes to several barns and taverns gathering any information they might have about the Silver Devils and their whereabouts. Upon learning where a few members hang out to drink, he introduces himself and feigns interest in joining their ranks.
Gossip Society: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
New Recruits Fortitude Save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 Dang! It's one of those days when the dice really hate me. LOL

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Sam heads to a nearby tavern where she knows the Silver Devils hang out. She stiffens her spine and takes a deep breath while marching boldly up to one of them. "Heard ya lookin' fer some new recruits! I think ye jes found the right one! So whatdayasay?! Am I in or not?!"
Performance: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
While waiting on the response to the Silver Devils, she ventures to another tavern to sniff out some gossip.
Diplomacy to Gather Info: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

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Short version: Everyone Succeeded on each and every check. Except Mirandiel, who Failed both (but not critically.)
Those of you who went to the bars and tried to suss out some dirt on the Devils learned this from a variety of sources:
“The Silver Devils are a menace, but mostly insignificant muckrakers, and there are maybe 10 of them total. Most are brats from a bit of money, but not much. They make trouble even for the other gangs in the area—hell, the Burning Daggers really hate them! The Silver Devils hide out in one of the old salt warehouses.”
Schek got the attention of the Daggers and they’ve agreed to cause a distraction when the kobold gives them the signal to act.
Blackfeather Jack learns of several salt warehouses in the gang’s territory that seem worth investigating. He narrows the intel down to just a couple of buildings that seem most likely.
Mirandiel does his best, but no one wants to talk to the creepy guy that keeps sending skeletons to fetch his drinks.
Finally, you get the big break! Several of you have heard from various sources that there’s a “big meeting” of the Silver Devils tonight. Surely this is the time to act!
You earned 8 Edge Points. Edge Points (EP) represent advantages the party gains by proper planning, quick thinking, the intervention of an ally, or some other benefit. They are typically gained by pursuing opportunities in previous infiltrations or through preparation before the infiltration. When a PC fails or critically fails a check to overcome an obstacle or a complication, they can spend an Edge Point to succeed instead.
Standby as I move us on the Infiltration part, or RP if you're faster than me.

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The Infiltration consists of a series of Obstacles that you need to overcome. They’re published in a logical order, so we’ll go through them in that order for story purposes. Each PC can attempt a given Obstacle only once. I’ve published the DCs so you can know whether or not others need to try. Critical Successes count as 2 Successes. Failures and Crit Failures do not reduce the number of Successes. They just cause …. complications later.
Watery Entrance
The Silver Devils’ main base is almost directly on the water, making entering over the river viable.
You could hire a boat to cross the water. Tipping the sculler 2 gold will make the check a bit easier (but is NOT required.)
DC 17 Diplomacy (to hire a boat) OR DC 17 Perception OR DC 15 Survival
Successes required: 2
You have 8 Edge Points. Edge Points (EP) When a PC fails or critically fails a check to overcome an obstacle or a complication, they can spend an Edge Point to succeed instead.

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Sam approaches one of the boatmen at the docks.
"Umm. Can we rent your boat to get to the island?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Diplomacy, HP, Vestments: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 1 = 28

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Sam approaches one of the boatmen at the docks.
"Umm. Can we rent your boat to get to the island?"
[dice=Diplomacy, HP, Vestments]d20+8+1
”Well, sure," the young, strong boatman says as he flexes a little unnecessarily for the young rogue. "Oh, uh, they’re all coming, too?" he asks disheartened as the rest of the party boards. But he quickly and efficiently rows the team across the river, and no one seems to have noticed.
Crit Success! 2 Infiltration Points (IP) gained. Obstacle overcome.
Guard Post
The Silver Devils have a guard post in front of their hideout where some members keep watch over their base, but they’re not very loyal and are fed up with being stuck on watch.
A bribe of at least 2 gp grants a +2 circumstance bonus to all PCs’ Diplomacy checks against this obstacle.
DC 18 Athletics (to climb over the wall) OR DC 18 Stealth OR DC 16 Diplomacy or Deception
Successes required: 2
Each PC can attempt a given Obstacle only once. I’ve published the DCs so you can know whether or not others need to try. Critical Successes count as 2 Successes. Failures and Crit Failures do not reduce the number of Successes. They just cause …. complications later.
Edge Points (EP) When a PC fails or critically fails a check to overcome an obstacle or a complication, they can spend an Edge Point to succeed instead. You have 8 Edge Points remaining.

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Sam walks up to the guardhouse. "Umm.. hi. I know your job is boring and ... ummm... maybe you can take up adventuring. My parents really wanted me to be a mage but I spent my time in the academy reading about the adventures of Bitisururu Blue. Now I'm an adventurer like her! It's really fun!" she giggles.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

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Sam makes a pitch for the guards to take up adventuring instead of standing (uselessly) in front of a door. A door which Mirandiel sneaks through as the guards are busy talking to Sam.
”You know, that’s not a bad idea,” the big one says to his skinny companion. The second replies with a grunt, ”Yeaaahh, I hear-t tat dem Asp.. Aspy… Apiaries… Dem snakes be hirin’.” The big one seems nonplussed by the out-of-context bee reference. ”Nah, you gotta go with the Math-finders. They got a better labor contract, and it’s all in the soft pay and work rules.” He turns his attention back to the Math… ”Okay missy, you talked us… Heh, where’d they all go?”
Both Successes. 2 Infiltration Points (IP) gained. Obstacle overcome.
Old Squeaky Floors
The wooden boards of the dock are very loud if one doesn’t step carefully.
DC 18 Acrobatics OR DC 16 Stealth
Successes required: 3
Each PC can attempt a given Obstacle only once. I’ve published the DCs so you can know whether or not others need to try. Critical Successes count as 2 Successes. Failures and Crit Failures do not reduce the number of Successes. They just cause …. complications later.
Edge Points (EP) When a PC fails or critically fails a check to overcome an obstacle or a complication, they can spend an Edge Point to succeed instead. You have 8 Edge Points remaining.

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Familiar with the water movements, and wooden planks of docks, Schek arrogantly shows them how to walk on the wooden planks without creating loud noises that might attract enemy attention.
DC 18 Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

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Sam tries to copy Schek's movements.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Acrobatics, HP, Vestments: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 1 = 28

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Blackfeather Jack tiptoes across the boards. Just as he is about to put his foot down on one particular board, he feels a tug as if someone was trying to tell him something. He moves his foot away and finishes the traverse without a sound.
Gamble tries to follow Jack, but steps on the wrong board and a squeak issues forth in the quiet.
Schek doesn’t even have to think about moving across the dock silently. He’s had to sneak back onto the pirate ship more than once without alerting the bosun or the watch.
Sam likewise feels the hand of fate guide her movements. She does even better than Schek and moves across the boards like the wind on the waves.
Mirandiel, too, follows the others and slips across the dock like one of his own ghosts.
4 IP gained, 1 Failure.
You do have the Edge Points which can only be used in the Infiltration and don’t even require a reroll. Please see Discussion
A Maze of Structures
There are several buildings that the Silver Devils have taken to using, and finding the right one will save you precious time.
DC 18 Perception OR DC 16 Survival
Successes required: 3
Each PC can attempt a given Obstacle only once. I’ve published the DCs so you can know whether or not others need to try. Critical Successes count as 2 Successes. Failures and Crit Failures do not reduce the number of Successes. They just cause …. complications later.

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DC 18 Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Schek makes a quick scan of each building that might help them to find what they are looking for. He looks for a building that shows signs that the Silver Devils might hide something there. Or something that looks like a warehouse of their spoils, perhaps?
"Maybe it is this one?" he surmises.

Gamble Eigirsson |

Perception (T): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Edge Point! Thanks for the reminder.
"I remember something they said while we were drinking," Gamble comments as he considers the warren of buildings.

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Mirandiel scouts the surroundings and tracks the whereabouts of the Silver Devils.
Survivial: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Will use an Edge Point for this one.

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Schek and Gamble work together pointing out details to each other and quickly come to a consensus. Mirandiel has some trouble picking out a trail until a “random” passerby makes a cryptic comment that points the necromancer in the right direction. As the passerby departs, Mirandiel notices a Burning Daggers tattoo on the man’s hand.
3 IP gained, No Failures, 2 Edge Points used. Nice.
Tripwire Trap!
The Silver Devils have placed tripwires rigged with jingling bells at most of the entrances to the warehouse. This could alert them to someone attempting to sneak in.
DC 20 Thievery (Disable) OR DC 20 Acrobatics OR DC 18 Stealth (To Avoid Notice)
Successes required: 4
Each PC can attempt a given Obstacle only once. I’ve published the DCs so you can know whether or not others need to try. Critical Successes count as 2 Successes. Failures and Crit Failures do not reduce the number of Successes. They just cause …. complications later.

Gamble Eigirsson |

Acrobatics (T): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Gamble is stymied for the moment by the trap.
Four more characters to try vs. 4 needed successes and 6 EP left, so I'll let my Fail stand.

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Schek carefully moves across one of the entrances of the warehouse, cartwheeling like an acrobat, even though he is a pirate.
DC 20 Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

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Sam tries to gracefully hurdle the tripwires...
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
...but accidentally steps on one, causing a jangling sound.
out of hero points, I think, so I'll this fail stand

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Blackfeather Jack and Mirandiel sneak around the traps, and Schek cartwheels across them with a jaunty back hand spring.
Gamble gets his foot caught on the wire, but notices it at the last second. He remembers something he heard while drinking with the Devils earlier about how one of them said he rigged them up. Using that info, the smith releases the tension without setting off the trap and catches up with the others.
4 IP gained, 1 Failure (Sam) = 2 cumulative Failures, 4 Edge Points remaining
Locked Door
The Silver Devils’ headquarters is locked, as you would expect it to be given that there is an important meeting taking place just inside. You will obviously need to defeat the lock to get through the door.
DC 18 Thievery (to Pick the lock) OR DC 20 Athletics (to break the lock)
Successes required: 2
NOTE: I copied and pasted the DC’s as published, but I think that technically, if someone succeeded at “breaking the lock”, it would no longer be pick-able. So we’ll go with Athletics to “break/loosen/weaken the structure of the door and jamb.”

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The way I described it was one defeating the lock and the other defeating the door :)
Sam pulls out her lockpicks and goes to work.
Thievery: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
... unfortunately she applies too much tension and the lock jams, fortunately, a bit of jiggling causes the lock to release...
I'll Edge Point this one

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"May I?" Mirandiel offers and attempts to pick the lock as well.
Thievery: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Will let it stand. Will use a floating edge point if needed to meet success condition.

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"How about I'll just kick it?" Schek gives the door a powerful kick.
DC 20 Athletics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25