Kickstarter for "Ultimate Scheme - A Board Game for Evil Geniuses" from Sasquatch Studios

Card & Board Games

Scarab Sages

New board game from Sasquatch Studios - the campaign ends in 34 hours, still working towards the funding threshold. Here's a description and link:

"Ultimate Scheme is a game for 2 to 4 players, in which you are an evil genius or criminal mastermind, taking on the role of a faction such as the Dark Masters of Darkness, Professor Roboto, or the Cult of Tentacly Doom. You direct your minions across the globe to gather resources and complete nefarious schemes such as Build a Freeze Ray or Market Evil Soda. Each scheme earns you progress toward your Ultimate Scheme, your secret victory condition for the game. When you've completed your secret Ultimate Scheme, you win the game!"

Scarab Sages

About $1850 from funding, 10 hours to go

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