Just started playing and confused about a few things.

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

My friends and I just recently started playing and we're enjoying it quite a bit, but there are a few details we can't figure out.

My questions are multi-part so I'm going to tier them for ease of reading.

1a. We played through the base set adventure with the bandit guy, the Pillbug guy, and the dragon. No problems there really. Then we broke into the burnt offerings pack. Do we just mix all those cards in with the base set stuff or do we only use those cards for all the adventures in that adventure path?

1b. If so then what about future adventure deck add-ons? Wouldn't that make getting the new and better equipment/spells/allies/etc. really difficult?

1c. If so then does that mean we would have to go through and separate all the cards again if we want to start fresh?

2. We understand skill feats and power feats, but what kind of feat increases the card types that you can have in your deck? Is it some other reward we haven't seen yet or do you use a power/skill feat to increase them?

3. When do role cards come into play? I read the rule book and it mentions them but I'm not totally getting what it means. Do they come into play during Adventure Deck 3: Hook Mountain Massacre?

I probably have a couple more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head right now.

You do add all the cards with each new adventure. You're right that it reduces your chance of seeing the new stuff. As the game moves on you'll start culling the lower level stuff (Basic and Elite cards), but be prepared to see and re-see a lot of Long Swords. And yeah, if you want to start over from scratch you have to sift all the cards out.

Card Feats are the way you increase your deck size. You haven't seen any yet. You get your first one at the end of Burnt Offerings, and one after that for each adventure. You'll get your role card at the end of Hook Mountain.

Dave Riley wrote:

You do add all the cards with each new adventure. You're right that it reduces your chance of seeing the new stuff. As the game moves on you'll start culling the lower level stuff (Basic and Elite cards), but be prepared to see and re-see a lot of Long Swords. And yeah, if you want to start over from scratch you have to sift all the cards out.

Card Feats are the way you increase your deck size. You haven't seen any yet. You get your first one at the end of Burnt Offerings, and one after that for each adventure. You'll get your role card at the end of Hook Mountain.

Thanks for the answers. But I have a question about about the culling part. Is that a rule or just something that everyone does after a while? If it's just something everyone does about how many cards of each type should we keep each stack limited to? For example, should we keep the weapons stack trimmed down to like 30 cards max and cull the weaker stuff each we add a new adventure deck? What about banes? Should we just leave them pretty much untouched or cull the weaker stuff as we go on to keep the challenge up?

Gunsmith Paladin wrote:
Dave Riley wrote:

You do add all the cards with each new adventure. You're right that it reduces your chance of seeing the new stuff. As the game moves on you'll start culling the lower level stuff (Basic and Elite cards), but be prepared to see and re-see a lot of Long Swords. And yeah, if you want to start over from scratch you have to sift all the cards out.

Card Feats are the way you increase your deck size. You haven't seen any yet. You get your first one at the end of Burnt Offerings, and one after that for each adventure. You'll get your role card at the end of Hook Mountain.

Thanks for the answers. But I have a question about about the culling part. Is that a rule or just something that everyone does after a while?

It is a rule that is printed on the Adventure Path card.

csouth154 wrote:
It is a rule that is printed on the Adventure Path card.

Ah. I see it now. Thanks much.

Okay, I've got another question. What happens when you fail to complete a scenario?

We got close a couple times, even getting down to the last blessing, but we haven't failed yet. The book says you just try again, but it doesn't seem to mention anything bad happening if you do fail. Do you get to keep the boons you've acquired or do you have to reset your deck to what it was before the attempt?

Sovereign Court

You get to keep the cards you acquired, and rebuild your deck as usual. There is no downside to losing by running out blessings in the deck. Losing by dying of course is another story!

I house rule when playing with my brother that if we lose by the timer, we still rebuild our decks from what we have, but then we banish a random card from each of our decks. That then has to be replaced like the usual rules, a basic until Adv 3 and then it's 2 adventures lower.

Andrew K wrote:
I house rule when playing with my brother that if we lose by the timer, we still rebuild our decks from what we have, but then we banish a random card from each of our decks. That then has to be replaced like the usual rules, a basic until Adv 3 and then it's 2 adventures lower.

It might help new players better understand the actual rules if house rules are left out of the conversation.

Andrew is correct in his first paragraph. Regardless of whether you win or lose, you rebuild your deck using the cards in your hand/deck/discard as usual. If you gained a cool magical sword, you don't have to give it back; if you lost (banished) something during the scenario, you don't get to take it back. If the rules/cards don't tell you something bad happens, it doesn't.

Gunsmith Paladin wrote:

Okay, I've got another question. What happens when you fail to complete a scenario?

We got close a couple times, even getting down to the last blessing, but we haven't failed yet. The book says you just try again, but it doesn't seem to mention anything bad happening if you do fail. Do you get to keep the boons you've acquired or do you have to reset your deck to what it was before the attempt?

Nothin bad happens except u don't get to advance to the next scenario and you don't get the reward till u complete it. Running the blessing deck (aka clock) out to avoid death is a valid tactic.

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