Contacting Paizo

Paizo General Discussion

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for contacting paizo about submitting ideas etc.

I have come up with a new ruleset based on Pathfinder (I call it Pathfinder Lite), that i'm pretty sure could beat DnD Next. Its far simpler and yet has the potential to add extra layers of depth to the system.

Even better is it works with the existing rules without needing much conversion.

I'm just wondering who i could or should contact to see about getting someone to look at it.

Anyone have any ideas?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Paizo does not accept unsolicited submissions, for legal reasons. You could post it somewhere, and as long as it follows OGL and/or CUPL people may pick your brains about it.

Cant say i understand what OGL or CUPL entails.

Its probably a bit big to post on a forum. The classes work differently, the skills work differently, the feats work differently, the combat works differently, and so do spells.

I guess i will have to give it a go and see what happens. Maybe someone at Paizo will read it and want to give me a job.

Liberty's Edge

That's not quite how it works. When Paizo has a job opening, they go through a long, exhaustive and comprehensive search to insure they get the best people possible.

You also will want to become much more familiar and experienced with things like the OGL before you entertain trying to break into the industry. Once you are completely up to speed, you might contact a 3PP with a short solicitation inquiry about your idea - one might be interested enough to give you a shot, who knows

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