Wrath Pawns shipping

Customer Service

Again, I went to pre-order the Wrath of the Righteous pawn set.. only to again not have the option of shipping as soon as it becomes available. This was not a problem for me before the checkout UI changed..

Frankly I wish I could have just included it in the shipment of the 6th book, but thats a timing thing rather than a malfunction. Heck I might even make another preorder or two if I can get this to work correctly.

Is there something I am missing here?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

I'm honestly not sure why the option isn't there for you and I'll check in with the tech team about why its not there. I did a bit of poking and you should see the Shipping step now where you can change options for how it ships. Let me know if you have any further issues.

sara marie

Thank you, whatever you poked did the trick.. Please tell me it was nothing from the Abyss!

So, got an email from one of your other carebears.. I think I may have a clue to what is up.

Order 2611999 is still listed as an option to ship with.. but it is unlikely that order will ever be fulfilled.

Went to add the Wayne Reynolds poster from Dragon to the preorder shipment (not even sure if that is doable?) and was given 3 primary options, ship with subs, ship on its own, or with order 2611999.

Can we remove 2611999 from this que?

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