[Super Genius] #1 With a Bullet Point: 7 Cure Light Wounds Feats

Product Discussion

Super Genius Games

It might be one of the first spells you pick up, but with these feats it'll definitely find a use until you take over for your god! Check out #1 With a Bullet Point: 7 Cure Light Wounds Feats here!

Inside you'll find the following feats:

  • Bolstering Cure: You can turn extra healing into bonus vigor.

  • Cloak of Curing: You can hold a charge of cure light wounds in your aura, allowing allies to grab it when needed.

  • Lay on Cure: Like a paladin, you can heal yourself more quickly than you can heal others.

  • Lingering Cure: You can expand the healing you do by drawing out the time it takes to be effective.

  • Moderate Mastery: You’ve expanded your healing expertise to more advanced cure spells.

  • Shared Cure: You’ve learned that sometimes, the healer needs to be healed too.

  • Reinforced Cure: You can add a little extra magic to your cure effects.

Love it!

Definitely a keeper. CLW is probably one of the more popular spells among everyone that's played a divine caster in my games.

I don't know if that's a compliment to their smarts, or their attack on my encounters; but awesome regardless!! :D

Scarab Sages

ZDPhoenix wrote:
Love it!

I'm glad you like it!

ZDPhoenix wrote:

Definitely a keeper. CLW is probably one of the more popular spells among everyone that's played a divine caster in my games.

I don't know if that's a compliment to their smarts, or their attack on my encounters; but awesome regardless!! :D

Honestly I think CLW is iconic and popular for good, tactical reasons. It's an excellent resource for hp management, and with a cleric's ability to swap other spells for it, it's likely one of the most-cast spells in the game.

Dark Archive

Two BP's in a row where feats have completely redefigned an iconic cleric spell!

Keep 'em coming!

EDIT: "redifigned"? That's too funny a misspelling to fix! Reh-defig-nee!

Scarab Sages

Matthew Winn wrote:

Two BP's in a row where feats have completely redefigned an iconic cleric spell!

Keep 'em coming!

I certain have more spell-modifying feats coming, though I may move to some iconic non-cleric options.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Magic missile, perhaps? I can't think of a more iconic spell in all of gaming. Mage armor would be a good one, too. Shocking grasp has become pretty iconic for the magus. Silent image is another solid choice. That's just what I think of off the top of my head for good choices, I'm sure you've thought of those and more.

Oooooooh, Mage Armor...yes please.

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