[PDG] A Score of Trapped Chests

Product Discussion

Purple Duck Games is pleased to announce the newest collaboration of Stefen Styrsky and Mark Gedak. A Score of Trapped Chests provides you with twenty chests and containers that possess mechanical, magical or monstrous aspects. This collection contains art by Carlos “Celurian” Torreblanco, Marc Radle and Michael Scotta.

On top of the twenty new traps there is also:
- two new creatures the minimimic and the heat swarm
- a new poison type (mindhammer)
- a new spell
- an aasimar cavalier
and a new legendary weapon illustrated by Tamas Baramya

Available now: Direct from Purple Duck Games.

I'll add links to Rpgnow and Paizo once I get the product set up their so you are able to shop where you want.

At Rpgnow

Okay, so now it is finally up for sale at Paizo though I'm not sure what is up with the cover image. Still, it's live.

Sovereign Court Raging Swan Press

I think this is a genius idea. I wish I'd had it!

Creighton Broadhurst wrote:
I think this is a genius idea. I wish I'd had it!

Thanks Creighton, I know we at Purple Duck Games often marvel at the ideas Raging Swan comes up with. I know So, What's that Hoard Like Anyways is on my too buy list. I hate, hate, hate making up treasure hoards.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think it's safe to say both Purple Duck and Raging Swan have lots of GREAT stuff!

Heh ... Purple Duck and Raging Swan sounds like the title to a very odd children's book ...

Scarab Sages

"Purple Duck was feeling blue. But Raging Swan wasn't interested. He was always in a bad mood!"

Sovereign Court Raging Swan Press

Perhaps we should get Marc to illustrate the book?

The first review of "A Score of Trapped Chests" is in by Gozuja.

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