[Spes Magna] A Medieval Holiday

Product Discussion

At long last, A Medieval Holiday nears completion. Originally planned for Thanksgiving, this new PDF instead now will be released in time to plan any applicable holiday feast. Included within its virtual pages, you'll find useful, amusing content, such as:

* The real, true history of the first Thanksgiving celebrated by King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

* Advice, tips, and suggestions (yes, all three!) about how to transform your modern abode into a medieval feasting hall.

* Instructions about proper medieval feasting hall etiquette.

* Amusing and informative footnotes.

* Gourmastic menu suggestions, including recipes of historic tastiness.

* A new prestige class, the trencherman.

Mark L. Chance | Spes Magna Games

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Interesting, going to do one of each major holiday and or maybe do one for all the old popular holidays including pagan ones?

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Interesting, going to do one of each major holiday and or maybe do one for all the old popular holidays including pagan ones?

Neither. Just going generic holiday. I might do more specific cookbooks/game supplements at a future date, but there are no actual plans for such.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Was just curious. Don't have it yet, but a book on how to use holidays etc in the game. Especially if they was done interesting in a way to get your players involved or maybe even for a short while offer a minor boon would be cool I think.

Interesting. I might have to pick it up.

I_Use_Ref_Discretion wrote:
Interesting. I might have to pick it up.

Please do. I'm not too sure how good an idea it is to release a Pathfinder-"compatible" hosting guide and cookbook with minimal actual game content, but I just can't get the idea out of my head. :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So when is this going to go up for sale?

Dark_Mistress wrote:
So when is this going to go up for sale?

I'm making a push for this coming Monday. I think that's 13 December.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Otay was just curious.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Otay was just curious.

No problemo. I just hope I can actually start making my self-imposed deadlines again. November was a rough month for my attitude. :)

Here's an excerpt from the Instructions for the Cooke section to further whet the appetite:

Pears in Wine & Spices

Category: Dessert.

4 pears, sliced
3 cups sweet red wine*
1 tbs. cinnamon
1 tbs. sugar
1 tsp. ginger
2 tbs. vinegar
few threads saffron

1. Boil pears until they just become tender. Drain well.

2. In a separate pot, bring wine and cinnamon to a boil. Stir well throughout.

3. Let the wine-and-cinnamon mixture cool, and then strain to remove any grit, sediment, and clumps.

4. Return wine-and-cinnamon mixture to pot and bring back to a boil. Add sugar, ginger, saffron, and vinegar. Stir until spices are dissolved.

5. Add pears to wine-and-spices mixture. Cook for several minutes until the pears soften slightly and change color.

6. Serve hot or cold. I think they're better hot, but that's just me.

* For information about sweet red wines, visit this site. Do not use cooking wine for any recipe. Cooking wines are abominations. Wine left over in the bottle should be consumed by the chef and/or served with dinner.

Scarab Sages

I've cooked that one several times and its a good recipe (though I've never used saffron). You can switch up the wine also with juices for slightly different flavors, though the red wine is the traditional ingredient.

Though its not medieval, pears cooked this way are really good served hot with vanilla ice cream. If you want more old-school, pour heavy cream over it when you serve it and you can get a similar effect.

I may have to get the book just to see what other recipes are in it. Any ideas for goose?

Scarab Sages

I may have to pick this up. It reminds me of one of my greatest gaming memories -- a weekend-long game and feast my wife helped me put on. While I ran an epic Friday/Saturday/Sunday D&D game wrapping up a years-long plotline, my wife (who also got to play) cooked a total of five meals for our six or so players drawing from the menu of the fantasy kingdoms of my home campaign. So were has Czardian red potato soup, Tyrean inn-loafs, Palatainian chiladia, Torlander fermented goat's milk, Aquitinian knight's stew (in sourdough trenchers), and so on.

It was a lot of fun, and the sound of this book makes me want to do it again...

Wicht wrote:
I may have to get the book just to see what other recipes are in it. Any ideas for goose?

I've not done the poultry and fish recipes yet. Once I've got the menu suggestions finalized, I'll post them here. And, since you asked, I'll look at including something specifically for goose. :)

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
It was a lot of fun, and the sound of this book makes me want to do it again...

Sounds like fun. I hope my PDF can help recreate at least some of that funness.

Spes Magna Mark wrote:
I_Use_Ref_Discretion wrote:
Interesting. I might have to pick it up.

Please do. I'm not too sure how good an idea it is to release a Pathfinder-"compatible" hosting guide and cookbook with minimal actual game content, but I just can't get the idea out of my head. :)

I'm an old, old Ars Magica player (2e, 3e, 4e, 5e) so it's right up my alley. It's unimportant if it's pathfinder compatible, in all honesty. As long as it's well detailed. ;)

I_Use_Ref_Discretion wrote:
I'm an old, old Ars Magica player (2e, 3e, 4e, 5e) so it's right up my alley. It's unimportant if it's pathfinder compatible, in all honesty. As long as it's well detailed. ;)

I'm not sure if it's well detailed, but there are details. :)

Here're the menu items:

Preparing Thy Menu
Your Arthurian holiday should be served in courses, what a medieval lord would've referred to as services (assuming he spoke English). I recommend a three or four service meal. Use the following menu suggestions for inspiration. Recipes for all menu items are in the Instructions for the Cooke section.

First Service
The first service should be something relatively simple and not too heavy of a vegetable variety. Often this was the only service available to peasants. On the plus side, peasants did get to eat the leftovers. Choose at least one of these three vegetable dishes.

Mushroom Tart
Onion & Parsley Salad
Spinach Tart

Second Service
Next up, the pages serve poultry or fish. Here are two of each. Choose whichever one sounds the tastiest.

Baked Duck Pie
Cod with Jance Sauce
Garlic & Grapes over Goose
Scallops with Garlic & Onion

Third Service
After poultry or fish comes something gamey. Think boar and venison. Beef is also good, although cows aren't really a game animal. It's not like the nobility got all dressed up and galloped forth on cow hunts. Listed below are one each recipe for pork, venison, rabbit, beef, and lamb.

Beef Stew
Beery Mutton
Pork in Pepper & Wine Sauce
Seared & Stewed Rabbit
Stewed Venison

Fourth Service
At the end of your banquet comes dessert. Since dessert is often the best part of any meal, don't feel compelled to limit yourself to just one of these delicious delights. Heck, prepare them all if you want. Dessert choices in the next section are these:

Elderflower Cheesecake
Honey-Basted Fig Pastries
Pears in Wine & Spices

I'll try the pears in wine and spices recipe, hopefully this xmas. :)

A Medieval Holiday is now available at DriveThruRPG. It should be available here at Paizo in the next day or two.

Enjoy! :)

Just picked up on RPGnow.com. I sometimes host party games like Mafia or Werewolf (the party game, not the WoD version) and usually like to use time era themes. This seems like it would be perfect for that. I'm a bit of a cooking junkie, so I'm looking forward to trying a few of these recipes as well. Keep up the good work and love the humor!

Kakarasa wrote:
Keep up the good work and love the humor!

Thanks for the kind words! If you get the time, let me know how things worked out. :)

A Medieval Holiday is now available at the Paizo store. Click here for purchasing possibilities.

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