Joss Whedon to Direct Avengers


The Exchange


Must resist buying! Who am I kidding.

yellowdingo wrote:


Must resist buying! Who am I kidding.

Guess I should begin lowering my expectations for this movie right now.

Moro wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:


Must resist buying! Who am I kidding.

Guess I should begin lowering my expectations for this movie right now.

Mixed feelings about this. Whedon can direct hand to hand and space opera action, but he's untested as to the widescreen action this requires. Cautiously optimistic.

Trying to think of another comic book movie that has been directed by someone with both experience directing feature films and writing comics for one of the Big Two. Don't think there is one.

I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing, of course, but it does mean the bar might be higher than it would be otherwise....

Sovereign Court

Sigh... that sucks.

Carpy DM wrote:

Trying to think of another comic book movie that has been directed by someone with both experience directing feature films and writing comics for one of the Big Two. Don't think there is one.

I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing, of course, but it does mean the bar might be higher than it would be otherwise....

I think it's a good thing. He actually understands how comic books work and what fans expect of them. Of course, I am a Joss fan which makes me more optimistic than others, but... we'll see.

Callous Jack wrote:
Sigh... that sucks.

See? We CAN agree on some things! :-D

In other news, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Whedon go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darkwolf wrote:
Carpy DM wrote:

Trying to think of another comic book movie that has been directed by someone with both experience directing feature films and writing comics for one of the Big Two. Don't think there is one.

I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing, of course, but it does mean the bar might be higher than it would be otherwise....

I think it's a good thing. He actually understands how comic books work and what fans expect of them. Of course, I am a Joss fan which makes me more optimistic than others, but... we'll see.

Yeah, yeah, I understand all of the man's "credentials" and all, but I forsee terrible things. I don't know if the man is capable of checking his ego at the door and proceeding to make an Avengers movie.

I highly expect his ego to run wild and for him to destroy what could have been a good movie, as he turns it from an Avengers flick into "yet another horribly vain tribute to Joss Whedon's brilliance, brought to you by Joss Whedon" by proceeding to "Whedonize" the Avengers universe.

Moro wrote:
Darkwolf wrote:
Carpy DM wrote:

Trying to think of another comic book movie that has been directed by someone with both experience directing feature films and writing comics for one of the Big Two. Don't think there is one.

I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing, of course, but it does mean the bar might be higher than it would be otherwise....

I think it's a good thing. He actually understands how comic books work and what fans expect of them. Of course, I am a Joss fan which makes me more optimistic than others, but... we'll see.

Yeah, yeah, I understand all of the man's "credentials" and all, but I forsee terrible things. I don't know if the man is capable of checking his ego at the door and proceeding to make an Avengers movie.

I highly expect his ego to run wild and for him to destroy what could have been a good movie, as he turns it from an Avengers flick into "yet another horribly vain tribute to Joss Whedon's brilliance, brought to you by Joss Whedon" by proceeding to "Whedonize" the Avengers universe.

Which would mean what, exactly?

Moro wrote:
Darkwolf wrote:
Carpy DM wrote:

Yeah, yeah, I understand all of the man's "credentials" and all, but I forsee terrible things. I don't know if the man is capable of checking his ego at the door and proceeding to make an Avengers movie.

I highly expect his ego to run wild and for him to destroy what could have been a good movie, as he turns it from an Avengers flick into "yet another horribly vain tribute to Joss Whedon's brilliance, brought to you by Joss Whedon" by proceeding to "Whedonize" the Avengers universe.

The thing that gives me hope for this is his Astonishing X-Men run. His Wolverine felt more in-character than he had in years.

I remember hearing about his thoughts on DC's Wonder Woman. His mind locked in on Amazon = Amazon river basin.

No, Joss, the river was named after the Greek warrior women, not the other way around.

However, I have seen enough of Buffy and Angel (I never could get in to Firefly) to think it has the potential to be good. As in, either this movie will be amazing or it will be so bad every copy should be burned. I don't think we have the chance at an in-between.

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