Tsadok Goldtooth

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 113 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


I canceled my Starfinder Adventure Path -subscription and this order was canceled. I just noticed that it had also canceled the Near Space -rulebook. Isn't this part of Starfinder Roleplaying Game -subscription and should be still sent?


Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Could you please cancel my Adventure Path Subscription.


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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I was reading the first books magic items and noticed something interesting regarding Dawnflower Melange:

"Cafes near the Radiant Cathedral are often filled daily with Sarenite clerics enjoying this beverage while talking about the confluence of science and religion."

They must pay insanely well to the clerics if they can afford 475cr drinks daily just for refreshment :D I better keep this quiet or my PCs will probably try to rob the clerics...

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


I added Starfinder Dice Tray in my sidecart a while back and presumed it would ship with the next subscription. However, there's been two Starfinder APs shipped and the item is still in my sidecart. Is there a reason why it has not shipped yet?

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yesterday we came to a situation where a character, who has Eyes of Rhean as eyes, sent his other eye away while staying hidden himself. When I started to check the range I could not find anything sensible.

In Eyes of Rhean (Dead Suns book 6, page 30) it says it works as Spy drone. In spy drone it says it works like a 1st level mechanic drone. In drone section the only thing related to range is that the drone needs to see or hear you, or be in range of your custom rig.

Since Eyes of Rhean is a magic item I presume it can't be controlled by a computer or a remote, but through some sort of mystic/magic/psychic connection. Since you can see through the other eye what the flying eye sees, does that effectively make you unaware of your own surroundings? Except for other senses, of course.

Since normal drone can be controlled through computer or remote and it needs to see or hear you, how does the eye work since you can't see it and I doubt you start yelling commands to it while flying. And back to the biggest question: range. How far can you fly the eye? Does different materials block the signal? You can house rule these but it would be nice to hear if someone has spotted something I have not since our group has no drones and I have limited experience with them.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A player of mine did some math on the fusion. At first it sounds great for a char using projectile/automatic weapons but when you get to higher levels it's just insane to buy it since the fusion level goes up but ammo price stays the same:

lvl 3 (lowest lvl you can get it) weapon gets the fusion for 440cr. For that money you get 96 heavy bullets so the fusion might pay itself back if used for automatic fire a lot.
lvl 13 X-Gen gets the fusion for 9760cr. For that money you can buy 2168 ammo which you probably can't fire during the time the weapon is relevant for the character.

The player calculated that he had shot around 500 heavy solid projectile ammo during his leveling from lvl 1 to 12 (Dead Suns).

Even if you combine it with the most expensive materials (+70cr per clip) you need to fire over 1200 ammo before it pays itself back.

Seems that the fusion is only usable for low levels or is our math broken? And yes, it is useful if you happen to find yourself in a planet with no ammo stores/workshops and UPBs :)

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Have I missed something in the rules or is it really so that characters in vehicles take no damage in collisions or ramming? Meaning you could drive a plane straight to a mountain or a car full speed to a wall and only the vehicle gets destroyed?

It came us as characters were standing inside a one-car-train and another one rammed them destroying the train.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

First of all, If I click "Community" and try to go to forums, why am I forced to click a section? Why am I not able to just click the forums-text and get to the Community / Forums / -section?

Same goes for My Account. You have to select one of the few there are under the list, then go to the main page and then to Downloads etc. Why not make it possible to just go to My Account straight away?

Also under Downloads I keep wondering why are the SF AP volumes seperated like this:

Part 1 is under "Paizo Inc.: Starfinder Adventure Path"
Parts 2 and 3 are under "Paizo Inc.: Starfinder Adventure Path Dead Suns"
Part 4 is under "Paizo Inc.: Adventure Path Dead Suns"

Inconvenient and clutters the view since they are the same AP.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Now that Starfinder AP subscription is going monthly in July and is roughly on the same level as PF AP sub, will Paizo Advantage be available for SF AP subs also?

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


I changed the payment method on my order after it failed. I saw the "reauthorize" (or something like that) button but it failed again thanks to my typo. Now I have corrected it but I can't find the reauthorize-button anywhere. Not on the order page, not on subscriptions, payment methods...

Where on Earth (or Golarion?) can I find the button?

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So some advice on how people read this Reptoid-text from AA. I have no idea HOW can they spend more than 50% of their lives in the other form if the shapechanging only lasts for 200mins on lvl20 :P I was trying to find a shapeshifter species for a downtime encounter while waiting for AP part 4 but this was the best I could find without going to PF sources.
I think the text was written first, and they were supposed to be these great infiltrators, but when they decided to make this a PC race it would have been too strong so they had to water the ability down. However, it kinda ruins a good NPC unless I make some house rules up for them.

AA pg 93 wrote:
Reptoids are known to spend years in their assumed forms; some spend more of their lives as other creatures than in their natural forms.
AA pg 93 wrote:

Change Shape: Once per day, a reptoid can assume the appearance of a specific single Medium humanoid.

The reptoid always takes this specific form when using this ability. The reptoid gains a +10 racial
bonus to Disguise checks to appear as that type of humanoid. This ability otherwise functions as per
disguise self, and lasts for 10 minutes × the reptoid’s character level. A reptoid can select a new
humanoid form by spending 1 week preparing for the change, but can then no longer assume
the previous form.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

We were getting more familiar with the crafting and scavengind rules and I started to wonder how are people going to handle if the players want to scavenge parts from enemy ships they disable?

If there are weapons/systems that are compatible and were not damaged in the attack how would you allow them to take them? Of course it takes a lot of time to remove the systems and you can't "plug them in" but go to a dock to get it installed, but are you going to allow such ship upgrading without leveling or will you be integrating this as the rpg-component of leveling a ship?

I'm leaning towards the latter but will have to see how it plays out in the end. Or just convert the looted parts as UPBs when sold to a dock.