Master Historian

propavery's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts (5 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


came here searching for an answer on the 'does it need to roll to hit' question, like the homebrew a great deal! I think it changes it up quite a bit but the portable shield bubble is a great idea

great stuff, thanks both for clarifying!

Could anyone provide clarification for our group on loot (particularly consumable loot) found in a scenario?

Our understanding is that any gear we find in a scenario must be handed over to the Starfinder Society at the end of the scenario. It then becomes available for purchase by player characters with the credits they earn from scenarios, with some benefit to having found it and it being on our chronicle sheets? We can purchase it earlier than we would otherwise be able to given the level of the item?

If we come across consumables (like serums of healing or batteries) and we use those in the scenario, do we have to pay the costs of those items to the Starfinder Society at the end of the scenario?

Example in a recent session was finding some mk.3 healing serums in a cache and having to use one in a fight later, potentially putting the character in significant credits debt which seemed rough!

I've got a physical copy of the adventure but am likely to be running it online on the 24th August (the day before the PDF release I believe). Is there anyway to get the gorgeous maps as a digital file to use on Roll20 for the session? Not sure if the maps are bespoke for this adventure or if I can purchase/access them separately...