I had a moment of inspiration and this was created. Not anything world shattering, more a bit of background fluff/crunch to help add life to the setting.
I had no clue on how to price out the Preparation Ritual, so I just winged it based on it power/limitations. Feel free to comment.
Childhood Misdeeds
This spellbook, in each of its three editions, is the creation of the far traveled half-elf Melkar the Listener. Melkar spent his youth on the road with his Varisian father and relatives seeing much of Avistan and Garund, getting to hear many of the tales told to children by many cultures. When his talent for magic awakened his father left the young Melkar in Nantambu to study at the famed Magaambya.
After many years of study, Melkar followed the call of his Varisian roots and spend many years collecting tales on his travels. Eventually, he decided reached an impasse that many of the half-elven experience. What does it mean to be neither man nor elf, but rather both? Since that time he has spent most of his time in Erages, teaching at the Erages Academy and trying to discern what it really means to be half-elf from his fellow citizens.
One thing that Melkar felt certain of was that magic is an integral part of each half-elf’s heritage, and to neglect that facet is a tragedy. Concerned that the many orphanages in Eragas were inadequately prepared to identify, let alone teach magic to all the children abandoned by their parents, he drew upon the universal truths off children’s stories everywhere to create Childhood Misdeeds.
Childhood Misdeeds is both a children’s story and picture-book and an apprentice spellbook. It tells of the misadventures of twin half-elven brother and sister Nok and Nan. In each of the four tales the sibling invariable get into some sort of trouble and a single cantrip is used to help get them out again. Each chapter comes with intricate block cut illustrations that demonstrate the cantrip being cast, allowing astute students to learn them for themselves. Each story ends with the children safely back with their guardians who soothe and heal the hurts of their adventures.
Children who learn all four story cantrips are encouraged to study Childhood Misdeeds on their own, and if they decipher and learn the read magic cantrip written in the books border illustrations, Melkar sponsors them for further magical education.
With its relative success in Erages, Melkar has translated Childhood Misdeeds into two other editions, each in a different language and with the stories changed to cultural equivalents. While he knows the polygot editions is being used in Nantambu and was welcomes by his old friends at the Magaambya, he has yet to learn how his elven edition has fared in Iadara.
The front cover of this thin tome has a brightly colored illustration of a pair of children hand-in-hand skipping down a forest path. The interior is filled with stories written out in larger blockier letters than is normal for a spellbook. Each story is accompanied with block cut illustrations, 4 in total, along with a finally illustration at the end that shows the final scene of the children’s guardian caring for them and healing their hurts.
Value: 75gp (110 gp with preparation ritual)
Oth – dancing light, ghost sound, mage hand, prestidigitation, read magic, stabilize
Preparation Ritual
Schoolmarm (Ex/Su): You gain a +2 insight bonus to Profession (Teacher) checks with children until you prepare spells again. You can end this effect to spend the boon to cast stabilize on a child.
Note: As a Magaambyan Arcanist, Melkar was able to include stabilize as a halcyon spell (druidic learned as arcane)