ckobbe's page
Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 46 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Elfteiroh wrote: ckobbe wrote: [...] Your interpretation completely makes sense to me, and makes sense as the intent since both of the subsections reference formula books. Not trying to be argumentative, I just wish as written the access to the Alchemical Crafting feat was explicit instead of implied. Don't look at the class. They are not giving the Alchemist's class features. They are giving the general archetypes benefits defined in page 174 of Player Core 2. And it IS explicit that it gives the feat, and it's the very first thing these "benefits" mentions.
Player Core 2 p174 wrote: Alchemical Archetypes
Some archetypes give you the ability to use alchemy in a similar manner to an alchemist and say that you get the advanced alchemy benefits or Quick Alchemy benefits.
Player Core 2 p174 wrote: Advanced Alchemy Benefits: You gain the Alchemical Crafting feat (Player Core 252) if you don’t already have it. [...] Player Core 2 p174 wrote: Quick Alchemy Benefits: You gain the Alchemical Crafting feat (Player Core 252) if you don’t already have it. [...] Thank you so much! I doubled checked the archetype rules in the Player Core 1, but completely forgot to follow up with the Player Core 2 section to see if anything had been added. You even mentioned it in your original post and I still missed it. Feeling like and idiot, but at least now I know lol! Thank you for your patience!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Healer Samsaran: past lives as healers: Medicine skill
Mountaineer Samsaran: past lives around cold weather mountain tops: cold resistance
Oracular Samsaran: past lives exploring spirituality: innate cantrip
Sanctuary Samsaran: past lives in Samsaran sanctuaries: fortune reroll on missed Recall Knowledge check
Wilderness Samsaran: past lives in wilderness and remote areas: Survival skill
All have additional required edicts based on their protection vows
Deny the Firstborn Pursuit: protect from cruel fey: mental resistance & bonus on Recall Knowledge for fey
Deny Lady Nanbyo's Charity: protect from natural disasters: bonus bulk and athletic check to Force Open and Escape
Deny the Traitors' Rebirth: protect from asuras and rakshasas: darkvision and Perception bonus
Respite of the Cloudless Path: protect the lost: environmental extremes lessened and bonus to saves vs environmental hazards
Respite of Loam and Leaf: protect form blight and pollution: primal cantrip and plant trait
Respite of a Thousand Roofs: protect and feed the poor: Crafting and Cooking Lore skill and Improved Tool feat
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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I wouldn't be surprised if along with the new cultural names announced for half-elves, half-orcs, deep dwarves, and gnolls if there are unannounced one we aren't aware of yet. No reason halflings couldn't be one of them.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
bugleyman wrote: ckobbe wrote: But what if I use the metric system?!?!?! TIL that the metric system doesn't use fractions. Though how does that even work with irrational numbers? And now I'll be floating a point about our rational and complex prime game having a root in the imaginary and irrational that is integral to the natural whole of our real life.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Vali Nepjarson wrote: I believe that all ancestries should have their names changed to reflect their size relative to an arbitrary "whole".
Dwarves = Broadlings
Elves = Thinlings
Humans = Dire Halflings
Orcs = One and a Halflings
Gnomes = Thirdlings
Goblins = Slightly more than a Thirdlings
And then any mixed heritage you just do the math.
Orc/Halfling? 1.5 x 0.5 = Three-Quartersling
Human/Halfling = Half-Dire Half-Ling
Gnome/Dwarf? Height 1 Base 2 x .333 = H1/3 by Base 2/3rds-ling.
It's obviously the most intuitive way to call everyone.
But what if I use the metric system?!?!?!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I personally would love a lore change to both half-elves and half-orcs. In my personal Golarion Half-elves have been a true breeding race that has slowly grown in prominence since the elves vamoosed during Earthfall. Left without their elven parents they banded together and created a nomadic culture based on trade and diplomacy. Over the millennia the elves were gone, distinctive wagon, sailing, and settled half-elven cultures developed. In the majority of Avistan approximately 5% of "human" households are actually settled half-elves that married into human families that recognized the advantages having longer lifespans than their human neighbors could give to trade and craft expertise. Additionally, for millennia the half-elven culture felt it was their duty to preserve what they knew of elven culture while blending it with their own traditions to make it their own.
I've done less with the half-orcs, but do love that Paizo has increasingly painted the half-orcs as being seen as value add members to orcish society.
In short I'm all for ditching the standard D&D trope that half-elves/orcs are torn between cultures fitting in neither. Both have been around for thousands of years, more than long enough to be both parts of their parent cultures and to develop their own earned places in the many cultures of Golarion.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Scalable equipment 1000% yes - I have hated SF 5-tiered weapon scaling from the beginning because in all the science fiction i grew up with nobody changed out their weapons more than once in their career. Hans modified blaster is as icon to him as the Falcon. Equipment modding and refining I am fine with, but its how a character handles the weapons that should scale in power (with their levels) not the weapons themselves.
Now if Paizo would please kill the exponential economy scale and divorce wealth from character level and power I would be even happier.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
A couple of conceits – I am neither and advertiser nor a script writer. This idea came to in the form of a commercial, so that is how I want to present it. For any professional advertisers or script writers out there, please forgive the errors (numerous I am sure) in how I present this idea.
Blessed Bundles advert proposal #7
Interior shot: Blessed Bundles clinic waiting room. Pan over a background populated with multiple mixed species family units until the shot on the spokesperson off-center in foreground.
Casting Note (per Blessed Bundles VP of Public Relations): Please use Dr. Malvish Kaytal as the spokesperson. He is a very hologenic korasha lanshunta and head genewizard at the Absalom Station clinic.
Spokesperson: Family, arguable the most important force in the known galaxy, yet not every family unit are as blessed with interracial fertility as humans with elves or orcs. When a mixed species couples’ cultural or biological drives require genetic offspring, we at Blessed Bundles allows that love to succeed where nature fails and add the joy of new life to a family unit. Specializing in the latest technomagic advances in DNA transcription, our accredited and fully certified genewizards can make any sentient’s biological traits into viable genetic material of a partner’s genotype to ensure successful conception.
Fade to Testimonial Shot
Interior Shot: Domestic Living area (I know the couple we will use has a newborn, but please dress the area with visible toys appropriate to a toddler), Couple - human male Tomus Spanner and shirren host (Villus Kit), with swaddled human infant.
Villus Kit: We thought of adopting or fostering of course, but deep down we knew we wanted a child of our own – Thank you Blessed Bundles
Tomus Spanner: Of course I was worried, you hear horror stories about some fly by night outfits that perform shoddy DNA transcription, but you can see the results in little Mavis. Blessed Bundles perfected mapped Villus’s characteristics into human DNA and now we have our little girl. I couldn’t be happier.
Fade to Interior Office Shot
Interior Shot: Spokesperson’s office, various technical DNA transcription simulations running on screens in the background.
Spokesperson: Our genewizard’s lead the industry with a 96.3% success rate at cross-species DNA transcriptions. Our techniques allow any number of parental units to participate in the gene-blending process, allowing traits from one genotype to be translated into the equivalent gene expression in the child-bearer’s genotype. In the exceeding rare instanced when a chimera expresses, follow-up visits catch the genetic variances. (NO! cut this last sentence, we do not create crossbreed horrors, period!)
After the work of our genewizards leads to successful conception, our talented family integration specialists can help any family through the challenges of bring a new life into the galaxy and couch family units on the unique hurdles raising children from different species can present. Happy family is the business of Blessed Bundles, please visit one of our clinics today.
Fade to disclaimer scroll
Disclaimer scroll: DNA transcription not possible for outsiders, undead, constructs, incorporeal entities, energy entities, digital entities, noncarbon-based entities or biological/near-biological entities that have been classified aberrant. Consent from all genetic contributors required. Preserved genetic material is only usable if collected by Blessed Bundles with contributors’ consent (or by court order as of the Clan Bomix vs. Blessed Bundles decision, 307 AG). Requests for gene-mixing for chimera creation will void any contractual obligations on Blessed Bundles part and required notifications will be made to the appropriate regional authorities. DNA records are kept on file with Blessed Bundles for twice the expected life span of any progeny created from said DNA records. Consent for DNA records to be anonymized and shared with research institutes and/or used for Blessed Bundles’ own research purpose required for any DNA transcription procedures. All fees nonrefundable.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Darth Krawl wrote: The Felicity of Holo-Sculpture
Hosted by Ss'orbo'b, an affable and extremely mellow Shirren artist, the uncomplicated Felicity of Holo-Sculpture is a breakout hit for the Public Trivid System. It's a relaxing Seventhday nighttime hit that follows the artist as he teaches landscaping holo-sculpture techniques each episode.
Using a complement of basic algorithms, Ss'orbo'b composes all manner of subjects in seconds, completing an entire sculpture from start to finish each session. Throughout each, he peppers his showcase with various life anecdotes as he sculpts, from his time spent in the Diaspora, his affection for protazoic life, and his career as a Veskarium combat medic.
The show is especially famous for the artist's representations of mirthful diminutive aboreal life-forms.
Fans are anxiously awaiting the the beginning of the 17th season...
"We don't make mistakes, we just have happy accidents" - Bob Ross
Gods I miss him...

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
A couple more I thought of...
Theatre Extraordinar
The most diverse travelling carnival group in the Pact Worlds, this caravan averaging seven starships transport multiple acts wherever Maxoic the Great believes he can pack the most seats into the stands. Maxoic the Great is not only the carnival owner/ring master, but also really Professor Stannix Brevon. A retired and noted expert in Pact world cultures, Professor Brevon’s keen insights in shaping each act to appeal to each specific culture group they visit is the key to Theatre Extraordinar’s success. The Professor hires his performers not just for their expertise, but also their adaptability; with last week’s zero-g wire act replaced with this week’s synchronized underwater performance with next week’s fire dancing. The Professor is always looking for new permanent and temporary acts to add to his carnival.
The Medium’s Corner
This light cycle talk show features families and friends who have relationship issues with the dearly departed. Whether it’s confrontations between an angry ghost with his philandering wife or long lost friends being summoned from the afterlife to provide much needed closure, Dr. Shirieh Deeler is there. Willing to hit both the living and the dead in their emotion hotspots to up the confrontation factor and ensure her ratings never entire a death spiral, Dr. Deeler is an expert at both sentient psychology and necromantics magics, allowing her to control or influence both the living and the dead. Some of her most explosive episodes have been between Pharasmanites and Eoxians, while episodes with sentient undead always draw big ratings from the viewership. Of particular not was an episode between a vampire in its former thrall, exposing the abuses the poor thrall was put through before it gained its independence.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
The Mad Comrade wrote: You have an hour after a post or thread is first created to edit it, up to and including deletion of the thread or post. After that ... it is as-is. That seems... restrictive, but good to know...

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Some other ideas I have are...
The Trans-Solarian Orchestra
This musical act, based out of a bubble city on the sun, has 4 touring groups that each cover 2 worlds and various smaller locations. Heavily influenced by both Sarenraeian and Zon-Kuthonian musical style, the Orchestras tour for half a year in two cycles, the Light and the Dark. Each cycle has four acts, with one act being retired and replaced each year, creating continually evolving and changing experiences for fans. Acts alternate between celestial/cosmic themes and personal stories that follow the philosophies of their particular cycle. The majority of fans enjoy experiencing both cycles, but there are diehard fans (Flares for the Light/Eclipses for the Dark) that prefer one cycle over the other.
These single-use, self-erasing pieces of code are designed to duplicate the effects of common drugs on technological sentients and those with exocortex or datajacks. Sophisticated anti-virus protocols quickly make each batch obsolete, requiring coders to constantly update their techniques and create new versions of each DigiDrug. For this reason there are literally hundreds of thousands of different versions of these codes extant. Dedicated abusers keep careful tract of which versions numbers they have used, since each rarely works more than once on any individual. (All a just versions of regular drugs with Type: drug (upload))
Under the masterful guidance of Chef Xillkar Vernak, Sensation has become one of the hottest dining locations on Absalon Station. Recently awarded its second Nova by the Pact Worlds Gastronomical Society (PWGS), Chef Vernak has made a big splash in trans-world fusion cuisine. Its Castrovel Salad with Akiton mineral dusting infused with rare Brethadan gas mixtures is currently going for 300 credits a plate. Chef Vernak is a generous patron to its produce procurement specialists, although its exacting demands in quality lead to frequent turnover (some due to disagreements, other due to death during procurement).
The Sqibble
The hottest must have pet/toy for the under 10 set. Parents are going nuts trying to acquire these hot selling items for their darling urchins. These bioengineered gelatinous oozes from the Sopeth Corporation secret extremely mild, non-addictive compounds that increase focus in pre-adolescents along with a mild euphoric. Additionally, Squibbles vibrate at frequency that most children find comforting and gather all its nutritional requirements from the dead skin, sweat and oils it absorbs from casual contact with is owner. The Sopeth Corporation has had difficulty in adapting Squibbles to the frequently fluctuating biochemistry of adolescents and most young teens abandon their Squibbles once they hit puberty. The Sopeth Corporation has vigorously pursued legal actions against the few news agencies that have pursued reporting on abandoned Squiggles that have supposedly gone feral.
For some reason I can't edit my original post, but I would change the first line of Elves in Space to read "This long running, incredibly popular and tawdry soap opera follows the exploits of xenoarcheologist Nevista Marbletree and her team of researchers as they attempt to uncover elven history during the Gap and who might be the great betrayor of their race."
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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
The Mad Comrade wrote: The Nautalist is a stroke of genius, I love it.
Thanks, Murfnor Nevidmith is my idea of what a LN straight man (in the comedy sense) to a bunch of CN "adventurers" would look like in Starfinder. Definitely an NPC or character concept I plan on using if I get the chance.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
So I've created a couple of ideas for Starfinder Pop Culture and would love to hear other peoples ideas...
The Nautalist
Originally started as the personal work vlog of Murfnor Nevidmith, an engineer assigned as the Safety & Quality Assurance Officer on Ringworks Industries new prototype Coral-class medium freighter the Nautalist, the reality show of the same name follows the unorthodox exploits of the crew from the point of view of the very by the book engineer. When the original crew was captured by pirates and then rescued by a ragtag collection of freelance trouble shooters, Ringworks Industries gifted the ship to the Murfnor’s rescuers on the condition that he continue on as the company representative in his original capacity and shortly afterwards the company’s marketing department spun Murfnor’s work vlog off as an adventure/comedy show that is much loved in the Pact Worlds. The long suffering Murfnor, who’s often heard line “That is not the intended use for that item,” is marketing on torso covers (t-shirts), comms tones and other merchandise and the exposure has helped make the Coral-class freighter a successful product line for Ringworks Industries.
Elves in Space
A scripted drama following the exploits of xenoarcheologist Nevista Marbletree and her team of researchers as they attempt to uncover elven history during the Gap and who might be the great betrayor of their race. The show ran into serious trouble early on for its use of illusion and transmutative magics to allow elves to portray drow on the show. The Anti-Drow Defamation Defense (ADDD) launched boycotts, and eventually drow began to be cast on the show to portray drow parts and writers began to write supposedly more balanced representations of the dark elves. The largest onset drama is between Benina Yonder (the actress who portrays Nevista Marbletree) and the lead drow actress Melinar Evista, although current rumors speculate that the rivalry is all for show, as the two have been seen in secret encounters that are best described as romantic.
Serverik the Edge
Celebrated vesk Honor Poet, Serverik has survived 23 combat poetry contests with only the loss of his right eye and 5 inches of his tail (both since replaced with cybernetic components). Critics are concerned that after his last bout that damage to his right hand may impair his post combat calligraphies, but originals from his earlier bouts have been known to command 100s of thousands of credits, while pay per view broadcasts of the combat poetry contests themselves bring in millions on each world they are shown on

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
So just some random thoughts about things that can be played up in Starfinder that would never be possible in Pathfinder.
Research into why humans seem to be able to interbreed with every thing or absorb planar energies to create half human hybrids so easily. Are humans some sort of evolved galactic Ur-species and if so what does this mean for the evolutionary history of other species they can interbreed with.
Tension between those who believe in their racial creations myths and those who support evolutionary theory ("Come on, you mean you really believe your dwarven ancestors were shaped out of stone by Torag, you clearly have DNA markers that indicate your species is in the same evolutionary family as other upright bipeds from Golarion!")
Since humans can interbreed naturally with elves and orcs, controversial research on the genetic links between all three.
Genetic research into long lived species and lionization treatments for shorter lived species to increase their life spans.
Social tensions between those who support interspecies relationships (romantic) and those who oppose them.
Since Starfinder is more accepting of the concept of sentient and sentient rights as a whole, court actions for indiscriminate killing. PCs could easily end up having an adventure dealing with their actions as mass murders and going on the trial of the decade/century (depending on how murdery they got).
Legal actions against PCs should be far higher than in other games.
Employers should be far more likely to have the PCs sign contracts for their contract work when hired for adventures.
Down on their luck (or undercover) PCs needing to work horrible low wage jobs for comedic reasons - due you want fries with that?
Vacationing being a legitimate reason to be in an adventure location.
Comms allowing all the annoying interruptions during an adventure that occurs in real life ("I can't pick up a cartoon of milk for you right now mom, I am in the middle infiltrating an Apsis Corporation facility, get one of my 7 sisters to do it.")
Adventures that turn out to really be elaborate computer simulations that are entirely in the PCs head (no treasure for you).
Being hired for weirdly bizarre tasks by the super rich or someone that has just gotten that way via mega lottery ("You want us to travel to a specific planet in the Vast to collect swamp water to serve you guest at your next party? How much are you offering? Oh wow, we will leave right away!")
Since PCs are far more likely to have a homebase (i.e their ship) all the headaches and joys of having a home and living with people you may not like ("why doesn't the trialaxian <sp?> every clean his fur out of the drain in the shower!")
Finding a cache of Gap data that turns out to be all weird alien porn, but is still valuable because Weird Alien Porn.
I'm sure others can come up with many more...