Goblin with Beehive

Zopzi's page

6 posts (122 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


One vote for chubby kitty attached to wizard-guy.

Also, a vote for weapon finesse (rapier) on swashbuckles.

Voting for Realistic Likeness on the druid. True neutral or neutral good for alignment.

Voting for swashbuckler fella.

I will do research and such to generate opinions on other points for future posts :)

Yeah, I think I agree with the proposed strategy. Charon stealths down the stairs and if he can gain the hidden condition, assassinates the first thing he sees. The paladin can follow and engage the next target. Doc can hold back and wait to see how things go down. Maybe invest some AP in evasion, in case something comes after him.

Yay Paladin! Slimes are somewhat awful in pathfinder, but I'd like to see what they are like in this game, so I agree on tomb mission thingy.

Guild name vote: Dead Men Walking.

And if I might propose a character name for the Ghoul Assassin: Charon

Character proposal: Ghoul Assassin.

Grippit Gunslinger, please!