
Yuri Tanaka's page

9 posts. Organized Play character for Brainiac.


Doomed | Danger +2, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior -1, Mundane 0 | Doom 0/5 | XP 1/5

About Yuri Tanaka


Name: Yuri Tanaka
Playbook: The Doomed

Look: woman, Kamigawan, haunted eyes, adaptive clothing, adaptive costume

Labels: Danger +2, Freak +1, Savior +1, Superior -1, Mundane 0

Abilities: Your powers are tied into your doom; think about the nature of your doom when you choose them. Choose up to three: telekinesis, memory manipulation, superhuman strength and speed

Team Moves:

When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, give them Influence over you and spend 1 Team from the pool to clear one box on your doom track.

When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, give them Influence over you and ask if they honestly think there’s hope for you. If they say yes, mark potential or clear one box of your doom track. If they say no, mark a condition or mark your doom track.

Nemesis: You have a nemesis, an epic and powerful enemy representing and embodying your doom. It’s going to take everything you have to take them down in the time you have left. Who is your nemesis?

At the end of every session, answer the question: Did you make progress on defeating your nemesis? If the answer is yes, mark potential. If the answer is no, mark your doom track.

Doom: You’re doomed. Your powers may be killing you, or maybe you’re hunted ruthlessly, or maybe you embody an apocalypse. But one way or another, your future is grim. What brings your doom closer? Choose two: overexerting yourself, facing danger alone

Whenever you bring your doom closer, mark one box on your doom track.

Doomsigns: These are abilities that come to you with your approaching doom. Once you have taken all five doomsigns above the line, you must take “Your doom arrives” the next time your doom track fills. Choose one doomsign you already hold at character creation.

Bolstered: Mark your doom track to use an Adult Move one time.

Sanctuary: You have a place where you can rest, recover, and reflect upon your powers. Choose four features of your sanctuary:

A teleportal; a powerful computer; healing equipment; locks and traps

Choose three downsides of your sanctuary:
Draws dangerous attention, location known to many; difficult to access

When you call upon the resources of your sanctuary to solve a problem, say what you want to do. The GM will give you one to four conditions you must fulfill to complete your solution:
❑ First, you must _______________________
❑ You’ll need help from ___________________
❑ You and your team will risk danger from ______
❑ The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited
❑ You’ll need to mark one box on your doom track
❑ You’ll have to obtain ___________________