Weave131's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


When I sign up to play a game, I expect their to be rules for the game. I don't usually play with DMs who ban or house rule a lot of stuff. Most often the DM doesn't understand the system well enough to know what he's banning isn't bad, and in my experience if they ban ok stuff, the moment you spend 10 of 15 hours optimizing something the DM is just going to ban all your hard work. Rarity would have been fine if there was an in game way to get these items like multilingual.

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Hello all. Is it just me or did they miss the entry for Ritual of Undeath in the Beastiry. The appendix has rituals for outsiders to summon but not the ritual mentioned in the lich entry.

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I don't like the "mother may I" aspect. I wish there were feats to grant access to spells that are uncommmon the same way multilingual gives you access to more languages. Soft banning all divination spells gives the impression that the game is a minis game.

Deadmanwalking wrote:

There is indeed a problem here, but it's specifically that certain Bloodline spells have the Evil Trait (they clearly shouldn't).

There are only three Evil spells in the actual list of non-Focus spells, and all of them probably deserve to be Evil.

You should surely be able to cast an evil spell if you arnt evil. Why do I need to be evil to cast gouhlish cravings but not evil to suck all the blood out of people with vampiric exsangunation. Or permenantly render someone insane with warp mind.

Apologies if this this the wrong place. I am new to Pathfinder and this forum.

The appendix evil trait says a creature must be evil to use any ability with the evil trait. Abilities in the appendix list spells, and creatures in the appendix include PCs.

Therefore, a netural or good sorcerer with the diabolic blood line can't use focus spells, even though some of those spells suggest the player doesn't need to be evil.

Occult spell list has about 15 less spells for non evil folks.

I think this is an oversight