Striogi's page

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Spell index page:
Filter by books is not working in Chrome, Firefox and IE.

If I attempt to uncheck any of the boxes (e.g. Core Rulebook) the related spells are not filtered out (e.g. Magic Missile)

All other filters appear to work.

At Jemstone's recommendation, I downloaded it to my ipad and took a short (30 min) look.
I agree with the initial assessments, however: I have a few issues.

Book Format.
For the sake of all the players, gms and the gods of Golarion and beyond,
Books should be kept article/topic/monster per page. The fancy page-turny graphic is pretty, but freeking useless and worse, interrupts the user experience, especially the GM, when one is trying to run the monster out of the book. I tried looking at the Vargouille, and having to flip between two pages just to read the stat block is the worst.
If you want to take a look at the formatting, the PRD really does it right. Each monster has its own page. Combat has its own webpage and I can scroll through to what I need. Having to flip through uncounted pages to get to some sub-section of combat is painful. Maybe there's a way to change how I view it, but I haven't found it.

Trial version limited?
I tried making a new adventure and couldn't. Maybe it's that I'm on trial version mode, which is sad, because as a GM those are the areas I would most like to access.
I also had problems selecting more than the base 15-point buy for the heroes, and any content beyond the core book, e.g. Advanced Player Guide Base classes. Again, possibly trial version, possibly haven't loaded that content into the app. I don't know.

I'm not sure I fully agree with the idea that it's very well guided, or that it's intuitive, but it isn't *bad*, it just took me a while to start getting how it's all connected and structured. It takes a while to really explore the app, and unfortunately, I know too many people who would not be inclined towards actually exploring the app ("just show me what I need to do")

iOS device is great, but something that might be useful is a desktop or web application/portal.
Sure, charge; pay to play. I get it. earn your moneys.
I have one player friend that's about to give up on iOS products over the headphone thing. Most of the rest of my gaming group either can't afford the iOS device in the first place, or sees no reason to turn from their Android product. Precious few have anything more than a smartphone, and some not even that.
A web portal, I think, might mitigate the whole issue and increase your userbase. especially if it connects with the iOS accounts and users. double especially if it comes with VTT.

Finally, outputting the user content in a usable format for our own purposes. I haven't found it yet, but it would be very handy to know if/how I can export the adventure I wrote for archival and other purposes.

As it currently stands, my group manages all our documents (player sheets, treasure, etc) through google docs and PDF forms. we play online on Roll20 for our VTT, as one player is in OK and the other is in AK.
As GM, I use my ipad to access the PRD and google docs for running the adventure. I use my Android tablet (with its own PRD app) to look up monsters and rules quickly. We use my TV-connected mac for the VTT.

It's a lot of screen-changing and device management. This looks promising to simplifying all of that, as long as the issues are resolved.

Aha. I thought it combined into some kind of much more simpler single DR.

Thanks for the response!

I'm working on building what amounts to a Mythic Dracolich for my players and I've run into a stumbling block with regards to DR.

So here's the situation:
take the Adult Umbral Dragon
DR 5/Magic

Add the Lich template
DR 15/bludgeoning and magic

(clearly DR 15/B&M > DR 5/M, so I take the lich DR)

Add the Mythic Invincible template
DR 10/Epic

What happens now??

Thanks for the responses - This is the 3rd? 5th? encounter with the dragon. They've gotten experience all along the way - They've never fully defeated it nor fully lost - well, most of them, anyway.

I'm less concerned right now about it's flying ability - I haven't determined if he's going to go back to his lair the party knows about (unlikely, he's already moved his remaining treasure) or if he's off to find some new spot - maybe make himself a new lair that has the tight quarters Ashiel mentions above. He may just decide to go for a nice long walk to find the goblin tribe in the mountains to see if they can help him out.

The reasons I'm thinking it's important to reduce the CR:
1. They've encountered the dragon several times and have milked maybe 1.5 dragons worth of exp out of it already.
2. The curse - being able to do something 50% of all turns is arguably crippling. It's not every other round, it's flip a coin every round.
-even if his wing wasn't crippled, he'd have a hard time flying, randomly freezing in mid-flight could be catastrophic.
-his ground move rate is effectively halved.
-anyone with long-range attacks is going to have an easier time picking him off.
-his damage output per round is effectively halved.
-I've already awarded exp for crippling the dragon.
-New encounters, even with the same creature, are different and engender a different CR - the four lizardfolk that attacked the village and fled when the party arrived and killed two of them were CR 5, and they should get the experience for that. Then, if they track the last two down into their swamp, the CR should at least be CR 2 for the two remaining ones but then maybe add another CR because the lizardfolk should know the terrain and pick favorable places to set up an ambush.

Long time GM here and I'm at a loss how to recalculate the CR of an adult white dragon...

The party, after several encounters with the beast left his wing crippled, and unable to fly, and applied Bestow Curse on him, the one that he has a 50% chance of doing nothing for a round.

The beast is CR 10 (Adult White Dragon).

I have no idea where to begin to recalculate the CR - his DR/SR/Immunity remain unaffected.

Long version:
Through a series of poor decisions and bad rolls, the party encountered the white dragon, then angered it, but fought it off after it killed two of their casters.
Two weeks later after healing up and reincarnating friends, they made a plan to scry on him, teleport into his lair and kill him there - this failed as they did not successfully teleport the entire group there, so he then scattered the half of the party that *did* arrive and killed two more of their members.
Over the next two days, The dragon tracked them through the canyons of his mountain home, found two more members, killed one, but they successfully crippled his wing. So he captured the healer, imprisoned her and instructed her to cast restoration on him.
When she finally got the spell prepared and ready to cast, she instead cast bestow curse, got bit for her trouble, and successfully fled.

I have little doubt the party will try and find the dragon again, and with the goal of giving him a full beat-down. I want to set the CR correctly - I don't think it should be CR 10.