Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
I do not have an in-person game scheduled but these are great, thank you for taking the time to share them with all of us.
I am very much against giving players permanent advantages for which groups they have played in or people they have played with. It was bad enough in PFS1 when people got carried into the upper tiers and thus significantly increased their income. There are other arguments against this proposal but honestly, this type of thing is better suited for a campaign of a game like FF14 where crafting gets a lot of attention. I think the closest you can get in PFS2 to being a crafter who provides items to others is being an alchemist or similar class that has a daily amount of items to share,
Illandra Ebonblade wrote:
While it has happened that org play has sanctioned blog entries before, since this is a preview of Players Core 2, which releases in August, it's likely only a matter of time until the book gets sanctioned. A blog is a cool thing, but being in a new Core book gives it so much more exposure, which is pretty darn neat.
Zoomba wrote:
I agree with your subtle and reasonable suggestion to throw all former and current members of the Decemvirate into a wood chipper, they are clearly compromised due to those weird Azlanti artefacts.
Thank you, regular errata are very appreciated particularly for those of us with at least one leg in the org play sphere.
You caught a lot of the issue (entering NPCs into a VTT is a good way to catch them) I very much agree that unfortunately the interaction in the first encounter (crates) really lacks information on how it is supposed to be handled as far as actions etc. are concerned. B2 also suffers from the descriptions that the NPCs do not attack, allegedly do not have attacks (the stat blocks disagree), and are supposed to use unclear skill actions. D2 it sounds like Tanazar just collapses as soon as combat starts, he is allegedly the summoner of those eidolons, it is rather peculiar.
Driftbourne wrote:
Yes, Venture Officers have channels of communication that are exclusive to them, as you can imagine some things benefit from collaboration and discussion, but unsurprisingly not every discussion benefits from it being public. We use the same channel to distribute information to VOs, but in general, it is often not possible or practical to inform thousands of people about upcoming changes with a lot of advanced notice.
Eric Clingenpeel wrote: Just double checking on the Character Options. Say my rogue, I wasn't planning on updating to the Core chassis, but since the "You're Next" rogue feat changed in Player Core 1, I have to use that version now instead of the CRB version? (Not that I'm complaining since its better, but just verifying.) If an option was updated, that counts as an errata, so just like the updated electric arc spell, the updated feat is the version to use, irrespective of rebuilding.
Alex Speidel wrote:
Lorespire Remaster page wrote:
The word Nephilim in that sentence feels confusing as that new ancestry could never actually take any of those feats, suggesting the removal of the first word in that second sentence.
Congratulations to Charlene for her 5th Glyph, I had the pleasure of seeing you develop and evolve as a GM and I am delighted that you got recognized for all of your hard work. And of course congratulations to Amie, Robert, Amber and Jim, without outstanding people like you, this org play would be a shadow of itself, and we are fortunate to have you.
Could we maybe get a more expensive boon that, unlike the current boons that just allow you to change your class levels, also permits you to change your background, ancestry, and heritage? The setting occasionally deals with time travel, so I guess a lot of magic could justify a lot of changes like turning a demon into a god.
Congratulations to the new campaign coin recipients, the coin is just a tiny recognition of the positive impact you had on your community and we are lucky to have you all. Also congratulation to the new 5 Nova and Glyph GMs, it takes many hundreds of hours of prep and plenty more to get recognized like this. You likely already know this but thank you so much for enabling so many players to enjoy this game. Without GMs like you, this would not be such a lovely community.
Not really my cup of tea, particularly on an ancestry level, as the world is a large place and different regions should feel differently. But to be frank, I am likely not the target audience and prone to ignore a lot of writeups like this when I build a character (ancestry is rarely a super relevant aspect for the characters I tend to play).
I am a big fan of the amazing, hard-working volunteers ^^, I find myself GMing a fair number of tables these days, and that would not be feasible without such amazing tools. It is no hyperbole that without them, I could not have shown PF2 to so many new players. Their hard work has saved me hundreds of hours of prep at this point, I can recommend the Beginners Box, Bestiary Token pack, and Abomination Vault on Foundry without any reservations ^^
Rysky wrote:
I suspect I know where that is coming from, a lot of people are prone to invite people they have already played with in org play scenarios into their home game adventure paths games etc. It's as always mischaracterized, after all in this context playing org play games is just a good vector to get exposed to other players before starting anything that is a longer commitment. Frankly speaking, it boils down to "Many people enjoy inviting those that they like and play well together, and org play is a good way to hang out for a short time" (though pbp is different). Unfortunately for OP, it is not really possible to have a uniform experience in org play, it gets rather close but different tables with different groups of players and GMs have different sensibilities, interests in RP duration, and understandings of rules... Even more unfortunately, if one approaches org play from the position of feeling forced and compromising, it's not really a great starting point, and looking at previous posts in a bunch of places, it seems like the structure and setup of org play are not a great fort for what they are searching for.
At most levels of play, your character is likely not to know the alignment of another character, even player characters. And these are rather broad generalizations, I would not worry about it at all. GMs are very unlikely to even bother to tell you how your character should feel about another character outside the use of certain spells. I did not love the "But no good GM would force your character to think a certain way because of this" part of your post but in general, considering many of the issues you bring to the forum. Pretty much nobody cares, how your character is supposed to feel regarding another character. This might all seem very confusing if you just read the rules like that. There are obviously exceptions if your character has a sort of code (like a champion) but even those are very much relaxed in org play. GMs in org play are supposed to follow the rules to the best of their ability, but there are always going to be aspects where table variation and individual GM understanding are going to be different. The rules say that a Liberator has to be CG, but that does not mean that any liberator is yelling that they are one, or that in-world the term liberator is even used for this flavor of a champion. Champions of Calistria and Shelyn likely do have different names for that. My suggestion would be to just play a session or two with a pregen, where you are not so exceedingly attached to every minute detail of your character, and what unlikely occurrence might or might not happen. Lastly.. this is not an organized play-specific question, you likely just want some sort of binding ruling for something that is subject to table variation, and that is not generally what org play does.
I have been GMing for a few and I am currently having blast playing one, so I am keen to help. Well, the most common interaction is that with Act Together, no matter how you split up the actions either the eidolon or the summoner can make a 2+ action activity. To give an example, if the summoner casts a 2-action spell, there eidolon can't also cast a 2-action spell (for example the fey eidolon) or use many of the 2-action activities given unique to each type of eidolon. The class gets some level of free lunch, but there are hard guide rails. Something that has recently surprised a player of mine when I pointed it out, and later showed him the rules: Summoners and Eidolons share MAP, even if they are not using the mounted combat rules. So spells that require a spell attack are not very easy to use in many cases, so the players should plan carefully. I am not certain what sort of local interactions you are seeing, so it is harder to give good feedback. Regarding your second point, I am not sure what you are referring to. It is not a very simple class to pilot and benefits from some consideration before your turn. To be frank I encounter more players piloting very complicated and involved investigator and thaumaturge builds where they tend to forget limitations ^^
I agree with many of the other posters, enemies still get the choice which option applies to them. It is also worth mentioning, that mindless enemies still react to things, like environmental conditions, attacks etc. CRB wrote:
Though the reaction does not have the mental trait anyway, so I would not worry too much about it.
CaptainRelyk, I have seen your posts and questions on a fair number of discords and on the forum, so please assume that I have seen most of it, particularly since you tend to ask the same question in a lot of spaces, and many of us are active in more than on discord. As many have been trying to explain to you, this is not an org play issue, many aspects of the rules that you worry about, are written so the GM has some freedom to adjust things to their table. My suggestion would be to accept the very nature of table variation, and that playing in a collaborative game like Pathfinder, the GM is going to have to be the final arbiter on a lot of things. That will also affect things related to your character. How certain spell effects can look like, or if you ever have the chance to meet your patron... those are aspects of storytelling that are within the hands of the GM. Organized play has to keep a tighter rain on some aspects, as many, many people have been explaining to you already, but in many regards, the way that your table GM interprets things will not always interact with that. Table variation is always going to be a part of this hobby, and your appeals to authority are a bit tricky. Everyone can argue and petition for a rules change, and posting on the forum is generally a good way for the developers to see it, but especially as far as organized play is concerned... it helps to have some experience by actually playing it. Only wishing to play, if the game meets your specific requirements, or even asking for a lot of major changes to the cost and availability of certain options, is going to severely limit your ability to play this game within the constraints of the organized play campaign. Arguing for a rules change or update in order to convince some of the people who Westmarch Style campaigns/Living worlds is also not really a very productive step, as there is no pressure for them to accept every update or not even introduce any houserules or changes they might like. But that subject also feels like an appeal to authority to me. Frankly speaking, very few people can influence a GM like me on how to run their game, outside or inside of org play. And trying to convince them by running to some of the designers and so you can use their answers to reinforce your argument, is very likely to cause the exact opposite of what you want.
The Game Raccoon also does some very neat Golarion-specific artwork for products on PFinfinite ^^
Cydeth wrote: Also, for those who don't have the funds to commission artwork for a product, there are lots of extremely good artists who put up stock art on sites like DriveThruRPG for relatively reasonable amounts. Earlier today I was looking at an artist, Dean Spencer, who has an enormous amount of amazing stock artwork for relatively reasonable prices. There are options. Excellent point, I feel like with options like this, and all of the artwork you can use via infinite products, there is plenty of material to make your products look appealing, without having to resort to AI tools |