Raven Guy's page
Organized Play Member. 22 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
I'm the GM. One of my player's already has it.
I was thinking the same thing. Thanks for your help.

This dried and withered hand ends in a jagged stump. When it is touched against the arm stump of a humanoid who has lost a hand, the maniac hand bonds instantly and returns to a lifelike appearance. It shrinks or grows to match the size of its new owner, and transforms itself to match the hand lost, becoming either a right or left hand. After merging, an uneven scar and unhealthy hue identify it as alien to its new owner.
Attacks made with a maniac hand receive a +2 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls. In addition, when making a full attack, the wielder can accept a –2 penalty to AC in order to make one extra attack with the hand using the wielder’s full base attack bonus. This benefit is not cumulative with similar effects, such as a haste spell. For the purposes of these bonuses, any weapon held in the maniac hand or in both hands qualifies, and the hand itself can deal damage as a slam attack appropriate to the wielder’s size (1d4 for a Medium creature).
A maniac hand has an insidious will that slowly usurps control from the owner. It has Intelligence 8, Wisdom 12, and Charisma 10. Incapable of communication and bereft of rational thought, a maniac hand knows only an insatiable urge to destroy. When first attached, a maniac hand has an Ego score of 5. At least once each day, when presented with an opportunity to murder a friend or innocent without being witnessed, the maniac hand attempts to assert control using the rules for items against characters (Core Rulebook 535). If it succeeds, the hand takes control of its owner until it can commit the murder or 5 minutes pass, whichever comes first. The owner remembers nothing of the crime save a blinding rage, and the hand’s Ego score returns to 5. If the hand fails to assert control, the owner feels a momentary surge of anger, but can’t identify the source. Each day that passes without the hand’s murderous impulse killing a creature of Intelligence 3 or higher, its Ego score increases by 1. If its Ego score increases above 20, the hand no longer cares for caution, and attempts murder regardless of the chance of getting caught.
A maniac hand that’s denied the death of friends or innocents for more than 30 days turns against its owner. If in a position to sabotage the owner, such as by letting go of a rope, it attempts to assert control. It can assert control while the owner sleeps, strangling its host or seizing a weapon to deliver a coup de grace. The hand attempts such an act at most once per day. An owner willing to slaughter innocents can keep the hand satisfied by finding an innocent victim and voluntarily relinquishing control to the hand.
If the owner tries to rid herself of the maniac hand by destroying or amputating it, the hand resists to the best of its ability. It makes attacks and one-handed grapple attempts with its owner’s own Strength and Dexterity scores, augmented by the hand’s bonuses. The hand has an AC equal to its owner’s touch AC, except with a +4 size bonus that stacks with its owner’s size modifier. Its owner loses her Dexterity bonus against the hand’s attacks, but the hand retains its Dexterity bonus against its owner. The hand’s hp is equal to 1/4 that of its owner.
Successfully casting remove curse on a maniac hand prevents it from resisting amputation for 1 hour.
I have a question about the maniac hand cursed item from Occult Adventures... would the +2 bonus the hand provides to attacks made using the hand be used with all combat maneuvers, just some (like disarm, sunder, and trip) or none at all?
I have a new question about the maniac hand... would the +2 bonus the hand provides to attacks made using the hand be used with combat maneuvers?
By the way, thanks for your help, lemeres.

I don't know if I can post this here, admins, feel free to delete this message if it's against the rules.
This dried and withered hand ends in a jagged stump. When it is touched against the arm stump of a humanoid who has lost a hand, the maniac hand bonds instantly and returns to a lifelike appearance. It shrinks or grows to match the size of its new owner, and transforms itself to match the hand lost, becoming either a right or left hand. After merging, an uneven scar and unhealthy hue identify it as alien to its new owner.
Attacks made with a maniac hand receive a +2 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls. In addition, when making a full attack, the wielder can accept a –2 penalty to AC in order to make one extra attack with the hand using the wielder’s full base attack bonus. This benefit is not cumulative with similar effects, such as a haste spell. For the purposes of these bonuses, any weapon held in the maniac hand or in both hands qualifies, and the hand itself can deal damage as a slam attack appropriate to the wielder’s size (1d4 for a Medium creature).
A maniac hand has an insidious will that slowly usurps control from the owner. It has Intelligence 8, Wisdom 12, and Charisma 10. Incapable of communication and bereft of rational thought, a maniac hand knows only an insatiable urge to destroy. When first attached, a maniac hand has an Ego score of 5. At least once each day, when presented with an opportunity to murder a friend or innocent without being witnessed, the maniac hand attempts to assert control using the rules for items against characters (Core Rulebook 535). If it succeeds, the hand takes control of its owner until it can commit the murder or 5 minutes pass, whichever comes first. The owner remembers nothing of the crime save a blinding rage, and the hand’s Ego score returns to 5. If the hand fails to assert control, the owner feels a momentary surge of anger, but can’t identify the source. Each day that passes without the hand’s murderous impulse killing a creature of Intelligence 3 or higher, its Ego score increases by 1. If its Ego score increases above 20, the hand no longer cares for caution, and attempts murder regardless of the chance of getting caught.
A maniac hand that’s denied the death of friends or innocents for more than 30 days turns against its owner. If in a position to sabotage the owner, such as by letting go of a rope, it attempts to assert control. It can assert control while the owner sleeps, strangling its host or seizing a weapon to deliver a coup de grace. The hand attempts such an act at most once per day. An owner willing to slaughter innocents can keep the hand satisfied by finding an innocent victim and voluntarily relinquishing control to the hand.
If the owner tries to rid herself of the maniac hand by destroying or amputating it, the hand resists to the best of its ability. It makes attacks and one-handed grapple attempts with its owner’s own Strength and Dexterity scores, augmented by the hand’s bonuses. The hand has an AC equal to its owner’s touch AC, except with a +4 size bonus that stacks with its owner’s size modifier. Its owner loses her Dexterity bonus against the hand’s attacks, but the hand retains its Dexterity bonus against its owner. The hand’s hp is equal to 1/4 that of its owner.
Successfully casting remove curse on a maniac hand prevents it from resisting amputation for 1 hour.
He has a greatsword and weapon training heavy blades, the hand is just an extra.
There are no prerequisites, maniac hand is a cursed item.
So, is my math correct?
+10 (BAB) + 6 (Str) + 2 (maniac hand) = +18
1d4 + 9 (1½ Str bonus)* + 2 (maniac hand) = 1d4+11
* Natural Attacks: If a creature has only one natural attack, it is always made using the creature’s full base attack bonus and adds 1½ times the creature’s Strength bonus on damage rolls.
ATTACK WITH MANIAC HAND (one extra attack using full BAB bonus)
+10 (BAB) + 6 (Str) + 2 (maniac hand) = +18/+18
-3 attack = +15
+9 damage (1½ Str bonus)* = 1d4+20
* Power Attack: This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a primary natural weapon that adds 1½ times your Strength modifier on damage rolls.
+10 (BAB) + 6 (Str) + 2 (maniac hand) - 3 (power attack) = +15/+15
+9 damage = 1d4+20
One of my players is a level 10 fighter (BAB +10/+5) and has a Maniac Hand (from Occult Adventures) that gives him a slam attack. Here are my questions:
1 - Does he get only one slam attack with it per the natural attack rules or two attacks thanks to his BAB?
2 - Can he use the hand special ability to gain an extra slam attack?
3 - Can he use Power Attack with the slam attack(s)?
Just for reference purposes:
Attacks made with a maniac hand receive a +2 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls. In addition, when making a full attack, the wielder can accept a –2 penalty to AC in order to make one extra attack with the hand using the wielder’s full base attack bonus. This benefit is not cumulative with similar effects, such as a haste spell. For the purposes of these bonuses, any weapon held in the maniac hand or in both hands qualifies, and the hand itself can deal damage as a slam attack appropriate to the wielder’s size (1d4 for a Medium creature).

Bob Bob Bob wrote: 1. You're the DM, your player is a gunslinger, and you're trying to make a magic item for them that's not too out of balance with the rest of the party. Correct.
Bob Bob Bob wrote: 2. You're not using advanced firearms or the double firearms. Yep! Just the ol' pistols and muskets... for now.
Bob Bob Bob wrote: 3. The weapon is "high tech" or "high fantasy" and uses temporal energy for whatever bonus you want it to give. It's high fantasy and it's a +1 pepperbox pistol.
Bob Bob Bob wrote: 4. You want to give the weapon some way to do extra attacks and some kind of fancy extra function. Exactly.
Bob Bob Bob wrote: Your original idea is to give it an X per day casting of Haste and Time Stop. Yes, but you guys made me see the light and I'm going with the round usage now.
Bob Bob Bob wrote: The cost for 3/day haste is 16,200 for 5 rounds of haste each. Could you please walk me through this process? I've always had some trouble with the magic item creation rules. How did you get that number or any of the others for that matter?
Thanks again for all the suggestions, but I think I'm still going with the Time Stop. I know there are more useful stuff around but I really like the idea of the character (he's level 10, by the way) to stop time and be able to not only reload but hide, run or reposition himself leaving enemies baffled as to what just happened.
I didn't mean to insult you, I'm sorry about that. I was just agreeing with Kthulhu about "fluff" trumping the rules. But that doesn't mean I don't want my pistol to be balanced. I don't want to seem ungrateful because I really liked your advices. I'm sorry if I came out as rude, it was not my intention.
Kthulhu wrote: Its like I can physically SEE the over-emphasis on rules sapping away imagination and creativity. That's exactly what I was thinking.
That Boots of Speed aproach is a nice touch, but I don't want to give the gun this ability for "free" so I'm thinking the gunslinger should spend a grit point to activate that.
I was thinking of draining one year of the character's life expectancy for each use of Time Stop, so in a few months it would become apparent that he was aging before his friend's eyes. Also, what's your suggestion for the Time Stop spell? Spend at least three grit points to activate or none at all since the gun is draining the character?
The weapon uses temporal energies, that's why it can be used to "speed" time and stop time. I'm just trying to find a way to do this with the rules. The Time Stop would be usable only once per month and it slowly drains away at the character's life energies.
Yeah, I know he wouldn't be able to attack, but I was thinking he could use Time Stop to reload or run away if needed. I chose to use Haste instead of a speed weapon because I don't want to increase the base cost too much.
Hey, guys, I am running a campaign and one of my PCs is a gunslinger. I am planning on giving him a magic pepperbox pistol in one of the coming sessions and I would like some help designing the weapon. I'm thinking of a magic pistol that let's the wielder use Haste in order to gain an extra attack, but I don't know how I should do this. I was thinking of giving the pistol three uses of Haste per day. Should the gunslinger spend a grit point in order to do so or should the haste uses be for free? What do you think is more balanced? I was also tinkering with the idea of the gunslinger being able to cast Time Stop once per month, but again, should this be activated with one or more grit points since its such a powerful spell? I'm really at a loss here... any help will be welcomed. Thanks in advance.
I have a question regarding the Knowledge (local) skill. Is it necessary to specify a geographical area when you buy ranks in this skill like a city or a country? I remember seeing this in a lot of 3.5 products. How is this handled in Pathfinder?
I was thinking of creating an item similar to the CORSET OF DIRE WITCHCRAFT for the level 10 rogue in my group. The only difference being that it would give a +4 dodge bonus to AC instead of the normal +4 armor bonus. Do you think this would breake the item? The rogue would be able to wear armor and the corset, which wouldn't be possible with the original corset since armor bonus don't stack with each other. What do you guys think?
Thanks in advance.
I was thinking about letting the wizard in my group have a bonded object and later on calling a familiar via a "find familiar" feat. Does anybody think that would be broken?
What happened with this project? I would really like to see an update.