
LordSynos's page

Organized Play Member. 1,678 posts (1,719 including aliases). No reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 5 aliases.

Dark Archive

A friend of mine was recently asking about the possible combination of Channelled Revival and Channel Ray.

Channelled Revival:
As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you can expend three uses of your channel energy class feature to restore a dead creature to life as if you had cast the breath of life spell.

Channel Ray:
When you channel energy, you can project a ray from your holy symbol instead of creating a burst. You must succeed at a ranged touch attack to hit an unwilling target; your target is then affected by the channelled energy as normal and receives a saving throw. You need not make an attack roll to affect a willing creature with the ray. The ray has a range of 30 feet per channel energy die, and its save DC is increased by 2.

Now, he's of the opinion that, because Channel Ray increases the range of your Channel Energy, and Channelled Revival uses the range of your Channel Energy (as clarified per this FAQ), that Channelled Revival can be used at Channel Ray's range. It's my opinion that he can't combine the two, because Channel Ray doesn't increase the range of your Channel Energy, it just gives you an option to use a ray instead of a burst at the point of channelling, and as Channelled Revival is not actually channelling, they're incompatible.

We've come to an impasse, as I can't understand how he's interpreting it his way, nor can he seemingly understand how I can see it any other way. So, I thought I'd ask the experienced forumites on their opinions. What do ye think?

Dark Archive

Hi there folks. I placed this order yesterday morning (04:16 am according to the order) and it's still pending today. While with physical products, I would completely understand that, all the products were PDF's. I've been trying to see if there's an advertised delay between ordering and getting access to PDF's and the FAQ's* I've found seem to indicate that PDF access should be near immediate, which is why the day's delay has me slightly concerned something complicated has happened, and I just wished to verify the order status. Thanks in advance, and sorry if I'm being terribly impatient. LS.

P.S. As a side note, when I looked up the order for the subject of this message, I noted it seems to believe the items are all gifts. They are not. They are all for my use. I'm not sure if this is possibly complicating things. Just noting it for the record anyhow. Ta-ta for now.

Dark Archive

Okay, quick background, I'm starting a new Wizard character, and plan on building a blaster. So, aiming for a juicy initiative bonus to always start off with a bang, I picked the Greensting Scorpion familiar. However, in the efforts of converting the little guy into a proper magical beast, worthy of accompanying my fearsome blaster, I've hit a speedbump. Now, for familiars, it says to use the skill points of the original creature. However, as a mindless vermin, the scorpion has none. Fine, but now it's a magical beast, with INT 6, losing the mindless trait. It should have a skill point now, as it's no longer mindless. So, to brass tacks.

Where does the skill point go, when a mindless creature is converted into a magical beast, for the purposes of serving as a familiar? Does the Master of the familiar choose? Is it lost to the ether? Randomly assigned to a skill that familiar would find most useful? GM Discretion?

Furthermore, when my Wizard reaches 13th level (some time away yet, though the hopeful goal), my faithful scorpion's INT should increase to 12. At that point, he should receive +1 skill point, based on his INT bonus. Is that correct? Once again, how is it assigned?

From what I've been able to find, search wise, familiars gain no new skill points, feats, HD, increases in ability DC's, save progression, or anything at all really, outside of that little chart in the familiar section, but I didn't see anything in reference to the above. I welcome any help on the matter.

Dark Archive

Anyone else here play Payday 2? 4 player, cooperative, heist-based first person shooter. RPG elements, with leveling up and skill trees, team based gameplay (no one player can do it all), and lots of options for staying stealth, or going in guns blazing.

Dark Archive

I didn't see a recent (since 2012) thread for this, so made a new one. I recently made a post in OTD (FaWtL to be precise) and while it appears in my profile's post list (currently ninth on the list, probably tenth after posting this), it does not appear in the thread in question, nor does linking to it directly work. While attempting to following the link myself, I noted the post number is 8788537, while the current post count is 107743. This may be why the post doesn't appear, though does not explain why it is mis-numbered, or where it has gone. When FaWtL reaches that number, will the post reappear? Anyways, just thought I'd bring it to someone's attention.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In a recent homebrew campaign, my party found a Talisman of Reluctant Wishes. In short, it grants a wish, but also leaves behind a diamond worth 1,000gp * the Charisma score of the character who activated it. Between this item and another thread I saw on here recently, I was wondering, what's the highest level you can bring an ability score to? I searched a bit, but most discussions seem to end up focusing on STR, since it's so much easier to buff to massive levels. For my own situation, I'm trying to stick to Paizo material, and preferably remaining a playable character, though theory-crafting can be entertaining. :)

Base 18 + Racial 4 + Enhancement 6 + Inherent 5 + Levels 5 + Mighty Rage (Morale) 8 + Courageous (Weapon Quality) 2 + Enlarge Person (Size) 2 = 50

Base 18 + Racial 2 + Enhancement 6 + Inherent 5 + Levels 5 + Mighty Rage (Morale) 8 + Raging Vitality 2 + Courageous (Weapon Quality) 2 = 48

Base 18 + Racial 4 + Enhancement 6 + Inherent 5 + Levels 5 + Urban Controlled Mighty Rage (Morale) 8 + Courageous (Weapon Quality) 2 + Reduce Person (Size) 2 = 50

To be revisited :)

I ran out of time

I'll be back

Dark Archive

Firstly, I'd like to apologise if the answer to this is obvious and I've just overlooked something, or if it has already been answered and I've failed to find it. As I see it often phrased, my search-fu is weak. But on to the question.

So recently, in a campaign I'm in, my Great Axe was enchanted with the abilities of a Sun Blade, sans the bastard sword/short sword bit. It was a boon bestowed upon me by GM fiat (complicated dwarf/vampire story going on, not question important), but it works as the Sun Blade for all intents and purposes.

Another player is a vampire, who is operating with the party by the use of a continuous magic item enchanted with the spell Protective Penumbra.

Party dynamics/GM fiat aside, I'm curious as to what happens, RAW/RAI, if I use the daylight power of the axe while my vampiric ally is within 10 feet of me (or any range within the aura's affect). Would the light created by the Sun Blade override the Protective Penumbra? Would both cancel each other out for her square, and expose her to prevailing conditions, while the daylight fills all other nearby squares normally? If the latter, can she move through the area and have her "exposure to prevailing conditions" follow her, or would she have to stay in the original square in order to avoid exposing herself to the daylight?

I ask on the basis of the Daylight (used to create the Sun Blade), versus Darkness (a darkness descriptor spell of the same level as Protective Penumbra) debate, which I must admit, I am also not 100% clear on. Thanks in advance. :)