
Lirianne - FanGirl0722's page

6 posts. Alias of Andrew Valentin.


Scenario Wrap-Up
2A: Of Swords and Plowshares

Adventure Reward

Scenario Reward
Rally the supporter Ketrik, Boors, or Moise. Lirianne chooses Moise

Tier 2.5 -> 3.0; current XP: 0
Hero Point banked; current total: 4

Deck Upgrade(s)
Jinx Eater (Ally 0) -> Surgeon (Ally 1)

Loot Rolls

Deck Changes
Banished Cards: none
Holes Filled: none
Removed: none

Valeros would draw and auto-acquire the next random blessing: The Tyrant (see post #160), which is Harrow and therefore automatically acquired; the Reading Room is successfully guarded.

Lirianne will summon and defeat a Cultist.

Core Story Bane 1
Traits: Cultist Human
To Defeat: Combat 10+## OR Diplomacy 8+#
If undefeated, examine the top # cards of the hourglass; if any are blessings, shuffle them into your discards.

Combat Breakdown:
Combat 10+1+1= 12
Ranged: Dexterity 1d10+3
Toxic Blunderbuss +1 1d10+1
Bury Toxic Blunderbuss +1 3d6 Poison
Aric's Blessing of Erastil 2d10

Combat 12: 1d10 + 3 + 1d10 + 1 + 3d6 + 2d10 ⇒ (3) + 3 + (9) + 1 + (4, 5, 5) + (6, 4) = 40 Victory!

Scenario Wrap-Up
Lirianne - 6-1B: Tangled Sails

Boon Roll (6-1A: Powder Keg): 1d20 ⇒ 1
Boon Roll (6-1B: Tangled Sails): 1d20 ⇒ 13

Adventure Reward

Scenario Reward
Rally the Supporter: Pathfinder Bodyguard
Each character also earns 1 hero point and 1 xp.

Tier 2.2 -> 2.3
Hero Point spent on Card Feat: Blessing (5)
Immediately fill open slot with Blessing of the Gods (Blessing 0, basic)

Deck Upgrade(s)
Blessing of the Gods (Item 0) -> Blessing of Shax (Blessing 1)

Loot Rolls

Deck Changes
Banished Cards: none
Holes Filled: see above
Removed: none

Out of Turn Temporary Closing

Desecrated Vault
I recharge Emerald of Dexterity to use my Dex die (1d10).
Balazar discards Blessing of Abadar to add one die.

Wisdom 6: 2d10 ⇒ (9, 10) = 19 Success!

Random Open Location: 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12: 1d6 ⇒ 2 Location 8

Turn Order - Aric, Marvaro, Lirianne, Zadim
Turn 36 - Blessing of the Gods

Give Card: None

Move: Stay at Location 8

Explore Card 1: Carrionstorm

Monster 2
Traits: Elite Swarm Undead
To Defeat: Combat 12 OR Divine 8
The Carrionstorm is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If undefeated, return the Carrionstorm to the top of this location deck.

Reveal Shock Musket +1
Combat 12: 1d10 + 3 + 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 3 + (6) + 1 = 20

I end my turn and reset my hand.

Lirianne wrote:

Hand: Blessing of the Gods (1), Emerald of Dexterity, Arquebus, Shock Musket +1, zGuard, Alkenstar Pistol

Deck: 9 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Notes: Arquebus is available to add 1d4 to a combat at another location.

Skills and Powers:

Strength d4 [ ]+1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Dexterity d10 [ X] +1 [ ] +2
- Ranged: Dexterity +2
Constitution d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Intelligence d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
- Craft: Intelligence +1
Wisdom d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d6 [] +1 [ ] +2

Favored Card: Weapon
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons

"When you play a card that has the Firearm trait, if you would bury ([ ] or discard) ([ ] or
it or shuffle it into your deck, you may keep it and perform the required action
with another card instead."
"When you encounter a monster, you may examine the top card of your deck. If it has the
Firearm trait, you may draw it; otherwise, recharge it. ([ ] You may then recharge a card
that has the Firearm trait from your discard pile.)

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:
Middle {Order is not Known}: Chakram Buckler Gun Benevolent Buckler Alchemist's Fire Masterwork Tools Surgeon Jinx Eater Quartermaster Blessing of the Gods (2)
Discard Pile:Blessing of Alkenstar, Blessing of Calistria
Buried Pile:

Actual Starting Hand

Lirianne wrote:

Hand: Shock Musket +1, Alkenstar Pistol, Masterwork Tools, Alchemist's Fire, Blessing of Calistria, Blessing of the Gods (1)

Deck: 10 Discard: 0 Buried: 0

Skills and Powers:

Strength d4 [ ]+1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Dexterity d10 [ X] +1 [ ] +2
- Ranged: Dexterity +2
Constitution d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
Intelligence d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2
- Craft: Intelligence +1
Wisdom d8 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d6 [] +1 [ ] +2

Favored Card: Weapon
Hand Size: 5 [X] 6
Proficient With: Light Armors / Weapons

"When you play a card that has the Firearm trait, if you would bury ([ ] or discard) ([ ] or
it or shuffle it into your deck, you may keep it and perform the required action
with another card instead."
"When you encounter a monster, you may examine the top card of your deck. If it has the
Firearm trait, you may draw it; otherwise, recharge it. ([ ] You may then recharge a card
that has the Firearm trait from your discard pile.)

Deck, Discard, Buried:
Known Top:
Middle {Order is not Known}: Arquebus, Chakram, Buckler Gun, Benevolent Buckler, Emerald of Dexterity, Surgeon, Jinx Eater, Quartermaster, Blessing of Alkenstar, Blessing of the Gods (2)
Discard Pile:
Buried Pile: