Jemet Winderbole

Lawrick Cornad's page

30 posts. Alias of legoguy4492.


Saves: STR 0, DEX +5, CON +2, WIS -1, INT +3, CHA +2 | HP 10/10 | Hit Dice: d8 | AC: 14 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +1 | Passive Perception: 11 | Proficiency Bonus +2

About Lawrick Cornad

Character Sheet
DCI: 8318631400


Session Number:1
Adventure Name:CCC-PDX-01-01 The White Well
DM Name:Aeshuura
XP | Starting:0 | Earned:+525 | Ending:525
GP | Starting:15 | Earned:+47 gp, 92 cp | Ending:93 gp, 92 cp.
DT | Starting:0 | Earned:+5 | Ending:5
Renown | Starting:0 | Earned:+1 | Ending 1
Notes | Divine Portents. For saving his clan and resealing the White Well, you have earned the gratitude of Lumin Fetterbond, a powerful dwarf diviner. You can request that Lumin cast augury to help you see the future at the beginning of an adventure. This spell casting favor can only be used once.